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The Following Recap: “The Siege”

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The Following Recap: “The Siege”
Original Air Date (Fox): Monday February 18, 2013
Season 1 Episode 5

by Julianne Snow:

This week’s episode of The Following is titled ‘The Siege’. From the outset, you know that something is going to occur; heck it was even alluded to at the end of the last episode. The episode opens with a scene at the farmhouse. Jacob is sandwiched between Paul and Emma in bed, and while you know he did the deed last night, you find out this morning that he’s a little freaked out by the situation.

While Jacob collects himself in the bathroom, and Paul and Emma are snuggling like a bunch of bunnies in bed, Joey sneaks downstairs and retrieves the phone he saw Paul place on the top shelf in a previous episode. Going into the kitchen, Joey hides himself under the table to place a call to his mother. As Claire and Joey talk, the FBI frantically tries to locate the whereabouts of the phone. Upstairs at the farmhouse, Paul develops hunger pangs and decides to go downstairs to get something to eat. As Joey is describing the farmhouse, Paul finds him under the table and drags him out screaming, all of which his mother can hear and now worry about.

As the FBI discusses where the call originated from, Ryan sees Carroll’s trial lawyer come into the prison. Knowing that Carroll is up to something, Ryan wants to prevent Carroll from seeing her but there is no way to stop the meeting from occurring.

Back at the farmhouse, Emma is on damage control, trying to explain everything to Joey. In the basement, Paul is looking in on Megan who begs for her life; Paul answers her request by telling her that she is never going home again. Back upstairs, Paul and Jacob take a few moments to discuss the events of the morning; the phone call, the sex. When Jacob expresses concern over the phone call, Paul instructs him on the proper knife to use to kill Megan. Jacob’s response is to tell Paul “I’m not gay”, who responds by telling him that the previous night was the first time all three of them were connected. At the end of the strange conversation, that beautifully ties together all of the topics that need to be discussed, Jacob asks Paul to kill Megan for him and Paul refuses, stating that Jacob has to do it.

In the next scene, Carroll is talking to Olivia who seems nervous, guarded and completely unsure of why she is at the prison. Carroll is under the impression that Olivia owes him a few favours for the notoriety that she gained during his trial and tells her that he wants her to provide him with information. At a press conference, Olivia reads from The Masque of the Red Death which activates more of the Following – one unknown calling another stating simply “it’s time”.

At the FBI command centre, Ryan is frantic to find Joey now that they are so close. Deciding that the last ping from the tower during the cell phone call was the best place for them to search, Parker deputizes Ryan and he and Weston are off to see what’s in Dutchess County. Before leaving, he goes to Claire in order to tell her that he’s going after Joey and that he wants to talk to her about their relationship once he finds him.

As the scene changes back to the farmhouse, Emma reveals that she has called Roderick, one of the unknowns that was activated by the press conference and that he’ll tell them what to do. All the while, Joey is listening to Emma and Paul, and Jacob has been sent to the basement to kill Megan.

At Claire’s house, Olivia shows up to give her a message from Carroll. A message that states she must be at Broad and 26th Street at 3pm and alone if she ever wants to see her son again.

The perspective switches to Ryan and Weston in Dutchess County where they are met by the local police. They learn that there are about 150 properties that fit the description that Joey gave his mother.

Jacob comes up the stairs at the farmhouse, his inability to kill Megan becoming apparent and a little old by this point. As he stalks out of the house, Paul follows him while Emma calls Joey for lunch. When Joey doesn’t answer her, she realizes that he’s fled culminating in a manhunt for him around the house. Meanwhile, we see Joey running through the woods where he trips and is approached by an older man.

With Olivia gone from Claire’s house, she waits for the perfect time to tell the FBI that she needs to get out. Not about to let her go out alone, they have to accompany her.

In Dutchess County, one of the local police recognizes a picture of Paul, linking him to the missing girl from the next town over. With confirmation that Paul did leave the store with Megan that night, it has helped to narrow down the properties to search.

Back in the woods, Joey is brought to the man’s house where his wife asks if he is Joey Matthews. When he says yes, they know he’s been kidnapped and are about to take him into their house when Emma comes out of the woods. Taking Joey back with her, doing her best to explain away Joey’s concerns, she instructs Paul and Jacob to go back and say ‘thank you’ to the couple. As the couple are on the phone to the police, Paul walks into their house with a crowbar. Back at the farmhouse, Emma locks Joey into his room. Hearing a noise, she investigates and is startled by a man who says that Roderick sent him to fetch them.

Out at one of the farms, Ryan and Officer Lopez get a call that the Sullivan’s had seen Joey so they rush over to the house to talk to them. Coming into the house, they discover that the Sullivan’s have been beaten to death. Realizing they have just missed the murder, Ryan rushes outside and finds the path. Both Ryan and Officer Lopez take it and discover the farmhouse. Lopez calls their location in as Ryan calls Weston. When he sees Paul and Jacob, Ryan decides to get a closer look. Inside the farmhouse, Paul and Jacob meet Hank and are told they have 10 minutes to pack light.

Back at the restaurant, Claire gets up to go to the washroom and slips out the backdoor before the Special Agent sees her. Suspicious, he still checks the washroom but by the time he realizes she’s gone, it’s too late.

As Ryan and Lopez investigate the house, getting closer and closer to it, Lopez is nervous. With Hank out by the car talking to Roderick who is waiting for Claire, he pops out of the barn and Hank notices him. Coming into the barn, Hank approaches Lopez, whose inexperience gets the better of him and he is overtaken by Hank. Hank shoots him once and then when Lopez falls, and he’s about to shoot him again, Ryan comes in and shoots Hank. Coming down the stairs at the sound of the gunshots, Emma goes out to Hank’s car and grabs guns. Meanwhile Ryan is calling for help, knowing that Lopez is in bad shape. When Lopez dies, Ryan decides to enter the house alone instead of waiting. When Joey realizes he’s been locked in his room, he does everything he can to open the door.

Back at the jail, Olivia is reporting to Carroll that the FBI knows where the farmhouse is located and that both the local and national news picked up the press conference. Realizing that she’s been used to set a new sect in motion, she tells Carroll that she doesn’t want to be the messenger anymore. In a flashback, viewers learn that Olivia had once been visited by Hank, an envoy of Carroll. When she asked him what he wanted, the view switched to Hank holding a pair of shears. Back in present day, Carroll instructs Olivia to take down a message from him and when her hand is placed on the table, she’s missing two fingers…

Back on the street, Claire is approached by Roderick in a car. She is told to get in and she does.

Emma and Jacob find Hank and Lopez’ bodies in the barn while Ryan is breaking into the house through a basement window. He encounters Megan and instructs her to be quiet. Making his way upstairs, Ryan locates Joey just as he is exiting the bedroom he just broke out of. Joey is scared but believes Ryan when he says he’s come to get him and take him back home to his mother. Just as Ryan is about to go up the stairs, Paul materializes behind him and puts a gun to his head. In great cliff hanger fashion, the episode ends there. Previews for the next episode look awesome!

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial. Find her on Twitter @CdnZmbiRytr.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website. Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial.

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