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True Bood Season 7 Premire “Jesus Gonna Be Here” Recap

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Original Airdate (HBO):  June 22, 2014

Welcome back to Bon Temps, Truebies! It has been a whole year, and now we know that Season 7 is indeed the last season of True Blood.  I admit that I have been approaching this night with trepidation and mixed feelings.  As much as I want the new season to begin, I don’t want the 10 episodes to go by and then have…no more True Blood.  The thought is unbearable, really.  But we’ll revisit that later this summer.

On to Jesus Gonna Be Here

A fight has broken out at Bellefleurs.  The infected vamps are taking over and Sookie’s faery blood is the only thing saving her.  Tara grabs Lettie May to protect her, then she takes out the vamp who threatens her mother.  Chaos ensues.  Sam shifts and races off to protect Holly and Arlene, and Alcide follows.  There’s a whistle and the vamps clear out, leaving Sookie to survey the area.  She finds Lettie May covered in blood.  Tara is dead.

Oh shit.

Jason calls Andy to report the massacre.  They took Holly and Arlene and killed Tara.  Andy tells Adilyn to stay in the house, then he finds Jessica stationed outside and tells her that Tara is dead.

Sookie is overwhelmed by the thoughts of the people around her.  People are blaming her for what happened because of her affection for the vamps.  One of the men, Vince, sees Sam shift back into a man.  He had been up for the mayor’s seat.  This could be a problem.  Willa offers her blood to Lettie May while Bill, Alcide, Sam and Andy figure out where to find the nesting vamps.  Alcide thinks some uncharitable thoughts about Sookie so Sookie leaves.  Jessica calls James, who is at the bar, and he tells her the news.  James asks if she has fed, but she hasn’t.  “You were a motherfucking dog!” Vince accuses Sam.  Sam begs him to keep this a secret for now.  Vince is a snake.

Sam announces that Bellefleur’s isn’t safe, so every assigned vampire needs to go protect their human.  James offers to protect Lafayette.  Alcide realizes Sookie is gone.

Sookie walks down the road, and she doesn’t answer her phone.  She throws it away.  That’s when she trips over a body in the woods.

In Morocco , there is a party going on.  Pam watches as a man loads a pistol and offers it to Pam.  Russian Roulette.  The other contender says Allah loves him, and he has lasted 27 times.  “My god fucking hates me,” Pam says.  He challenges her faith, then says he isn’t dead.  “I’m alive,” he says, and he pulls the trigger.  Apparently, he wasn’t up for 29.  Pam demands the information she needs to find Eric.

Adilyn peers outside the window where Jessica is standing watch.  She opens the window, which sends a waft of faery goodness outside.  Jessica can’t come inside because she hasn’t been invited.  Adilyn thinks that is weird, but she heard what Jessica said about not wanting to hurt her.  She says she had nightmares about the night her sisters died.  She asks if she smells different.  “I should hate you, but I don’t,” Adilyn says.  She asks if the phone call was from her boyfriend.  She wants to know about him.  Jessica is happy to tell her about James.  The two start talking about boys, and Adilyn reveals her crush on Holly’s son.

Alcide finds Sookie sitting in her kitchen, and he’s pissed that she walked home on her own.  She knows she isn’t supposed to read his thoughts, but she couldn’t help it.  Alcide says it isn’t fair that she’s judging him, and though he says he loves her, she is cursed that she has to hear everyone’s thoughts.  “Tara’s dead,” she yells.  She tells Alcide that she needs to be alone.  He retreats upstairs.

Jason and Violet are driving home.  He asks how many people Violet has seen die.  She’s lost count.  He starts talking about Tara and their childhood.  They arrive at their destination to find Vince and his gang taking things into their own hands.  Vince says that the government isn’t going to help them because they’re stuck in the big cities, so it’s up to them.  Violet threatens the man pointing a gun at Jason, and she tells Vince and company to get the hell out.  They go, but the damage is done.  Jason is one of “them” now.

Lafayette and James arrive home.  Lala insists that he needs to “get altered” before he offers blood to James.  James takes a hit off the bong and the duo starts talking about Jessica.  James is sorry about Tara, but Lala feels relieved this time around.  He grieved her death before.  James reveals that all his friends died in Vietnam, and he talks about how the officers would drive through the neighborhood waiting to see where they stopped.  But James is a draft dodger.  One night he was home and his best friend died.  His best friend’s father beat him for being gay, and a vampire took pity on him and changed him.  James says that emotions don’t matter. “You are one metaphysical fuck,” Lala tells him.  He offers James his arm and James has a bite to eat.

Jason is furious.  “What the fuck!” he screams, stopping the car.  He tells Violet that she degraded him back there.  He confronts her about the fact that she won’t let him have sex, she won’t let him do his job, and his blue balls about to fall off.  He says they’re going to fuck, right there.  “It’s about time, Jason,” she praises.  They fuck on the hood of the police car.

Jessica is trying to ward off the vamp who is threatening Adilyn.  Jessica tells Adilyn that she has to drink her blood to stay safe, and though she’s hesitant, Adilyn acquiesces.

Lettie May is having visions of Tara after drinking Willa’s blood.  She falls asleep calling out Tara’s name.  Reverend Daniels tells Willa not to give her anymore blood because of the issues she had in the past.  He thanks Willa for her help.  “I’ve got nowhere to go,” Willa says.  Eric and Pam are gone, and she was living with Tara but she can’t return to their apartment.  “You’re a lost sheep, ain’t ya?” Daniels says.  He takes Willa to the church and escorts her to the basement.  He offers her the space and says she can stay as long as she likes.

Pam is on the hunt for the people with information about Eric.  She’s looking for Najat.  She slips the man a large stash of money, and then she is offered the blood of a child.  The only clean blood in North Africa is the blood of children.  Pam doesn’t believe the information she’s given.  Her maker would never…  She leaves abruptly.

Sookie disrobes and curls up with Alcide.  She apologizes to Alcide, who says it’s ok.  They have some makeup sex.

Andy and Bill arrive at an abandoned warehouse that used to house teenage raves.  Bill can tell that they have been nesting there.  They find bodies hanging upside down in a storage room.  Andy throws up.  Vince and his gang comes across them.  Clearly Vince is going to stir up some shit this season.  He accuses Andy and Bill of making them trust vampires.  Bill points out that Andy wasn’t at the mixer in protest, so they should let him go.  Andy refuses to go.  He wants to be the one to end Bill for their shared past.  Andy turns around and aims the gun at Lou, and he tells him that killing someone is a big deal.  Lou backs down.  He tells Vince and their gang to leave.

The vamps are feasting on the humans while Arlene and Holly are stashed in the basement.  They’re at Fangtasia.  Holly tells everyone that they’re going to be ok.  One woman is pregnant.  A vampire comes down the stairs and kills the deputy.  The women scream.

Andy delivers Bill to his house.  He tells Bill that he only saved him because he needs his help.  Nothing he ever does will make things right, but they need to work together.  “Save your thanks.”  Bill flashes back to when he left his house for the war.  He kissed his family goodbye and left.

Jessica is still in a détente outside the Bellefleur mansion.  Dawn is coming.  Jessica refuses to leave.  Adilyn invites her in and then goes outside so that Jessica is forced to come inside.  Once the door is closed, the vamp outside burns.  Jessica hurries to the attic.

The next day Reverend Daniels addresses the congregation, talking about how the Lord said the dawn is coming.  Sookie arrives and puts her hand on Lettie May’s shoulder, but Lettie May tells her that Tara’s death is her fault.  All of a sudden, Sookie is bombarded with the congregation’s less than charitable thoughts.  She gets up, but before she leaves she tells them that she can hear them, and that though she played a part in all of this, she knows vampires better than anyone else.  She wants to help.

And that, my friends, is that.

If the writing stays this strong, I think we’re going to have an amazing final season.  What did you think?

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About The Author

Sarabeth Pollock is the Senior Contributing Editor for Dark Media. She covers a little bit of everything, from TV shows and movies to comic books and pop culture. She’s an avid writer, reader, and pop culture fan and regular attendee at San Diego Comic Con. Follow her on Twitter at @SarabethPollock

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