Saturday, March 1, 2025

All posts by DarkMedia

Death Imitating Art

by Richard Jay Parker: Was chatting with another writer this week about a storyline she formulated which outlined the perfect murder. She then became concerned that putting it out there might inspire somebody to copy the method. Is it likely [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Grave Robbers Point

by Jill C. Kirkham: The cemetery has long been, if you’ll excuse me, a favourite haunt of mine. I find it very soothing, especially in the fall. I love to walk the narrow tree lined paths, and read epitaphs or talk [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Ghost, What Are You?

by Dr. Kimberly Rackley: If you ask ten different people what a ghost is, chances are you will be told ten different definitions or opinions. I believe that you can not correctly define a ghost or any essence until its [...]

Paranormal, Research and Opinion

“We had no interest in drawing a monster. We wanted to see a good, patriotic man, and watch him as he makes bad choices, and things get away from him…. We want people to weep for him.” -A.J. Hartley

DarkMedia Interviews A.J. Hartley: Shakespeare’s Macbeth is frequently referred to as “The Scottish Play” or “The Scottish Tragedy” by those who believe the name itself invokes a curse when spoken inside a theatre.  Its legend of death and disaster goes [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Jordan Reyne & Anarchy: A Short Story-Writing Competition!

Jordan Reyne, New Zealand’s premiere bloodthirsty Celtic rock and machine sounds superhero, has teamed up with Anarchy Books to bring you a dazzling short story writing competition! Jordan Reyne’s new album, Children of a Factory Nation, is released September 2011 and follows a family who lived in Wales [...]

Arts and Literature, Promotions

“Biohazard has always been straight up and in your face, on every album, we didn’t pull punches or tip toe around certain issues, we say what we mean and mean what we say.” -Billy Graziadei

DarkMedia interviews Billy Graziadei of Biohazard: Biohazard is an iconic Metal band originally based out of Brooklyn, New York. Pioneers in the music industry, they are acknowledged as one of the earliest bands to fuse hardcore punk and heavy metal with [...]

Entertainment, Interviews, Music, Music Interviews

Voices in the Dark

By Dr. Alex Scully: The darkness has an allure. Taken at face value, this is just a phrase scrolling across your average gothic board. Reach beneath the surface, however, and you will find something lurking there. Scholarship, academia, and intellectualism [...]

Arts and Literature

And the Lightening Splits the Sky! An Interview With Author Michael J. Lee

by Alex Mcdermott: When the thunder rolls and the lightening splits the sky you know Dr. Frankenstein will be in his lab. Mary Shelley challenged us to question the nature of humanity with her monster and the sinister doctor who created [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Eyes of the Bersai: The Relic

They began when the world remained shrouded in shadow and mankind had not yet evolved into being. The first of their kind, a male and a female, happened to find one another amidst the barren landscape and forged a home [...]

Arts and Literature