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Lost Girl Recap: “Faetal Attraction”

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by Kimmie:

Original Air Date on SyFy: Monday February 6, 2012
Season 1 Episode 4

Dangerous Liaisons 

Too excited to wait any longer, Kenzi screams at Bo to wake up and tell her all of the “hairy” details about how things went with Dyson. Bo sadly tells her that the only thing he wants from her is sex as needed, and that she stumbled upon him with another woman. Kenzi points out that Bo has never been rejected and she will help her get through it. Kenzi then takes Bo out to smash abandoned cars to get her anger out. Through much convincing, Bo accepts Kenzi’s offer to go out for drinks at the Dal.

Meanwhile, Dyson has lost complete control of his anger. He reveals to his partner Hale that the stress of holding down his police dept.job, the Fae, and now handling Bo…have all left him on edge. Dyson is ordered by the police chief to make an appointment with a therapist. Dyson reluctantly arranges it, and then invites Hale along for a drink at the Dal.

Doctor Lauren spots a completely hammered Bo and warns her about drinking too much. Bo unabashedly just flirts back and Kenzi points out the sexual sparks that she sees flying between the two of them. After Lauren leaves, a man named Samir introduces himself to Bo. He invites Bo to join him and his wife, Olivia, back to their place. Samir explains that his wife is an Erinys…a Fury. They are both interested in an evening with Bo. Bo turns them down, but when Dyson shows up she quickly changes her mind and invites Samir and Olivia to come to her place, right in front of Dyson.

Jealous Fury

An amazing threesome ensues and the next morning Bo thanks a hung over Kenzi for suggesting she have rebound sex. Olivia shows up at Bo’s door and wants to hire her to kill Samir. Bo listens as Olivia explains that Samir has been ‘schucking’ (having sex with a human) behind her back with a lady that worked for them one time as a florist. This lady is named Jenny, and Olivia states that she and Samir agreed to “no snacking behind each other’s backs”. To make things worse, Olivia believes that Samir has feelings for Jenny. She says she would kill Jenny herself, but she is a Light Fae and that is frowned upon. Bo refuses to take the job and Olivia storms off. Kenzi and Bo decide they need to warn Jenny.

Bo gets to Jenny’s house just in time to stop Olivia from killing her. Olivia puts her Fury skills on display and tries to get into Bo’s mind with her eyes but Bo grabs a nearby toaster and puts it between them so that Olivia looks into her own reflection. Olivia’s mental state goes haywire from seeing her own reflection.

Star-Crossed Lovers

Kenzi and Bo run off with Jenny and take her back to their place. They explain to Jenny that Olivia put a hit on her. Bo then goes to Samir’s house and finds an infuriated Olivia leaving the house. Bo enters the room where Samir is sitting, but sees that he has been brutally beheaded. Bo returns to tell Jenny that Samir was killed by Olivia. As Jenny bawls over the news of Samir’s death, Bo takes the edge off her grief by touching her. This touch is enough to snap Jenny back into a more peaceful state of mind, but she now seems to be smitten with Bo.

Dyson and Hale end up first on the scene of Samir’s body to investigate the crime. Dyson picks up on the scent of Bo, and heads over to question her. Bo offers up everything she knows and Dyson must now go and question Olivia’s sisters that are all Furies about where she is hiding.

Dyson and Hale go to Olivia’s sisters’ house where she is staying, but they say that Olivia refuses to come out of her room. Hale is a Siren, so he coaxes Olivia out by using his gift of whistling. They take her into the Fae clinic and the Ash demands that Bo be present. Bo arrives at the clinic to see a hysterical Olivia going into convulsions. Olivia is able to eek out one audible sentence and that is that she did not kill her husband Samir. She suffers a massive seizure and dies instantly. The Ash now wants all of the details about what happened from Bo. She abides, and then heads home.

Back at home, Kenzi is keeping an eye out for Jenny, but then Jenny starts acting very possessive and jealous of the relationship Kenzi has with Bo. Kenzi catches on, and excuses herself while she goes to rummage through Jenny’s bag. Kenzi is absolutely shocked to find a bloody chainsaw and Samir’s head inside Jenny’s duffle bag. Jenny knocks out Kenzi and takes off with her to go back to her house.

When Bo arrives home, she receives a phone call from Dyson, and he tells her that there has been a lengthy history of Samir reporting that Jenny was obsessed and stalking him. Samir had said in the reports he kept from his wife, that he had a one night stand with Jenny. As Dyson is reading this to Bo, she sees that Samir’s head is lying on her bed with a note. She reads it to Dyson, and they both are in a mad dash to save Kenzi from this psychotic killer. Bo should have never soothed Jenny with that touch earlier because it made her obsessed with Bo.

Bo appears at Jenny’s house where Jenny is holding Kenzi at gunpoint. Bo calmly tries to seduce the gun out of Jenny’s hand and also retrieve the bomb detonator she has rigged up to blow up the entire structure. Just as Jenny is about to give in to Bo, Olivia’s two sisters barge in and attack them. Bo manages to get away with Kenzi outside of the building before the bomb explodes.

Later that night at the Dal, Bo tells Dyson that she can handle an arrangement of being just “friends with benefits”and not have emotional attachments. The two agree to this and kiss each other…but that kiss fools none of us!

Quotable Quotes:

Kenzi to Bo:  “Oh my God! Total 9-1-1! Goblins have stormed our kitchen, and they are eating our sugar pops!” 

Bo to Kenzi:  “You are the Kenziest Kenzi ever!”

Hale to Dyson:  “You think it was a misadventure with a carving knife?”

Bo to Dyson: “So, you wanna get friendly at your place or mine?”

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