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The Vampire Diaries Recap: “The Five”

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by Michele Pearson:

The Vampire Diaries: “The Five”
Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday November 1, 2012
Season 4 Episode 4

1110 A.D. Group of people chanting around a fire.  Lightning, thunder and five people grow tattoos!  Could this be….the Five???

Modern day: Stefan and Damon are going through Connor’s stuff from his RV.  (They still think he’s dead) Sheriff Forbes calls Damon to tell him that they didn’t find a body at the hospital..uhoh..Connor is still alive!  Damon tells Stefan that he’ll have to go track down Connor since Damon has to teach Elena how to feed without killing anyone.  (Stefan can’t since he’ll turn into the Ripper at the mere smell of human blood apparently.)

Stefan takes Elena into the woods to teach her how to dodge the hunter and asks her why she’s decided to ask Damon for help.  She said it must be the Doppelganger curse that she can’t keep any other kind of blood down unless it’s fresh from the vein and Damon is the best one to teach her how to feed the right way.  Stefan tells her to be careful since it was easy to get caught up in the blood and the feed.  She promises.

Rebekah bought Matt a new truck (to make up for drowning his last one…with him in it) and he basically tells her to go to hell…but he’s keeping the truck.  Klaus is amused as he watches her try to make up to Matt.  He tells her that he stumbled across the fact that the Brotherhood of the Five still exists.  Rebekah says that she doesn’t care about the Five (though she looks worried) and that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with Klaus.  He says “suit yourself”.

Bonnie, Damon and Elena go to Whitmore College to see a professor who took over for Bonnie’s Grams’ classes.  Elena laments that she’ll never go to college but Damon says if he could, then Elena definitely could.  Bonnie scoffs that Damon never went to college but, hey, says he went several times.  (He had a thing for sorority girls.)  They sit in on the professor’s class.  As he lectures on the history of witches and vampires, Damon points out a number of potential “meals” to Elena and the pros and cons of each.  For example, geeky girls are naturally suspicious of people who are nice to them (speaking for myself…very true!), stoners are easily duped but you don’t want the extra high and the blond popular girl will, of course, be the easiest target.

Klaus is keeping Connor tied up as hostage and goes to check on him.  Sensing someone else in the room, he turns to see Stefan.  Stefan says he would have taken Connor but he knew that Klaus had gone to a great deal of trouble trussing him up in his “red room of pain”.  (I almost choked on laughter with the 50 Shades reference) Stefan questions Klaus about Connor and the mysterious Five.  The Brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters.  The originals ran across them in the 12th century Italy while they were travelling, turning people as they made their way throughout the country.  Rebekah fell in love with one of the hunters and he told her all of their secrets.  Klaus said he’d share what he knows if Stefan will get Rebekah to make up with Klaus, since she has one vital piece of information.  He also tells Stefan that “the Hunter is the answer to all his (Stefan’s) prayers”.

April and Rebekah are hanging out at the Mystic Grill, apparently besties.  When April checks out Matt, Rebekah says hands off..she has dibs!  Stefan slides into the booth, compels April to forget everything she hears and fills Rebekah in on Klaus’ plan.  Rebekah is suspicious but leaves with Stefan anyway.

At Whitmore  College, Damon and Elena follow the blond girl from the class.  Damon is instructing Elena how to compel her to not run, scream and to forget what happened.  Elena approaches her, compels her to not scream but before she can feed, sees a picture of a little girl on the blonde’s phone.  She panics and tells the blonde girl to leave.  Damon asks what happened and Elena tells him she just can’t do it.  Damon tells her that these people are strangers and everyone is someone’s father, uncle, brother, camp counselor or bible study teacher.  Elena just needs to get over it.  Bonnie arrives, saying she spoke with the professor who is getting her some things that belonged to her Grams but in the meantime she found a flyer for a frat party with a murderer theme…oh how appropriate.

Klaus is mocking Connor when Rebekah arrives with Stefan.  After some not-so-good natured sibling arguments, Rebekah and Klaus call a truce and Stefan asks about the Five.  Klaus tells him about fooling the hunter Rebekah was crushing on into telling the Originals who the Five were and what they know of vampires.  The hunter tells them that the five plans on destroying all vampires with a weapon that no vampire can survive.  Stefan interrupts to ask how a weapon is the answer to his prayers.  Klaus explains that before they can find the weapon, they need to solve a puzzle that has “disappeared”.  Connor’s tattoos…they are a map to the weapon!  Of course, they can’t see his tattoo so they need someone else who can.  (Hi Jeremy!  Long time no see!)  Held captive by one of the hybrid guards, Jeremy says he’ll never help Klaus.  However, Klaus steals Jeremy’s ring and says oh yes he will.

Damon, Elena and Bonnie arrive at the Murder House Frat party dressed as Jack the Ripper and two victims.  They see Professor Shane (Oh!  NOW he has a name!) and Bonnie goes to see him while Damon and Elena scope out the room.  Seeing a frat boy pop a Roofie into a girl’s drink, Elena picks him to be her first victim.  She feeds on him but quickly begins to drain him.  Worried, Damon reminds her that the object is to feed, not kill.  After compelling the frat boy to forget what happened, Elena hugs Damon telling him “I want more”.

Jeremy is drawing the tattoo on Connor’s arm.  Connor tries to figure out what’s going on since Jeremy can see the tattoo yet he’s the one who set Connor up at the hospital.  Connor tells Jeremy that he met a guy years before in Iraq who also had the tattoo.  This guy told Connor the same thing Connor told Jeremy: that if he could see the tattoo, he was a hunter too.  Some time passed and then the tattoo started to appear on Connor.  He found that the more vampires he killed, the bigger the tattoo gets.  However, Connor still has no idea what it is or why he was chosen.

Klaus continues his story about the Five.  Rebekah and her suitor were to run away to follow the map for the cure.  As they make love, he stabs her with the dagger.  He and the rest of the Five use the daggers on Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Finn.  The daggers don’t work on Klaus (because of his werewolf side) and he wakes Rebekah after he’s killed her lover and the rest of the Five.  He screams at her for trusting the hunter over him and demands to know what the hunter promised her.  Apparently, he had promised to take her with him to find the weapon…a cure for vampirism.

Stefan asks why they didn’t go looking for the cure back then and Klaus said that once the Five were dead, the tattoos disappeared.  The Brotherhood of the Five was wiped out for 900 years and Connor was the first hunter that they had been aware of since.  Rebekah asked what they intend to do but Klaus mocks her, saying she won’t help with anything since she’ll “blab the secret to the first man who calls her pretty”.  Then Rebekah realizes the true reason why Klaus wants the cure.  He wants to cure Elena so he can once again use her blood to create more hybrids.  Rebekah storms out and Stefan asks Klaus what he needs to do.  Klaus tells Stefan that the map is useless without the sword to decipher it.  Only Rebekah knows where it is and Klaus needs Stefan to find it.

Bonnie gets a few of her Grams’ belongings from Professor Shane.  He asks her if she practices and Bonnie tells him that she used to but there were consequences.  Shane tells her that there are other ways to practice magic.

At the party, Damon and Elena are enjoying a smorgasbord of frat party deliciousness on the dance floor.  Getting caught up in the music, Elena begins dancing up on Damon and wiping the blood from his lips and licking it off her fingers…at least until she sees Bonnie staring at her.  Suddenly feeling guilty that she’s with Damon and not Stefan, Elena runs away.  Outside, Elena tells Bonnie that she should be with Stefan, not Damon.  Damon, who has followed them, suggests that they go ahead and leave.  Furious, Bonnie tells him that he was supposed to watch out for Elena but instead allowed her to get completely out of control.  Damon snorts at this, saying she was only having fun.  Bonnie accuses Damon of trying to make Elena like him but he claims she already is.  He says the reason why he can feed on someone and leave them breathing rather than rip them apart like Stefan does is because Damon enjoys it.

Klaus is very upset with the incomplete tattoo drawing from Jeremy.  Jeremy shares the information that the tattoo gets bigger with every vampire kill.  Klaus instructs one of his hybrids to guard Connor while he and Jeremy leave.  The hybrid moves to tighten up Connor’s chains when Connor pulls a Tyson on the guy’s ear.  The hybrid leaves to inspect the damage while Connor uses the barbell earring he bit off to unlock his chains.

Rebekah goes to the Salvatore mansion after Stefan calls her.  Rebekah admits that she wanted the cure back when she had the chance.  Stefan admits that he would take the cure and enjoy a life with Elena that involves children and growing old together.  Rebekah says she envies Stefan and Elena.  She believed Alex (the hunter) when he told her that he loved her.  She said that they had planned to be married and had even picked out a church.  Rebekah loved Alex so much that she buried him there, even after everything.  Rebekah pauses and realizes that she has just given Stefan (and Klaus, who was hiding) all the information he wanted since she admittedly buried her lover with his sword.  Klaus prepares a dagger to put her to sleep and Stefan prevents her from escaping.  Crying, Rebekah tells Klaus that he might laugh at her for loving too much but she’d rather have lived her life than his.  She then calls him a coward and tells him to do it (stab her with the dagger) while looking her in the eye.  He hesitates as she screams at him and then stabs her.  Klaus tells Stefan that he has a plane waiting and will get the sword.  He instructs Stefan to put Rebekah’s body where no one will find it and to make sure Jeremy forgets everything he learned today.  He tells Stefan that no one can learn of the cure as it would mean the death of them all if anyone were to find out.

Damon takes Elena home where she apologizes for reacting the way she did at the party.  Elena admits that that Damon is right when he says vampires should act the way he does but she doesn’t want to feel that way.  Before he can respond, Stefan opens the door.  He asks Elena how everything went and she says that while she learned how to feed, Stefan was right about how she would get caught up in it.  He tells her it will get easier but Elena said she doesn’t want it to get easier, that she doesn’t want to live like this anymore.  Stefan holds her and tells her to hold on, that it will get better.  But he looks concerned.

The hybrid guard returns to watch Connor, who has broken loose and uses his chains to decapitate the hybrid.  He watches as his tattoo grows up his arm.  He later goes to visit Professor Shane who asks him “shouldn’t you be in Mystic Falls killing vampires?”  Connor walks closer and asks “Why did you send me there?”  Shane responds with a grin.

And there you have it folks!  Yet another week crammed with additional plot lines, that annoying plot hole (Doppelganger curse making it hard to be a vampire my ass!  Do I have to scream it to the writers?  Katherine was a Doppelganger too!!!) , and yet another new character, who might also become Bonnie’s new main squeeze.  This is going to be a long season…and a very interesting ride!

Michele Pearson is a contributor for DarkMedia. She covers Vampire Diaries and any other films, books, etc that come her way. She reads everything from Lonesome Dove to Game of Thrones and loves epic tv series like Doctor Who and Star Trek: TNG. Michele also loves a good horror film and was able to channel that love as a judge for Shriekfest 2012. Follow her on Twitter at @GirlInRowB and check out her blog at

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About The Author

Michele Pearson covers Vampire Diaries and any other films, books, etc that come her way. She reads everything from Lonesome Dove to Game of Thrones and loves epic tv series like Doctor Who and Star Trek: TNG. Michele also loves a good horror film and was able to channel that love as a judge for Shriekfest 2012. Follow her on Twitter at @GirlInRowB and check out her blog at

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