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Teen Wolf Recap: “The Overlooked”

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by Kevin Ranson:

Teen Wolf Recap: “The Overlooked”
Original Air Date (MTV): Monday August 5, 2013
Season 3 Episode 10

Looks like Lydia had the week off… that is what it means when she doesn’t show up for an entire episode, right? Gulp.

There’s a storm coming – no, literally – and Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital patients are being evacuated. Cora Hale is one of the few still there – whoops! Melissa didn’t know Uncle Peter had come back to life – but Cora is throwing up black blood and mistletoe. Can someone please tell me how Jennifer keeps tricking people into eating poison for her?

Speaking of her Darachness, Jennifer runs to Derek and tries to smooth things over before he hears about the concert – as if they couldn’t have texted him – but Scott and Stiles are already there anyway. As it turns, out mistletoe gives Jennifer away, too… oops! Derek lets Jennifer live because she claims she can cure Cora; she a tries to convince Derek there’s more to her story, as there was any excuse for the dozen-plus number of people she’s “sacrificed.”

Scott, Stiles, Derek and Jennifer get to the hospital; Melissa tells Scott there are only two ambulances still on their way, but she looks worried when Scott won’t tell her why they’re all doing there. Uncle Peter is getting his ass kicked by the Aiden-Ethan Doublemint alpha, but he/they say they’re only there for Jennifer… who takes the opportunity to sneak off into the elevator. Unfortunately for her, Deucalion and Kali are on the floor she stops on; Jennifer’s iris’s turn white as she focuses her power and knocks Kali back long enough to close the door again.

Stiles takes a baseball bat to the Doublemint alpha, but it shatters with zero effect. While Scott and Derek try to hold their ground, Issac, Allison and Daddy Argent meet at the school, but since the storm is blocking calls, they all head to the hospital together. Melissa accidentally runs into Deucalion, calling him “the bad guy” – fun moment! Cora isn’t looking better… so of course Jennifer shows up again – having nowhere to run – and reiterates her “save me to save her” ultimatum.

Peter offers to torture her instead, and Derek has no problem with it right up until Melissa uses the hospital PA system to tell Scott that “Mr. Deucalion” has her and wants Jennifer in exchange. Peter takes a shot of epinephrine to help him and Scott beat Aiden-Ethan back, allowing Derek and Jennifer to escape with Stiles and Cora down to the last ambulance. Unfortunately, the driver has already been killed by Kali; she calls Jennifer by another name: “Julia.” Stiles hides in the ambulance with unconscious Cora while Derek and Jennifer run. On the roof, Deucalion turns off the power, trapping Derek and Jennifer in an elevator, then lets Melissa go find her son as “a gesture of goodwill.” Anyone else here buying that? Didn’t think so.

Cora stops breathing, but Stiles resuscitates her; go Stiles! While he bares his soul out loud to a still-presumed unconscious Cora – uh huh – Derek texts someone about the backup generator while Peter and Scott make use of a laundry chute to get past the Doublemint alpha. The Argents and Issac close in while Scott drops Peter off at the ambulance; alphas are everywhere. Scott takes on Aiden-Ethan – they tell him they’re trying not to hurt him – while Melissa stuns Doublemint with defibrillator paddles.

While Kali admits to Deucalion that she may not have made sure her druidic emissary Julia was dead, Jennifer tells Derek that taking Paige’s life in the root cellar – a sacrifice – empowered the nemeton, allowing Jennifer to hang on until she was found… by Stiles’ dad, no less. The Argents and Issac catch up to Scott and Melissa while Jennifer teaches the audience about how Norse mythology relates to mistletoe – thanks, Teen Wolf! Jennifer explains that the emissaries were the overlooked, that she would use the sacrifices to power up and kill the alpha pack once and for all.

When Derek says it still may not be enough, she reveals her plan: the upcoming total lunar eclipse causes all werewolves to lose their power. Meanwhile, the everyone not stuck in an elevator launch a plan to lure the alphas out of the hospital chasing Jennifer… except that it’s really Allison, and she brought her bow. With Daddy Argent’s guns blazing beside her, the alphas scatter while Issac collects Stiles, Peter and Cora. Melissa gets the generators back on, but Scott finds Derek unconscious; Jennifer’s gone. Scott races to the roof to find his mom gone as well.

Deucalion, however, is there. As Stiles watches on, Scott accepts Deucalion’s offer of mutual help, their parents in return for getting Jennifer. Melissa awakens bound across from the sheriff who tells her that they’re in the nemeton, but has anyone seen Lydia?

Two episodes to go in this season!

Are you watching? Have a theory? Just love or hate something? Leave a comment!

Kevin A. Ranson is the author of The Spooky Chronicles and the upcoming vampire thriller The Matriarch. He also the creator/critic for and the “ghost writer” for its horror host Grim D. Reaper (often seen skulking around horror conventions). Find him on Facebook, on Twitter @KevinARanson, and his author blog at

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About The Author

Creator, Writer, Critic. Heeding a macabre calling listening to “Mother Ghost Nursery Rhymes” in kindergarten, Kevin started writing in grade school and filled countless notebooks with story ideas while touring the Mediterranean in the US Navy. He is the author of The Spooky Chronicles and the vampire thriller The Matriarch, creator/critic for and “ghost writer” for horror host Grim D. Reaper, and has numerous credits in the role-playing game industry. His author blog is at

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