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The Following Recap: “Chapter Two”

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The Following Recap: “Chapter Two”
Original Air Date (Fox): Monday January 28, 2013
Season 1 Episode 2

by Julianne Snow:

The Following’s second episode opens on Jordy Raines (Steve Monroe) as he’s entering the sorority house under the guise of ensuring that there’s no one in the house. As he’s lead upstairs and into the sanctity of one of the bedrooms, he quickly grabs his ‘kit’ from outside a window and confuses the young woman with him. Since it is “important to have the right tools”, Jordy now starts to pick them off one by one. Later in the episode, you learn that Jordy removed the eyes of the girls in the same fashion as Carroll, emulating him.

The scene moves to Claire’s house where a newscast describing the kidnapping of her son Joey by his nanny Denise is giving her a glimpse into just how far her ex-husband is willing to go. In order to give the FBI the best chance at tracking down her son, she gives Ryan everything she can concerning Denise and her background, letting Ryan know that she wants him to find her son.

As Denise, Joey, Jacob and Paul pull up at a farmhouse, you realize that Joey has no idea that he’s been kidnapped. It’s a smart plan; a kid who’s fighting you is bound to draw attention. Paul’s demeanor gives you the impression that he’s not 100% into the kidnapping, but that he’s doing what he has to do because he’s devoted to Carroll. It is also revealed that Denise and Jacob were a couple before being separated to carry out their parts as a part of the Following.

Next we are introduced to a new character – Special Agent Debra Parker (Annie Parisse) – whose job it seems is to keep Ryan in line after the last Special Agent was unable to do so. The Bureau wants to kick Ryan off the case since he broke Carroll’s fingers, but he wants a gun to better protect himself and those around him instead. As they talk, Ryan throws out the word ‘cult’, but Parker is not too keen on referring to the Following in that manner just yet.

Claire makes a trip to visit her ex-husband Carroll while he is incarcerated. She wants him to tell her where Joey is and is willing to do or say anything to get him to reveal important details. He queries her about the letter that he sent, wanting to know the answers to the questions he asked her. Her answers are simple: yes. Ryan and herself did have an affair, though it started after the divorce. His hands shake because she is so beautiful to him, but he is visibly upset over the affair with Ryan. She continues to question him about Joey, telling him about his reading, asking if he’s in danger, while Carroll is doing his best to upset her by mocking her. In a final act of mother’s rage, she snaps and grabs him, demanding her son. Carroll retaliates by grabbing her neck and telling her that he will always love her. In the end, the guards must break the hold they have on each other.

At the farmhouse, Joey’s ‘new’ room is just like his room at home. He asks Denise “why is my dad such a bad man” to which Denise explains that maybe he’s not bad, just misunderstood.

Now you’re treated to the Denise’s backstory of a young girl at a book signing for The Gothic Sea. It’s revealed that her real name is Emma. She’s star struck with Carroll and when he tells her that she has nice eyes there’s a moment when you wonder why she’s not dead like the rest. As they discuss his book, she reveals that she loved the imagery within it, likening the end to finding hope in death. It’s very plain to see that Carroll has mesmerized her. When her mother comes in the find out what she’s been up to, you see Denise’s jealousy pique as her mother shamelessly flirts with Carroll.

We learn that they have figured out that each of the identified members of the Following – Denise, Jacob, and Paul – all visited Carroll while he was in prison. They learn Denise’s real name is Emma Hill and go to her house in Petersburg, wondering if Joey is being held right under their noses. Ryan breaks into the house in the back, and instantly viewers are assaulted with imagery of the eye as it’s splayed across the walls. Ryan continues to investigate and upon entering a back bedroom, he sees masks in the likeness of Poe. Seeing his book on a chair in the room, he picks it up and you see him in the forefront with the masks on the wall behind him. What Ryan didn’t realize was that one of the masks is actually being worn by one of the Following. He is attacked from behind and has a gun held to his head. In true television kismet, Ryan is not shot, but knocked out with a kick to the head instead.

As the FBI investigates the rest of the house, Ryan tells them his attacker was not Jordy. The walls are almost completely covered with eyes and Poe’s writings. It’s suggested that Carroll is using Poe’s works as a religion – “the only way to truly live is to kill”. It is also revealed that Parker runs the Alternative Religion unit at the FBI and upon seeing the house, she’s ready to call the Following a cult. Further analysis shows there are 8 different hand writing styles on the walls.

The dynamic of the Following seems to have changed – at least for Paul as he’s feeling left out. You learn that it was Carroll that set Denise and Jacob up. They find out the FBI has uncovered Denise’s true identity from Rick, who is the man that attacked Ryan in the house. Paul has a conversation with Jacob in which he asks why Denise is making the decisions. Jacob responds that it’s what Carroll wants and goes on to say that Denise is special. Denise, who had been listening to the conversation, smiles and walks away when Jacob says that. In a flashback, you learn just how special he thinks she is. The first time that Jacob was to meet Denise’s mother, she slagged Denise off, telling Jacob that she was a ‘plain Jane’. Denise retaliated by stabbing her in the back of the neck with a knife. It’s her first kill and it can only be described as a brutal initiation.

Back at Denise’s house, Weston (Shawn Ashmore) finds the desiccated body of Denise’s mother stowed in the wall – think Poe’s The Black Cat. In the same room, references to the woman in Poe’s life are all over the walls along with a photo of Claire, under which the word ‘Nevermore’ is scrawled. Realizing she may be in danger, they rush to her house.

All is safe at the house and Claire is devastated to learn the true identity of Denise. Promising to find her son, Ryan leaves. Outside the residence, one of the techs gives him a series of maps – Sara’s house, the sorority house, and Claire’s basement! Ryan rushes back inside while the scene cuts to an officer accompanying Claire upstairs to check her room for possible intruders. He clears her bedroom and then takes guard outside it. As Claire is getting ready for bed, feet drop down from the ceiling behind the cop and he is rendered ineffective. Jordy comes into Claire’s room and takes her hostage.

Ryan rushes up the stairs and bursts into the room, almost getting himself shot in the process. Jordy reveals that he must kill Claire or Ryan must kill him for Carroll’s story to progress, but lets Ryan know that he (Jordy) gets to write the chapter. As Ryan slips into the room, a gun is tucked into his waistband. Jordy reveals that he doesn’t want to die and Ryan suggests calling Carroll for guidance. As Jordy moves to the phone, Ryan shoots him.

Ryan is angered that Carroll would come after Claire and goes to see him at the prison. In the room, with multiple guards for Carroll’s safety, Carroll reveals that he has many surprises for Ryan and that Jordy was the first step in Ryan’s return to form. When he asks what it’s like to kill the villain, Ryan reveals that Jordy is not dead. For the first time you see a look of disquiet run across Carroll’s face. He tries to convince Ryan that Jordy knows nothing, but you can definitely feel that he’s worried about something.

As the episode winds down, many things are witnessed; Paul sees Denise and Jacob having sex and looks positively devastated; Claire reveals to Ryan that she doesn’t trust anyone other than him; Carroll gets a tome of Poe’s work from Parker; and a Poe-masked individual sets a man in fire in the street. From all appearances, the next episode is definitely going to heat up even more!

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial. Find her on Twitter @CdnZmbiRytr.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website. Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial.

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