Monday, March 31, 2025

Jordan Reyne & Anarchy: A Short Story-Writing Competition!

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Jordan Reyne, New Zealand’s premiere bloodthirsty Celtic rock and machine sounds superhero, has teamed up with Anarchy Books to bring you a dazzling short story writing competition!

Jordan Reyne’s new album, Children of a Factory Nation, is released September 2011 and follows a family who lived in Wales in the late 1800’s during the Industrial Revolution. Like many alive in their time, they faced problems relating to difficult working conditions, poverty, and the tyranny of circumstance. This album constructs stories from facts known about Johnathan, Mary, their children Molly & Thomas, and grandchild Wynne.

The competition is to write a short story surrounding any character or sets of characters from Children of a Factory Nation using Jordan Reyne’s lyrics or hte facts about the characters as a starting point. The competition will be judged by Andy Remic, SFF author and co-owner of Anarchy Books, John Jarrold, esteemed agent with decades of experience in the publishing industry as both editor and agent, David Bradley, Editor of the fabulous SFX magazine, Lee Harris, editor at Angry Robot Books, James Lovegrove, SFF New York Times bestselling author, Gary McMahon, rising star of the Horror Genre (and all-round nice-guy beer drinker), Jared Shurin of popular online magazine Pornokitsch, and the incredible Hugo award winner Ellen Datlow, veteran editor in horror and SFF fields.

First prize is publication in the album’s accompanying magazine and on the website, £100, a t-shirt, signed copy of the album Children of a Factory Nation, and the first three Anarchy Books ebook releases, in all digital formats. Three runners up will receive a signed copy of Jordan Reyne’s new album.

Stories should be no longer than 3000 words, and submitted digitally in a single file (either .doc, .rtf or .pdf) 

Deadline for final entries is Sunday 14th August. The winner(s) will be announced on Sunday 28th August. Authors must be willing to give 6 months exclusivity on the story if they win the competition. Happy writing!!



ANARCHY BOOKS, part of ANARCHY MEDIA, is a radical new publishing company. Our focus is on multi-strand publishing projects, concepts which combine different media to present a wider experience for the entertainment junkie.

Our first project, SERIAL KILLERS INCORPORATED, is a thriller novel by ANDY REMIC, genre author of SPIRAL, QUAKE, WARHEAD, WAR MACHINE, BIOHELL, HARDCORE, CLONEWORLD, KELL’S LEGEND, SOUL STEALERS and VAMPIRE WARLORDS, with the music album provided by TH3 M1SS1NG and short film created by GRUNGE FILMS. The novel and album were released April 2011. Our second novel is THE OFFICE OF LOST AND FOUND by Vincent Holland-Keen, a homage to Douglas Adams, and we have many more upcoming titles by popular authors such as Eric Brown, James Lovegrove, Jeffrey Thomas, Tony Ballantyne and Neal Asher, to name but a few.

Run from the UK and publishing worldwide, ANARCHY BOOKS aims to move forward the ever-expanding publishing boundaries of digital media with energy, originality, multi-strand projects and anarchy. Like the explosive punk movement of the 70s, ANARCHY BOOKS is detonating with a view to the future of rapidly accelerating digital concept media.

Long live ANARCHY in the UK!! 

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DarkMedia is dedicated to bringing you all the latest from the "darker" side of entertainment, music, literature, art, and things that go bump in the night.

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