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True Blood Recap: “You’re No Good”

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by Sarabeth Pollock:

True Blood Recap: “You’re No Good”
Original Air Date (HBO): Sunday June 30, 2013
Season 6 Episode 3

Welcome to another week of True Blood, fellow Truebies!  It’s hard to believe we’re already three weeks into the new season.

Eric has managed to gain entrance to Governor Burrell’s mansion by glamouring (and seducing) the Governor’s daughter, Willa.  She tells him that she means everything to her father, and while Eric teases her through her nightgown, he tells her that she isn’t going to die for her own sins.  She’s dying for her father’s sins.  Right as he’s about to bite her, she tells Eric that she can tell him all about the experiments.  All of a sudden, Willa’s stock has gone up.  The guards rush her room only to find that she’s already gone.

Jessica presses Bill to find out what he meant when he said they were all going to burn.  Bill tells her that he saw all of their vampire familiars burning.  He vows that though he may be able to see the future, he won’t let it happen to them.

Sookie is in her room practicing her newfound fairy magic while Jason and Grandpa Niall are downstairs.  Jason finds some of Lafayette’s pills in the kitchen cupboard, and after tossing a few back, he hears Niall say that Warlow is nearby.  “It’s go time!” he says, pulling out his gun.  Niall tells Jason to keep Sookie inside, and then he disappears.  Jason crumples to the ground and Sookie rushes out to help him, so Niall returns and zaps them all back inside the house.  (Poor Jason asks if he got Warlow.  Niall says no, so Jason asks if Niall got him.)  Niall isn’t pleased with Sookie’s insolent tone when Niall comes off as condescending toward Jason.  He also thinks she should be far more afraid of Warlow, considering that he’s after her specifically.  Sookie points out that she can’t remember the last time she didn’t feel she was in danger.  Niall tells her that “Warlow is the proverbial shit hitting the fan.”  Niall has decided to take the fight to Warlow.  Jason tries to follow but he’s in bad shape.  As Niall departs, he reminds Sookie that her blood carries the royal blood lines, so she’s a huge target.  “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

Eric brings Willa to Fangtasia.  Tara and Pam are furious that Eric kidnapped the Governor’s daughter, knowing that his men won’t be far behind.  Eric orders Pam to gather up any belongings that she might feel sentimental about, because they are leaving Fangtasia for good.  Pam resists, at Tara’s encouragement.  “Now!” Eric shouts.  Pam and Tara begrudgingly leave.  Willa tells Eric that he doesn’t have to glamour her.  She wants to help vampires because she doesn’t agree with her father’s policies.  He asks about the experiments.  Apparently the money from the ballot measures didn’t go to the roads after the election.  Governor Burrell has been building a camp, and all of the vampires that have been captured were taken there to be studied.  Willa’s agitation is evident as she tells Eric what she knows.  She doesn’t know the location of the camp; she reveals that the only reason she knows what she knows is that she’s been snooping around.  Eric seems to consider this information.

A truck drives into a complex full of huge silos.  It looks like something out of an episode of the X-Files.  Two guards lead a struggling vampire to a laboratory.  The hood is removed to reveal that it is Steve Newlin.  Newlin is terrified, and blood is crusted around his eyes, but once his gag is removed he tells the scientist that he is a spokesman for the AVL and there will be hell to pay when they find out what’s going on.  The scientist, who admits to being a Newlin fan at one point, tells the guard to gag him once again. (Why oh why did Russell Edgington have to die??  How much fun would it be to watch him swoop in to save the day?)

Pam has gathered all of the things that might be confiscated by Governor Burrell.  She notes that it all fits into one box.  Eric reminds her that it’s only a bar, but it doesn’t fool her.  When they find out that Eric plans to bring Willa with them, Pam draws a line.  She wants Eric to behead the young woman and put her head on her stomach for the governor’s guards to find.  Eric places a piece of tape on Willa’s mouth (very gently, I might add).  He tells Pam that Willa is the only bargaining tool they have.  That, and the world is changing.  They need to change with it.

Sam is on his couch recovering from the smack-down he got from Alcide.  He jolts back into reality when he finds Nicole and her boyfriend Jesse in his house.  Lafayette wakes up and goes for a strong drink.  Nicole wants to help him find Emma.  Everyone needs help, she says. Jesse wants to know all about the Werewolves.  Lafayette tells them to forget everything they saw.  Delete it.  It’s not a threat, it’s good advice. (Little do Sam and Lafayette know, Nicole taped the whole altercation between Sam and the wolves.  So “delete it” has a double meaning.)  Once they’re gone, Lafayette tells Sam that he wants to help.  Sam was there for him and gave him a job and treated him with respect when no one else would, so Lafayette is in.  That’s why he needs to know the “motherfucking plan, boyfriend.”  Good old Lafayette.

Eric knocks on Ginger’s door.  He teases that he’s finally taking her up on her sleepover offer.  Of course, Eric isn’t alone.  “Does this mean we’re not fucking?” Ginger asks in disappointment.  Eric promises that the day will come.  Eric plans to use the coffin—and he’s taking Willa with him—while Pam and Tara are to go to the cubby.  He says it’s because he doesn’t trust them not to kill Willa.

Bill tells Jessica that he spoke to Lilith in a meadow in the middle of daylight.  Jessica warns him that he may not be the prophet after all, and she doesn’t want him to tempt fate by walking in the sunlight.  He commands her to stay inside.  He walks outside his mansion as the sun goes up, and as the rays hit him, he bursts into flames.  She manages to get him inside.  He can’t understand what happened.  It should have worked.

Niall finds the meadow where the fairy club is hidden.  He goes inside and finds blood.  Using his fairy powers, he conjures the images of what took place inside the club.  Warlow was there.  Claude is still alive and he tells Niall that an ancient vampire made his way into the club.  Claude is badly injured and begs to be dispatched. Niall sends him “home.” Soon Claude bursts into a bright light, and then he is nothing more than a pile of ashes.

Back at Sookie’s house, Jason wakes up and asks Sookie why Niall isn’t back yet.  It’s daytime, and you don’t hunt vampires in the daytime.  Sookie is concerned at her brother’s appearance.  Jason tries to reassure her that it’s just a concussion, and he’s had plenty of those.  And he’s getting better.  The hallucinations are gone.  Sookie didn’t know he was having hallucinations.  “Like a motherfucker,” he replies, dead serious.  He tells her that their parents were with him at the Authority headquarters.  That’s why he was more racist than usual.  They were pushing him to kill the vampires.  As Sookie presses his pressure point to relieve his headache, Jason tells Sookie that he wishes all the dark stuff didn’t come from his parents.  Sookie points out that reality can be different than memories.  She tells him that their mother was afraid of her because of her gift.  Jason wishes she would have shared that with him, but he admires her for dealing with it the way she did.

Andy and his deputy examine the new weapons they received.  The bullets will stop any vampire.  The contact lenses will stop vampires from glamouring them.  Holly rushes in and hopes that Andy plans to enforce the vampire curfew because there are vampires scratching at her motel window all night.  “Daddy, that lady is mad at you,” says one of the four teenagers behind Holly.  Holly is shocked that Andy’s girls have grown so quickly.  He hasn’t named them, he tells her.  He has a number system that works pretty well.  Andy concedes that things have been rough between them, and he asks Holly to take a ride with him.

Rikki runs alongside a police cruiser as it approaches Martha’s little shack where Alcide is holed up with Emma.  They go outside to meet the officers, who are there to investigate the disappearance of Marcus.  He has disappeared along with his daughter.  They want to question Martha, so Alcide sends Rikki inside to get poor Martha, who is in bed with emphysema.  Rikki stays inside and threatens Emma to shift.  It’s kind of sad, because I liked the potential that Rikki had…but she’s really turning into a bitch. (Pun very much intended)  When the police declare that the new rules allow more leeway into search and seizures, they go inside to find Rikki sitting with a puppy.  They leave, and Rikki explodes in anger.  She doesn’t think they should have taken Emma because she will only bring more trouble to the pack.  She fears that the humans are very close to discovering what they are, and this will jeopardize the pack.  Alcide reminds Rikki that he is the pack master, and he is responsible for the death of Emma’s father.  Emma is Wolf and they take care of their own.  Rikki backs down, and Martha tells her to bow before the pack master.  She does, begrudgingly.  An owl watches the whole scene with interest.

Andy takes Holly to a field to teach her to shoot.  Looks like he might load his girlfriend with some of those new anti-vampire bullets.  While they practice, the Bellefleur girls play with their fairy magic.  He has Holly tucked under his arm, which she takes as an attempt to flirt with her.  Andy deadpans that he does that will all of his trainees, especially the male ones.  One of the girls shoots the target with her fairy beam. “Hand lasers off!” Andy shouts.  Another daughter asks if he wants to know what Holly is thinking.  “Get out of my head, Number Three!” Holly retorts.  He wants to be a rock for Holly, and after a pretty convincing argument, she willingly accepts his close-contact training with a smile on her face.

Eric and Willa are tucked into the coffin together.  She takes her tape off and tries to wake up Eric, who reminds her that vampires are meant to be dead during the day.  Apparently Willa has lots to say about her father.  Her mother ran away with a vampire.  She is very sympathetic to vampires, and she touches the blood running from Eric’s ear and tries to drink it.  He grabs her hand and sucks on her finger, and then he tells her to put her tape back on.

Ben is walking through the woods looking for the fairy haven and encounters Niall as he exits the club.  Ben knows who Warlow is and he bows at Niall’s feet when he recognizes the fairy king.  Niall had been hoping to assemble an army to with Warlow but the club’s fairies are all dead.  Ben willingly joins up after mentioning that he met Sookie and would like to repay her kindness.

Bill needs to run errands.  Jessica wants to come with him but he reminds her that there is a curfew for all vampires. She points out that she stayed with him even though she was scared to death, and now that she knows her life is at stake (no pun intended) she thinks she’s entitled to be involved.  Bill gazes proudly at his progeny.  He asks her to see out Professor Takahashi at the University of North New Orleans.  He is the man who is responsible for synthesizing Tru Blood.  She is eager to help him.  Before she leaves, Bill tells her that she “should wear something inappropriate.”  Dr. Takahashi has a thing for young women.  Jessica is all too happy to oblige.

Jessica shows up in class wearing a leather schoolgirl outfit.  She causes the esteemed professor to stumble over his lecture when he sees her enter the lecture hall.

Steve Newlin has a visitor.  It’s Sarah, his ex-wife.  He thinks she has come to save her, but she’s got a vendetta against him.  She is upset that he ran out on her and embarrassed her.  He reminds her that she wrote a book about the experience and must be living large after the royalties.  She tells him that this place is everything that they worked for back in their Fellowship of the Sun days.  It is a way for humans to fulfill God’s plan and exterminate the vampires.  Steve tries to tell her that he isn’t really a vampire.

Sarah: “Don’t bullshit a bullshitter.  I’m in politics now.”

Steve: *giggles* “Seriously?  That’s a big pay cut.”

Sarah says that you have to be in politics to really do God’s work.  She hands her ex-husband over to the scientist, who wants to know everything about Eric Northman.  After threatening Steve with a scary looking medical implement, Steve says that he will tell him everything he knows.

Jessica stays after class to speak with Dr. Takahashi, who doesn’t remember seeing her in class before.  Jessica tells him that she just switched her major to organic chemistry and could use some extra tutoring.  They could start tonight, he offers.  She grabs him and keeps him from crying out.  “Oh, it has to be tonight,” she says.

There is a knock at Sookie’s door.  Jason wants to answer it but Sookie tells him to stay there.  Jason thinks it could be Warlow.  Why would Warlow knock? Sookie points out.  Her visitor turns out to be Bill, and he wants to visit with Sookie.  He tells her that all of their vampire friends will die if she doesn’t help.  When she says she won’t invite him in, he steps inside, telling her that he plays by a different set of rules.  Sookie screams for Jason, who runs down the stairs with his gun drawn.  Bill sends Jason flying into the wall and holds him there with his new powers.  He takes Sookie into the kitchen and tells her that he needs her blood.  Dr. Takahashi can synthesize her blood and save the vampires.  She refuses, and he reminds her that he can do this against her will but he doesn’t want to hurt her.  She throws a dish at him and he doesn’t flinch.  “You’re not God, Bill, you’re just an asshole!”  She begs him to leave her alone, if any of the time they spent together ever meant anything.  When she won’t reconsider, he tells her that she is dead to him.  “Fine with me,” she mutters.  Bill leaves, but not before freeing Jason, which sends him tumbling down the stairs.

Nicole, Jesse and their Vampire Unity Society friends are driving toward Martha’s house, hoping to capture footage of the Werewolves shifting form.  Alcide’s father knows this isn’t going to be pretty.  When Rikki loses her temper with the members of VUS after discovering that they are being taped, Alcide orders her to stand down, but she shifts and jumps at Jesse.  Nicole manages to get away but she was bitten on the leg.  While the wolves fight and Alcide struggles to maintain order, Sam frees Emma and the pair make their escape.  Sam sees Nicole running toward the woods and tells Emma that they have to help her.

Ginger answers Eric’s phone and knocks on the coffin.  It’s the Governor! She exclaims happily.  Bless her.  Willa tells Eric that they are tracing the call, and this seems to be what he wants.  He leaves Willa with Tara after telling Tara to tape Willa’s mouth once again.   The Governor pretends to be upset that he beloved daughter has been kidnapped, but it’s just an act.  Once Burrell’s driver has pinpointed their location, Eric and Pam go back into the coffin room to find that Tara has left with Willa already.  Pam flies off after her, and Eric tells Ginger to stall the Governor as long as she can, and to forget that they were every there.

Niall and Ben return to Sookie’s house. Before they go inside, Ben admits that he didn’t leave things on a positive note with Sookie.  Niall promises to vouch for him.  Sure enough, when Sookie opens the door, she is delighted to see Niall but not happy to see Ben.  Inside, Niall tells Jason and Sookie that he found traces of Warlow.  Sookie becomes increasingly agitated and needs to go clean something after Ben pokes around her head and upsets her.  Ben comes into the kitchen and she explains that her ex showed up.  They both kind of apologize for their behavior and they share a moment.  Of course, Warlow shows up.  Kind of.  Niall rushes outside and sends a fairy blast at the offending vampire only to find that it’s Nora.  He asks how she knows about Warlow.  At that moment, Jason crumples on the floor and Sookie screams.  Nora takes that opportunity to flee.  Ben returns to Sookie’s house to find her kneeling over Jason’s motionless body.

Bill wanders through the cemetery when Andy catches up to him.  Andy doesn’t like any of this curfew nonsense, and granted that Vampire Bill is family, but he still has to ask that Bill return home.  Bill spots a stuffed animal in Andy’s police cruiser and Andy tells Bill that he has children now.  Bill smiles at the news and assures Andy that he was just on his way home after visiting Sookie.  They leave each other’s company, but clearly Bill is up to something.  And it’s creepy.

There is a lot going on in Bon Temps, friends.  It’s hard to keep track of everything going on, but clearly things are happening quickly.  Where is Warlow?  What is Bill up to?  Where did Tara take Willa?  Does Eric have a thing for Willa?  Where has Nora been?  What is wrong with Jason?  Does Sookie really want to end things with Bill forever?


True Blood is just getting warmed up this season.  So tell me, what did you think of tonight’s episode?  Please leave your comments below.  See you next week!


Sarabeth Pollock is a contributor for Dark Media. She covers The Walking Dead, True Blood, Doctor Who, Fringe and American Horror Story, as well as the True Blood comics and whatever movies and books happen to catch her fancy.  Watch for her coverage of San Diego Comic Con 2013.  She’s an avid writer, reader, and pop culture fan, with interest in everything from Star Trek to Anne Rice to Deborah Harkness.  She’s also a nerd who loves the color pink.  Follow her on Twitter at @SarabethPollock and check out her blog at

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About The Author

Sarabeth Pollock is the Senior Contributing Editor for Dark Media. She covers a little bit of everything, from TV shows and movies to comic books and pop culture. She’s an avid writer, reader, and pop culture fan and regular attendee at San Diego Comic Con. Follow her on Twitter at @SarabethPollock

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