Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Browsing the "vampire" Tag

Don’t Miss This First Look Scene from Interview with the Vampire Season 2

Photo AMC [...]

Entertainment, Entertainment Articles, Entertainment News

Interview with the Vampire S1E3 Recap: Is My Very Nature That of a Devil

Blood and politics make up the third offering of the remake, with Louis coming to terms with his vampirism, and unexpected forces propell him to a breaking point. In Episode three, “Is My Very Nature That of the Devil” we [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

Interview with the Vampire S1E2 Recap: After the Phantoms of Your Former Self

If Episode one “In Throes of Increasing Wonder…” was the appetizer, Episode two, ““After the Phantoms of Your Former Self,” delivers the main course, and boy does it deliver… Die-hard fans of the novels will recognize several scenes in this [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

Interview with the Vampire S1E1 Recap: In Throes of Increasing Wonder

In “Throes of Increasing Wonder…” we’re introduced to the core concept of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles: a journalist interviewing a vampire. But the show swiftly reminds us that it’s more than a remake of the 1973 best-selling novel. We kick [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

True Blood Recap: “Whatever I Am, You Made Me”

by Sarabeth Pollock: True Blood Recap: “Whatever I Am, You Made Me” Original Air Date (HBO): Sunday June 24, 2012 Season 5 Episode 3 Hello again, members of #FangNation.  Tonight’s episode of True Blood had so many twists and turns [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews, True Blood (HBO)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “Own it. Live it. Love it. Stop being ashamed of who you are.”

by Vampire Renee: Vampire Diaries Recap: “Break on Through” Original Air Date (The CW): March 22nd–2012  Season 3 Episode 17 Favorite Quote: “Sweet chime of desperation.” – Sage This episode continues with the investigation into the mysterious attacks that Alaric is [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews, The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “You’re about to have a very, very bad night.”

by Vampire Renee: The Vampire Diaries | 03×15 – 1912 Original Air Date: March 15th–2012 Overview:  Damon recalls murders from 1912 that are eerily similar to a present-day crime spree. Meanwhile, Elena and Matt try to prove that Dr. Fell is a killer and not [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews, The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

Being Human (SyFy) Recap: “The bonds you form with some people will make you look past anything… ignore what they’ve become.”

by Kimmie Chameleon: Being Human Recap: “When I Think About You I Shred Myself” Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday March 12, 2012 Season 2 Episode 9 Being Disillusioned Ever hold onto the past so tightly that you can’t see the present? [...]

Being Human (SyFy), Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

“I wanted to create a character who had real-world problems in a paranormal world.” -MaryJanice Davidson

DarkMedia Interviews MaryJanice Davidson: It’s no secret why MaryJanice Davidson, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Undead (aka Betsy the Vampire) Series, is a success.  Not only does she write fresh, smart, innovative stories featuring characters that never cease to [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews