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Lost Girl Recap: “Dead Lucky”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Original Air Date on SyFy: Monday February 13, 2012
Season 1 Episode 5

 We Have Rules Around Here

After an intense romp with each other, Dyson suggests that he and Bo lay down some rules to clarify their ‘friends with benefits’ relationship. Rules are:

1. No ‘morning after’ breakfast together. (No hanging around)

2. Keep the sex arrangement a secret. (except for Kenzi)

3. No questions asked if someone wants out of the arrangement.

4. Dyson can’t object to Bo’s private investigation cases, and Bo has to divulge all details about the cases she takes.

5. They are not exclusive to each other.

Although Dyson knows that this stings, he offers to escort Bo to her car, but she refuses and walks out. Too bad, because as she leaves, a group of men kidnap her at gunpoint. They take her to a Chinese food restaurant, where she tries to escape, but is simply touched by Mayer, who reveals to her that he feeds off of other’s luck. She trips and falls, and can not escape. He wants to hire her because he is a Dark Fae and she can go places that Dark Fae aren’t allowed. He works as a bookie, feeding off of the luck of humans and able to stay wealthy and in good standing with the Morrigan. He is upset because a human named Roger duped him the night before. Mayer explains to Bo that he had drained Roger of all his luck and was supposed to lose a huge horse race bet, but against all odds, he won the bet! This infuriated Mayer and now he wants Roger found. Knowing that Bo won’t readily accept the case, he tempts her with a payment of a 10 minute reading with his niece Cassie, an Oracle. Cassie will be able to tell Bo information about where she comes from and who her parents are. To convince Bo’s cooperation, he gives her a free taste. Cassie is an obnoxious young woman, but proves her valid insight by reading into Bo’s past. She tells Bo that she sees Bo’s first sexual experience when she was 18 years old and killed her boyfriend on accident. Bo is haunted by this memory, but agrees to take the case because Cassie might prove to be a useful payment. Bo leaves the restaurant with a security-cam snapshot that Mayer gave her and takes it straight to Dyson to analyze. Dyson hates that Bo is working for a Dark Fae, but Bo reminds him that Rule #4 states that he can’t object to the cases she takes. Dyson prints out Roger’s current address, and Bo and Kenzi shoot straight over to his house…but not before Kenzi takes a brief private moment to express her anger toward Dyson for being an uncaring jerk to Bo.

Dead Man’s Party

Bo and Kenzi arrive at Roger’s house and realize that the party that is currently underway is actually a wake for Roger. When Kenzi asks Roger’s wife when he “bit it,” she tearfully answers “two days ago.” Bo and Kenzi become extremely perplexed because the bet that Roger made was only one day ago.

Kenzi and Bo end up at the Dal for some after work drinks, and ask Trick how a human could be dead and walking around placing bets. Trick tells them that there is such a thing possible. The Chinese call them Hsien…and others refer to them as “body jumpers”. He explains that they can leave their body for a while and inhabit a recently deceased human just by touching them. Dyson chimes in that he personally knows a Light Fae Hsien named Eddie that works at a morgue and takes Bo with him to question Eddie. Eddie convinces them that he is not responsible for the bet gone awry, but had heard that a Hsien named Lucas is in town.

Seymour Butt

Bo and Dyson decide that they must ask Mayer if he knows of anybody wanting to make him look bad in front of the Dark Fae, particularly the Morrigan. They understand that he wants to keep the case under wraps before anybody finds out that there is a rogue Fae among them. The only possible Fae he can think of wanting to do him harm, is another fellow gambler Jasper.

Kenzi and Bo get all fancy and sassy to attend an underground gambling den so that they can confront Jasper about whether or not he is to blame for Mayer’s losses. While Kenzi eagerly participates in one of her favorite activities, Bo tries to unsuccessfully seduce Jasper. He attacks Bo with his frost bite, and nearly kills her. Kenzi saves the day again, and rushes Bo straight to Dyson. Bo takes every last bit of Dyson’s sexual energy to heal. The noise that this causes catches the attention of Trick and he is upset by the arrangement that Bo and Dyson have created for each other. Just as Dyson is zipping up his pants, Eddie calls him in a panic saying, “He’s here!” Dyson and Bo jet over to the morgue and find Eddie acting strangely. Bo figures out that Lucas has killed Eddie and jumped into his body. Eddie locks Dyson in a freezer and proceeds to try and kill Bo. Dyson escapes just in time and forces Lucas to reveal why he is involved with duping Mayer. Lucas reveals that he was forced by Mayer’s nephew, Seymour, to commit the act. Bo and Dyson decide to take Lucas to Mayer’s place so he can tell him himself.

When Lucas tells Mayer that his own nephew Seymour is to blame, Mayer becomes infuriated and banishes Seymour from the family. They don’t want a word getting out to anybody about this betrayal. Seymour tells Mayer that he wanted respect and Mayer wasn’t treating him with any. Such an immature way of trying to gain respect from your elders!

Bo now wants to cash in on her payment. She sits down with Cassie for a reading. As Cassie searches for answers, she screams in terror. She tells Bo that her mother is still alive and searching for her. She also tells Bo that fate has some serious plans for her.

Quotable Quotes

Trick to Bo:  “Humans are for feeding off of…not wearing.” 

Kenzi to Mayer:  “You just got stiffed…literally.”

Kenzi to Dyson: “Dude! Your junk can cure cancer!”

Lucas to Bo: “I’m gonna wear your corpse as a coat.”
Bo to Lucas: “I’m calling P.E.T.A.” 

Mayer to Dyson: “Bad peace is better than good war.”

Dyson to Kenzi: “You back on Team Dyson?”
Kenzi to Dyson: “You wish.”
Dyson to Kenzi: “Come on….we have t-shirts!”

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