Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Walking Dead S4E15 “Us” Recap

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Original Airdate: March 23, 2014

We reunite with Glenn and Abraham and Dr. Eugene Porter, who likes to talk about everything, from how the dinosaurs died out to homemade batteries to what kinds of games Tara liked to play.  Abraham settles in for watch duty and relieves Tara from guard duty.  He thinks it’s noble that she’s trying to help Glenn find his girlfriend, and he’s noticed that she was checking Rosita out.  She says that Abraham was in the military so he understands the necessity of missions, but what happens afterward?

The next day as Dr. Eugene Porter (sorry, I just like saying his name) continues to talk Tara’s ear off, she notices a signpost up ahead.  “Glenn, go to Terminus.  Maggie, Sasha, Bob.”  Tara’s eyes are wide as she looks back to Abraham and the others.  Glenn wastes no time running down the tracks.  For the first time in a long time, he looks happy.

Daryl’s new gang dozes in a forest.  They have a barbed wire alarm system to stay safe.  They notice that Daryl is gone, but he left his stuff.  He’ll be back.

Rick tells Michonne and Carl that they have a day’s worth of water left.  But no one is listening.  His companions are walking the rail tightrope style, trying to win a bet.  Michonne falls and Carl takes the candy bar from her.  Rick watches with a grin.

Daryl is about to kill a rabbit when one of the men fires and kills the rabbit before Daryl’s arrow hits.  He “claims” the rabbit, and then he wonders if Daryl is out on his own for “losing a piece of tail.”  When he pushes the wrong button, Daryl starts to attack, but Joe stops him. Daryl needs to learn to claim things now that he’s in their gang.  “Going it alone” and “Survival of the fittest” is a paradox, Joe says, and claiming things is the way he keeps everyone from “going Darwin” every so often.  Len wants Daryl to be taught, but their new leader wants none of that.  He cuts the rabbit in half.

Glenn and the gang stop at a tower to rest.  Glenn wants to keep pushing on, but Abraham wants to stop and rest.  He says they should go up into the tower, but then a Walker comes out of the tower.  Tara backs up and trips as the Walker splatters all over the ground.  She hurts her knee but insists that she can continue.  This leads to a heated debate, but in the end they decide that if she can keep going, they should keep going.

Joe asks Daryl what the plan is.  He wants to know what Daryl is going to do when he eventually parts ways with their gang.  They joke about not being friendly, and Joe says that people don’t have to be friendly; they just have to “follow the rules.”  Claim, don’t steal, and don’t lie.  That’s it.  If men like them follow those rules, they can rule the world.  Daryl says that he’s not part of them, but for the time being, he is.  “There’s nothing sadder than seeing an outdoor cat who thinks he’s an indoor cat,” Joe says.

Glenn finds another message from Maggie and realizes that they’re getting closer.  They’re also at the mouth of a huge, dark tunnel.  You can hear the Walkers inside.  They can’t go around it.  Abraham points out that it is a long dark tunnel and he can’t risk Dr. Porter’s life going inside, so they have to part ways.  Abraham shares their supplies and wishes Glenn well.  Rosita gives Tara a long hug.  Dr. Porter doesn’t mince words: “You are both good people, but I have to say you’re seriously hot, Tara.”  They separate, and Glenn tells Tara that he knows what she is going through after losing his own family.  He gets it.  She says she knew that Brian’s plan to take the prison sounded bad.  She saw her dead girlfriend, her dead niece, and it wasn’t as bad as seeing what he did to Hershel.  That’s when she knew how bad it was.

Joe’s gang enters the warehouse where they plan to stay the night.  It’s full of old cars and it doesn’t take long for the men to claim everything.  Daryl drops onto the floor and naps, not bothering with the “claimed” BS.

In the tunnel, Glenn and Tara come across a wall of debris full of trapped Walkers.  Judging by the dampness, the cave-in happened earlier in the day.  They climb to the top of the wall to find that the other side is full of Walkers.  They can’t go through the tunnel.  Glenn makes sure that Maggie isn’t in the herd of Walkers.  She made it.  He wants to go through, but Tara says they have to find another way.

Abraham peers inside a minivan with the message “Let Momma Be” on the window.  Momma is inside and Abraham kills her.  They let the car air out while Dr. Porter tells Rosita that he should get a do-over his mistake with the gun.  He rambles on before she finally relents.

Glenn’s plan is to lure the Walkers to one side and sneak down the other side.  He makes it, but of course Tara has to fall and get her foot pinned against the wall.  She’s stuck.

Dr. Porter tells Rosita to turn left for the third time so that they end up on the tracks again.  He tricked her into returning to the other side of the tunnel so that they can wait for Glenn and Maggie.  Even after they get to Washington and he saves the day, he still has to live with himself, Porter points out.  They argue, which wakes up Abraham.  Abraham is pissed that Rosita listened to him, and while they argue, Porter sees something in the distance.

Daryl is awakened by Len, who claims that Daryl stole his half of the rabbit.  Sure enough, when Joe empties Daryl’s bag, the rabbit falls out.  Len is ready to teach Daryl a lesson, but Joe stops him.  He asks Daryl if he stole the rabbit, and Daryl says no, that Len must have planted it when he went to the bathroom.  Len says he didn’t do it either, which presents Joe with a conundrum.  He then delivers a vicious uppercut to Len’s jaw, and tells the other guys to make him pay.  Joe saw Len plant it, and he needs to pay for that.  Daryl told the truth.  That means a lot.

Glenn works to free Tara’s leg.  He can’t get it free, and so she tells him to go without her.  He refuses, so she screams at him.  He pulls out his gun and starts shooting but he quickly runs out of bullets.  That’s when a vehicle approaches and someone yells “get down!”  The Walkers are taken out, and when Glenn looks up, he sees Maggie standing there.  They hug and kiss and stare lovingly at each other.

Glenn conducts introductions and tells Maggie that he couldn’t have made it without Tara.  He says that she’s the kind of person who wanted to help when she heard what he was doing.  Sasha is shocked when she finds out that Porter knows what caused the outbreak.  Abraham says they should continue on to Washington, but Porter says that it wouldn’t hurt to get to Terminus to see what they have that might help them get to Washington.  Abraham listens when Porter talks, so they will go to Terminus, and then Washington.

Later that night, Maggie and Glenn share stories of how they got to that point.  As they prepare for bed, Maggie finds the picture that Glenn was carrying of her.  She burns it because he’ll never need another picture of her ever again.

Daryl notes the puddle of blood the next morning.  He follows it outside to find Len on the ground with an arrow in his head.  Bye, Len.  Later, Joe shares his moonshine with Daryl, who laughs that he hasn’t been drunk before dawn since before the change.  Joe says that the world seems to be falling into place.  They see a sign for Terminus and Joe reveals that Terminus is not a sanctuary for all.  Would they really allow guys like them into a place like that?  Not likely.  They’ve been on the trail of a guy who killed one of their men while hiding in a house they’d taken over.  Tony saw the guy’s face and they tracked him to the train tracks.  Yep. These guys are after Rick.

Glenn’s group arrives at Terminus.  Oddly, the compound is unlocked.  Terminus is a giant building with trees and sunflowers.  A message says to lower weapons.  But it’s empty.  Well, empty save for a woman named Mary.  She welcomes them with open arms.

Okay.  Is it me, or is Terminus creepy?  I don’t know if I’d stick around a place like that.  Where is everyone?  Yeah, no thank you.

Are you ready for next week?  Leave your thoughts and comments below!

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About The Author

Sarabeth Pollock is the Senior Contributing Editor for Dark Media. She covers a little bit of everything, from TV shows and movies to comic books and pop culture. She’s an avid writer, reader, and pop culture fan and regular attendee at San Diego Comic Con. Follow her on Twitter at @SarabethPollock

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