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The Vampire Diaries Recap: “The Rager”

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by Michele Pearson:

The Vampire Diaries: “The Rager”
Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday October 18, 2012
Season 4 Episode 3

So, sort of picking up where we left off last week: Tyler has survived not one, but TWO assassination attempts by the new vampire hunter.  He’s now in the hospital under heavy guard.  (Pause for laughter because we all know that’s not going to work…especially when the guard is stupid enough to investigate a scary noise and get knocked out.)  Tyler hears the commotion and lies in wait for Connor to come to his room and attacks!  Unfortunately for Tyler, Connor injects him with a paralytic and removes some of Tyler’s werewolf venom.  (Soooo…last week they were stealing stuff from Buffy, this week they go Twilight??) Later, Connor’s in his RV cooking up some…werewolf venom meth?

Stefan is planning on taking Elena out for some fun on his motorcycle when Damon breaks the news about the venom theft.  Damon’s plan?  “I’m going to find him…and eat him.”  Stefan offers to help but Damon said he’s going to kill the guy and get out of town.  Stefan asks why and Damon says that it’s part of the deal: whoever Elena didn’t choose would leave.  Stefan tries to talk him out of it but Damon leaves.

Apparently, Matt’s blood is the only thing that Elena can keep down…and Mister Matt is all too happy to be a human blood bank.  But Elena won’t drink enough because she’s afraid she won’t stop.  Matt asks why she wants to stay in school and Elena admits it’s partly because the vampire hunter would find it suspicious if she stayed at home and she wants to finish her senior year.  They find a flyer on the board announcing a city wide curfew, brought about by the attempt on Tyler Lockwood’s life.

Tyler comes home from the hospital to find that Klaus has moved in and brought a few hybrid bodyguards along as security for Tyler.  Klaus is pissed at Tyler for the part he played in trying to kill him but doesn’t want anyone killing his hybrids.

In class, Rebekah is happily inviting people to her breaking curfew housewarming party.  She goads Elena, whose emotions are already a bit raw as they are in Alaric’s old classroom, and Elena tries to stab her with a pencil.  Rebekah intercepts it and throws it into Elena’s shoulder…in a roomful of students and not a single person notices.  Really!?  (Is a smidgen of reality in my fantasy tv shows really too much to ask??)  Anyway, Elena is raging about Rebekah.  She hates her with a passion…until she notices that the hunter is in school and going to talk to Jeremy.  Stefan tells her to go to the restroom to clean up, he’ll check it out.  While washing the blood off of her shoulder, a classmate of hers walks in, holding her neck.  She claims Rebekah sent her to find Elena.  Rebekah fed off this girl and is taunting her with the fresh blood.  Rebekah mentions the hunter and smears the girl’s blood on Elena’s face, causing Elena to vamp out hardcore.  Pleased, Rebekah leaves the restroom, telling Elena she’ll see her in gym.

Connor, the hunter, has a sit down with Jeremy.  He shows Jeremy the tattoo and announces that his tattoo is invisible, except to another hunter or potential hunter.  (We’re going Buffy again…but with dudes this time!)  He tells Jeremy to find him a vampire and Connor will show him what to do.  Connor gives him the location of his RV and tells him not to show up without a vampire.  Jeremy asks how he’s supposed to find a vampire and Connor replies “why don’t you start by asking your friend with the bandage on his neck”…Matt.

Meanwhile, Damon arrives at Connor’s RV.  Inside, he finds it booby trapped when he’s shot by two arrows rigged to a bomb.  If he moves, he’s dead.

Caroline and Stefan try to talk Elena down from getting the white oak stake and killing Rebekah.  Stefan convinces her to ditch the rest of school to go have fun.  After Elena leaves to change, Caroline and Stefan talk about how off Elena has been.  Evidently, Elena is taking after Stefan and heading down the “Ripper” path by channeling all of her emotion into rage.  (So, Stefan…this whole plan of yours to get Elena to transition smoothly is working like a charm!  So glad you shot down every one of Damon’s ideas as being “too dangerous”…that was a really great decision.)

At Tyler’s, an old werewolf buddy arrives.  I’m sorry, did I say old werewolf buddy?  I meant seriously hot werewolf chica has arrived at Chez Lockwood to visit Tyler…and he’s very very happy to see her!  This girl, Hayley, is the one that helped him break the sire bond and I have a feeling they were more than just full moon chain up buddies.

Damon has called Doctor Fell to help him out of his little jam.  When she walks into the RV she proclaims “Tell me that’s not a bomb.”  Ever the sarcastic one, Damon replies “It’s a kitten.  It’s an adorable exploding kitten.”  He has her cut out the arrows so he can escape.  She obliges and he’s free.

Rebekah invites Matt to her party and is saddened to learn that he’s still a tad miffed that she tried to kill him.  (After all, she didn’t really mean it.)  After he walks away, he’s confronted by Connor who demands to know who’s the bloodsucker.  Matt says it’s Rebekah.  Connor knocks him out and goes after her.

When Damon arrives home, he finds Elena rummaging through his closet.  She claims to be looking for bourbon but Damon knows she’s trying to find the stake.  Damon starts undressing in front of her and asks if she’s going to hang around for the show.  Elena hesitates a moment before stomping out, declaring she will find the stake so she can kill Rebekah.

Jeremy goes to Connor and tells him about Doctor Fell and her penchant for using vampire blood to heal people.  Perhaps she will know where to find a vampire.  Connor says that Mystic Falls is crawling with vampires and that one is having a party that night.  Jeremy asks if that’s where they’re headed and Connor says no.  “As long as they’re drinking at that party, they’ll be dead by sundown.”  (He spiked the keg?  Not cool dude!)  Jeremy and Connor head to the hospital to find Doctor Fell.

Elena and Stefan arrive at Rebekah’s party, finding that they don’t have to be invited in.  As soon as Elena spots Rebekah, she starts going into a rage.  Stefan gives Elena a beer to calm down.  (Uh oh…)

Caroline goes to visit Tyler and is surprised to learn that he now has bodyguards.  Tyler is not too anxious to have Caroline come in and blames it on Klaus but I suspect it’s because his werewolf girlfriend is still in the study.  Hayley meets Klaus, who is surprised she’s there but realizes what’s going on when he overhears Tyler convince Caroline to leave and go to Rebekah’s party.

Rebekah once again starts goading Elena at the party.  She takes Elena’s beer out of her hand, stealing her daylight ring.  Rebekah tosses it down the garbage disposal, leaving Elena cowering in the shadows.  Elena braves the burning sunlight to get her ring and then pulls the white oak stake from her bag to kill Rebekah.  Stefan stops her, telling her that once she kills Rebekah she will feel better but then will feel guilty when all the vamps Rebekah ever turned start to die.  They decide to leave the party to ride on his motorcycle.  Before she leaves though, Elena does keg stand and drinks a lot of beer (again…uh oh).  As Elena and Stefan leave, Rebekah starts to feel the effects of the werewolf venom spiked beer.

After Caroline leaves, Tyler goes back to the study to find Klaus but no Hayley.  Klaus tells Tyler that he knows that Tyler and Hayley had sex and that Caroline has no idea.  Before Tyler can fully grasp what Klaus is threatening, his phone rings.  Klaus answers it and finds it’s Damon.  Damon tells Klaus that he’s going after the vampire hunter and wants to know if Tyler wants to join him.  Klaus says that while Tyler won’t be able to, he would love to help.

Cue sicky sweet motorcycle ride music video-esque clip of Stefan and Elena.

At the hospital, Jeremy points out Doctor Fell to Connor.  Connor follows her to the storage room where he finds Damon.  Connor tries to stake him but gets trapped in his own arrow bomb trap.  Connor then sees Klaus and realizes that it’s absolutely possible that he’s about to die.

Cue Elena and Stefan vampire sex scene…until Elena starts hallucinating that it’s Damon.  They both realize that she’s infected with werewolf venom.  At her house, Rebekah is also suffering the venom’s affects.  She has a hallucination about killing Matt by ripping his heart out.

Klaus and Damon begin questioning Connor, asking where he’s from and what’s this greater evil heading to Mystic Falls?  Connor says it doesn’t matter if they kill him since another will take his place.  Damon mentions Connor’s disappearing tattoo and that catches Klaus’ attention quickly.  Connor tries to stake Klaus but Klaus moves quickly and takes the stake from him.  Looking at it, he says “You’re one of the five”.  Before he can explain, Connor pulls the cord connected to the bomb and it explodes.

Stefan tries to call Klaus while Elena continues to hallucinate about Damon.  Klaus arrives (after getting Stefan’s frantic voicemails) and agrees to heal Elena.  He feeds her his blood and says “You may be of use to me after all.”

April Young walks into Rebekah’s room, cleaning up after the party gets broken up.  Rebekah is feeling better (either she didn’t get much werewolf venom or she’s able to process it through her system as an original.)  Understanding April’s loss of family, Rebekah offers to help investigate what really happened with the farm explosion.

At the hospital, Damon tells Mayor Lockwood that the hunter is dead.  While she doesn’t approve of his blowing up part of the hospital to do it, she’s glad that the man who tried to kill her son is dead.  She says they’ll cancel the curfew now that it’s safe.  Turns out, Jeremy and Doctor Fell were in on luring Connor to the hospital and into the storage room.  Damon makes plans to leave town but Doctor Fell tells him to fix things with Stefan and Elena instead.

Stefan confesses to Caroline that he’s having a hard time enjoying Elena’s vampirism without turning into the Ripper and he doesn’t want to hold Elena back.  He asks Caroline to help her enjoy it since he really can’t.

Matt goes to Elena’s house so she can feed.  As she does, she loses control and doesn’t stop.  Matt begins to freak out as he realizes she’s draining him.  Damon pulls her off of Matt and compels Matt to forget what happened.  Elena feels guilty but Damon tells her that she’s a vampire and just needs to learn the right way to be one.  He tells her that he’s going to teach her how and she agrees.

Connor wakes up (wait a tick…didn’t he get blowed up a bit ago?) and finds Klaus watching him.  Turns out, Klaus saved him, telling him that Connor is worth more to Klaus alive.  Connor asks what Klaus meant when he said Connor was one of the five.  Klaus seems surprised that Connor doesn’t know his own history and proclaims that it’s made Connor the most well protected vampire hunter in town.

And thus ends another episode!  Continuing on my discovery of plot holes, I thought of another one.  Meredith Fell used her vampire blood supply to save Elena when she presented with a brain bleed last season, which is how Elena had vampire blood in her system when she died.  Big question: whose blood is it?  And which original does this vampire descend from?  Could it be that Elena is actually a vampire spawn of Rebekah?  And why haven’t Stefan and Damon even thought about this?  They know if Klaus dies that they are all dead but have they considered which original is Elena’s great-great-great-great-grand sire?  Something else to ponder.

Until next time!!

Michele Pearson is a contributor for DarkMedia. She covers Vampire Diaries and any other films, books, etc that come her way. She reads everything from Lonesome Dove to Game of Thrones and loves epic tv series like Doctor Who and Star Trek: TNG. Michele also loves a good horror film and was able to channel that love as a judge for Shriekfest 2012. Follow her on Twitter at @GirlInRowB and check out her blog at


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About The Author

Michele Pearson covers Vampire Diaries and any other films, books, etc that come her way. She reads everything from Lonesome Dove to Game of Thrones and loves epic tv series like Doctor Who and Star Trek: TNG. Michele also loves a good horror film and was able to channel that love as a judge for Shriekfest 2012. Follow her on Twitter at @GirlInRowB and check out her blog at

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