Monday, March 3, 2025

“Writing or reading any literature will create an “image” through the words, or the reasons you’re writing the words. Darko Image is about being yourself and not forgetting.” -David Darko

DarkMedia Interviews David Darko:

Drummer David Darko is a force to be reckoned with.

Just last week, he announced his departure from Vampires Everywhere!, the band that made him famous, with an immediate resolve to show the world just what he can do all on his own.  More than a musician, or even a man, David Darko is an idea; a philosophy, born in the mind of a young boy who not only overcame death itself, but the terrifying possibility that he’d be paralyzed forever.

Fearless and determined, it’s clear to anyone who speaks with David that he has a lust not only for music, but for life.  And perhaps it’s the mark of those who have seen death and walked the other way.  That they would live more passionately, and with a greater ferocity, than most.

DarkMedia had the distinct privilege of being the first to ever speak with David about David.  And the results are nothing short of what you’d expect from a man like David Darko: forthright, impassioned, exciting and unfiltered.  This is someone who truly loves music, life, his fans, and putting on one helluva show.

Sit down and strap yourselves in, folks.  David Darko plans to take you all for a ride.

Having just separated with Vampires Everywhere!, this has been a big week for you in the media. Can you explain what it’s been like for you since the announcement? Most importantly, what would you like your fans, and detractors, to know about your decisions?

I didn’t think the doomsday would come this soon, and I didn’t expect David Darko and #darkoimage to be the hype it is for a few who know what really, really, really good is.

Having made the announcement (on my personal  Twitter and Facebook  accounts) about leaving a band that’s on its way to the top “if the world wishes”, turned out exactly how I needed it to.  It’s great knowing that a lot of #thedarkoparty and fans are taking my decision to leave very well.  They make the effort to tell me every day on the web that they believe in what #darkoimage is all about, and compliment the drumming I did on the album “Kiss The Sun Goodbye”.

The “media” are those who have seen me perform live, and they say I put on a great performance that not only is ear candy with sick beats — but is an experience!  It’s brilliant.  The media has been a group of awesome people who inspire me to move forward with something I truly believe people need — just to spice up the market of today’s rock and entertainment culture.  I’m looking towards the media in the future, when everything I have in the works is slowly put out there for the audience.  So, let me be a part of your life.

The begining for me was not two years ago when VE! stepped in the scene, but over a decade and a half ago.  I’ve gotten a chance to meet and tour with amazing bands who I’ve managed  to become homies with, and met the people of this world who keep the music alive.  And then some that don’t  know which band sings “Smells Like Teen Spirit” .

Some, or all, of you sometimes wonder where my head is while I do my thing (#darkospace).  Well, I’ve never in my life jumped because of “what is in or out”.  My goal in life included me! hustling, and not stepping but flying over some of the people I’ve known growing up in the late 1980s and rocking the 1990s scene ’til now.

I can start pussy drama all day between bands to become more famous, or I can take the world by its nips and twist… That shit hurts, yo.

Everyone is gonna love what I do.  I’m done in #darkoplanet — it’s passed the 7th day.  Now to put my shit to work.

And now that I’m over that spell, I’ll give you guys a show.  I can be me now.  I want you to keep asking yourself, “What is he going to do next?”

I think I made the band more famous by leaving, which is totally a true fact.  But if I dont keep up with me, then my name will just fade away.  My plans are too big to let this mojo settle down.  Believe it or not, I’ve got my hands on the stars.  And why look up to someone who despises the world you’re in?  I like it dark, I love the game, and I love what I love.

Make fun of me for not knowing what you know, but it’s true: a bullshitter can fool a bullshitter if the medicine, or spell, is used properly — right back to the creator.

It’s always easy to get into this industry through the back door, and cause some shit, but that goes to show how everyone has lost their heads again; not remembering what a real MTV Music Award was like, or taking a stand like we did in concerts, and keeping traditions.  It all leads down to bands mind-fucking each and every one of you with pussy drama.

When’s the last time we came together?  We all respect the Beatles, so, years from now, let’s give back something respectable for the future — and not stand by IDGAF just to be next year’s hit band.

My media is you guys, and one interview cannot describe what I am… Boats N’ Hoes.

Anyone who knows you on Twitter can see how important the #darkoimage is to you, and your vision for your music. What is that vision? When you put your name on something, what does it mean to you?

There’s so many thoughts flowing through me, I get over-the-edge excited when I’m asked about what my visions are, or what the unfinished meaning of #darkoimage is.  Because it goes beyond the works of just being on stage and playing music.

As much as I’m exploring my mind to answer these questions, and holding back from starting a bashing bands fiesta for a little bit of fame, I want the rockers, rappers, hipsters, vampires, and celebrities (whatever genre scene it may be) to use the mind to its potential and find something they would enjoy — like I do as a drummer/entertainer.

Writing or reading any literature will create an “image” through the words, or the reasons you’re writing the words.

Darko Image is about being yourself and not forgetting.

I almost feel like I have to put on makeup and do everything that all the bands are doing, almost identically, today — just to be noticed.  Shit’s respectable but ya kno dood fosho, I’m tired of a reaching out with a crew to only be catagorized as “one of those bands”.

I promise when we get a chance to meet  it’ll be willllllllllllld.

So, you wanna know my vision for what I believe in?  My music, my drumming, my show, and you.

“I do me the best.” -#darkocode

From classical 20th century to the gnarliest shredding metal machine prodigies, there’s a groove that all music has in common and we all know it.  Exploring every beat of a measure is the fun part.  I busted my ass, like many, to get
to where I’m at, and I’m here because I do what I do with everyday, hard working people as my audience.

We should never be alone or have to die alone.

We all need someone to have those crazy conversations with, because you trust them or because there is no one else.  I’m not a preacher or a leader, but a reminder who likes to get shit done.

#darkoimage is like a fortune cookie with words of encouragement.  The only happiness I find is on stage with #myview of you guys in the pit.

The shows I will be a part of will be a series of images. #darkoimage is about Sexy, Side Shows, and Rock ‘n Roll: I keep it interesting so you can be interested.

Here’s #darkoplanet to put in your mix: Don’t force anything upon yourself, but force yourself to enjoy life a little.  Don’t just get cooped up working 24/7 on what you only want ‘cuz you’ll gain more enemies than real friends — with a side of going mentally insane!

Money will buy you friends, and a helicopter to go find excitement and more friends, but we all can’t experience each other’s lives, and friends don’t let friends die alone.  I sure ain’t gonna wait for those fossiled worms six feet under to be my only companions when I’m dead.  Wild, worms and  zombies genius!

Heads up — If you try me, I’ll blow you a kiss and then drink all your whiskey.

“Why all the hashtags, Darko?”  It’s honestly just a tag for what I write, so I can remind myself how I feel when I’m doing curtain things, and take a glance into all those other hashtaged, labeled, chaptered stories of events, so we can have a future conversation on lock.  A trending topic even outside of Twitter with my friends and such.

My recent band VE! would also use it as a reference to knowing what I’m talking about or experiencing.  But, then, after I left the band, some members still used my hash marks to find a way to rant on me!  Good trend?  I believe so.

#darko______ (fill in the blank).

All of you feeling in need of a monster, to kick back some activities, such as trying to live a Hollywood life, lets fucking do it.  And those forcing yourself into something you’re not, and who can’t find your inner-monster, join the party where a group of people all over this world (communicating via web) come together for music.  I’ll be throwing the bombest parties ‘cuz I’ll be touring this world, making sure your respect for me is paid back with a show of entertainment and big lights, wasssafosho.  Give me my drums and a stage, and some good ‘ole Rock MUSIC! will be made.

A good party or performace  with “interests” is what you make it. #darkoimage

WTF!?  Lets party.

Earlier this week you said, “I want to be famous for something better”. In a perfect world, what would you like to be famous for?

“In a perfect world” -@XxAaronGravesxX

Nah, I just don’t want to be blacklisted from touring with other musicians.  But I leave room to cause a scene.

You’ve recently been talking about your near death experience, when you were hit by a car and temporarily paralized. That must have been a terrifying experience. How do you think that’s affected you as a person? How has it affected you as a musician?

How different do you think your life would be if that never had happened? Looking at where you are now, have you come to the point where you’re grateful for the experience, or is it still painful to remember?

The last view I remember was me in a helicopter with my mother by my side.  Even though it was at a young age, it goes to show that I’ve always been surviving.

The biggest scare of your life is when you’re told the one you love the most won’t be normal like the other kids; won’t be able to talk or move around normally, and would be in a wheelchair.  Or that there’s a slight chance of your son dying  if  he doesn’t wake up.

For the first couple months, growing up was terrifying.  But it didn’t take long before I was back on my skateboard, building ramps to see the next object we could jump over.  My whole life, I’ve always brought people together.  And, honestly, it’s because I saw death.  Meeting Mr. Death is like touring the world; cuz I can talk about it when people aren’t able to survive a close-to-deadly wreck, or can’t afford  to travel as much as I do.

Death Death Death.  Alright, cool, I get that it’s something people can exploit themselves with.

It’s a miracle I’m alive today, and playing drums like an animal.

As a musician growing up, I’ve become better on a variety of instruments — cuz I can see music in a way most people I’ve worked with can’t.  Haha, it’s amazing.  I want you to think I’m crazy, or look beyond what the normal musician should be, because of this experience.

I’m totally grateful I got to spend a part of my life with disabilities.  I would have to be on one to try to guess what my life wouldve been without my accident.

I can rock your face off now, thanks.

Ask my blood brother for more his view.  He was there for  the whole event.

The question on everyone’s mind right now is, “What’s next for David Darko?” Can you tell us what we can expect from you in the future? Musically, what will you do and where will you go from here? Are there surprises up your sleeve?

Expect a new band hitting the charts.  Expect a huge crowd at my shows.  Expect the unexpected.

A lot has been in the works, and now is time to let the industry know wasssa.  Tapping into different worlds of  entertainment is giving the #darkoimage a chance to spread like a wildfire.

I will be the drummer for a band that Alex (my blood brother and ex-VE! member) and I have been working on. We chose some dope musicians that will be a part of this show.  My plans are in the works, and you’ll be presented with online videos and music soon!

You’ve seen what’s been done, and I’ve done it.

David Darko and #darkoimage will be a show in itself. It will consist of sexy side shows, rock ‘n roll, bomb-ass parties, and if you take life too serious — you’re not welcome.  I’ve been in the studio and experimenting on ideas that are wild.

So lets do it.

Lets grow with it.  Expect some Darko swag, and the media to say, “Holy shit this beats bomb.”  It’s starting, and it won’t ruin great classic movies shot in 1987, or be a fake mirrored image of a respectable rockstar.

Why so serioussss?  Lame… lets cause some shit.

I don’t really have anything else to say, I’ll be the party in the middle with a maze surrounding  me.

Finally, what’s the best way for your fans to support you, both now and in the future?

I believe in you as much as you believe in me.

As a drummer and entertainer I keep it fresh.

I can’t ask for anything from you guys but to keep me alive, cuz this show’s out of control.  My plan consists of  calling out this band for all the shit that has been spoken about everyone who has been involved in my life.

Imagine what’s spoken about your life.

I’m all about my fans.

David Darko is currently featured on  DarkMediaCity, a free social network for those who like it Dark.  Whether it be literature or film, music or art, horror or sci-fi, paranormal romance or paranormal investigation, we’ve got something for you.

He can also be found spreading the #darkolove on Twitter at @David_Darko.

(All interviews are the exclusive property of DarkMedia, and may not be reproduced or shared without permission, excepting links to the interview.)

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DarkMedia is dedicated to bringing you all the latest from the "darker" side of entertainment, music, literature, art, and things that go bump in the night.