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The Vampire Diaries Recap: “I think psychopaths are incredibly high maintenance.”

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by Vampire Renee:

The Vampire Diaries: 03×12 – The Ties That Bind
Original Air Date: January 19th–2012

Overview: Bonnie is reunited with her estranged mother after over ten years of feeling abandoned. Klaus negotiates with Stefan to control the coffins of his family member. Tyler tries to regain his free will from Klaus while interesting developments with Caroline surface. Damon becomes intrigued by Alaric’s new friend, Dr. Fell, after discovering the staked medical examiner and ex-boyfriend to the doctor.

Favorite Quote: “I think psychopaths are incredibly high maintenance.” –Damon


  • Elena helping Bonnie track down her mother and Damon yet again comes to save the day – our hero. And the cute awkward moment between Elena and Damon before he reveals to Bonnie that he kissed Elena. Now it’s weird.
  • Tyler coming to Caroline and bringing her father to help break the sire bond with Klaus. Maybe not totally aware of Caroline’s new unspoken loyalty to Klaus for saving her life.
  • Bonnie and Elena talking about the kiss in the car while Stefan, as always, has to play big brother and check up as ‘creepy enough’ is standing in the kitchen with all the stacks of reports and is holding the one with all the information of Bonne’s mother on it. Someone needs their privileges revoked.
  • Bonnie getting to meet her step-brother and mom and finding out the Elena’s adoptive mother Miranda was Abbey’s best friend. And that Miranda was the reason that Abbey left town because a Michael came looking for the doppelganger and no one could manage to kill him to Abbey used her power to drawn him out of to steal in crypt. He almost killed Abbey and she lost all her powers. And despite all this, Abbey is willing to help Bonnie. Including getting her magic back to do all she can for Bonnie now.
  • Damon stands up for Alaric against Dr. Fell who happened to sign the death certificate as an animal attack, and her ‘psycho’ ways.
  • Abbey using her phone to tell Bonnie to warn her friends while putting on a good little show for the Klaus lackey despite the fact that if Bonnie doesn’t reveal where the coffin is that Jamie is compelled to killed himself.
  • Seeing a little bit of the old Stefan while Elena gets the bullet out of his chest and looks at her with new eyes and sees how much more than a useless human she is. And the realization of hurt in his eyes when Elena tells him about kissing Damon looks like more than a bullet went through that stone heart.
  • Alaric letting someone in to his little secret with Dr. Fell which is nice for him but think this might come and bite him in the butt because she’s out for blood – no pun intended and might use Alaric to get what she wants.
  • The return of Elijah, only to rip hearts out.


  • Bonnie having the same weird dream about the locked coffin only slightly more disturbing then the first time since now she dreams she’s in the coffin and her mother opens it.
  • Alaric and Dr. Fell – was all for this little couple because Alaric needed some happy, but with the possibility of a link to the medial examiner’s death to Fell then it kind of taints it all. Alaric is a good character and would hate to lose him before he made the ‘good’ doc unhappy.
  • Klaus is in the house – what are the rules for other vampire’s house in this case for entering? While Stefan still tries to be ‘crazy’ which we can still see the gaps in that façade.
  • Klaus using lackeys to go after Abbey before Bonnie and Elena can get there – some much for the ‘good’ side being ahead of the game. To which he used compulsion on both Abbey and the step-brother. Possibly Abbey isn’t telling the whole truth about her powers since using something on Bonnie that muted her magic to kidnap her while Stefan gets shot by the step-brother Jamie and Elena gets tied up all so Klaus can find out where the coffins are.
  • Watching Tyler transform in order to get Caroline’s dad to help him break the sire bond with Klaus. It’s so painful to watch him do the one thing he hates doing most in the whole world. The things that man will do for Caroline and the things Caroline’s dad will do to protect is daughter even if it seems hurting someone she loves.
  • Dr. Fell stabbing Damon in the neck with vervain and stealing his blood – talk about psycho; please insert Psycho theme music here.
  • The witches getting a little hurt on Klaus for threatening them before showing Klaus where the coffins are – so much for being all powerful but good thing they don’t want Bonnie hurt.
  • Daniel Forbes being the over protecting father and banning Tyler from seeing Caroline until his bond with Klaus is over.
  • Stefan hitting Damon most likely for the kiss with Elena which is now something he can feel bad about but not sorry because Damon was there for Elena when Stefan was off being crazy.
  • Klaus getting this ‘family’ back – but all things come with a price and that includes some things you didn’t really want.
  • Personal dislike – claims of no new episode next week which a major dislike.


  • Dr. Fell using vampire blood to save patients instead of actually being a doctor. Talk about ‘modern medicine’.

Next Episode: February 2nd –2012 (Bringing Out the Dead)


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