Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Review: The Batman’s Grave #2

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Warren Ellis continues his boundary-shattering story with The Batman’s Grave #2.

In this issue fans see a different side of Bruce and Alfred as they work together to solve the mystery at hand. And that’s what makes this such a great tale: This is Batman being a detective, and Ellis has him doing it with gusto. The interplay between Batman, Commissioner Gordon and Alfred is absolutely brilliant. Seeing Alfred talking about what a toll this is taking on him presents a very human look at what it would be like to be the Dark Knight’s faithful companion. 

If you took all of the words out of The Batman’s Grave you’d be left with Bryan Hitch’s stunning artwork. The word “stunning” doesn’t even capture how magnificent the art is. Batman explodes from the page while Alfred’s exhaustion and Gordon’s grim determination really shine through. Alex Sinclair’s colors are perfectly balanced between appropriately muted and explosively vibrant. What a freaking team in Hitch and Sinclair. 

The Batman’s Grave #2

Writer: Warren Ellis

Art: Bryan Hitch

Colors: Alex Sinclair

Letters: Richard Starkings

The Batman’s Grave #2 cover. Photo: DC Comics

The Batman’s Grave #2. Photo: DC Comics

The Batman’s Grave #2 is the second installment of a planned 12-part story and it’s off to a wonderful start. Out Wednesday, November 13, 2019.

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About The Author

Sarabeth Pollock is the Senior Contributing Editor for Dark Media. She covers a little bit of everything, from TV shows and movies to comic books and pop culture. She’s an avid writer, reader, and pop culture fan and regular attendee at San Diego Comic Con. Follow her on Twitter at @SarabethPollock

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