Sunday, February 23, 2025

Teen Wolf: MTV Releases the Hounds…

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by Kylie Klein:

MTV put the wolf among the chickens yesterday with the release of the Teen Wolf seasons three trailer.

Wolfies went rabid for the 2 minute clip, which introduced a slew of new characters and a much darker tone that previous seasons.

With a season tag line promising that this season ‘might hurt’ teasers released before the trailer have suggested the body count in Beacon Hills is set to soar when the show returns in two weeks.

The trailer confirms it, showing what seem to be several gruesome deaths, including the brutal killing of Melissa McCall (Melissa Ponzio), mother of the Teen Wolf himself, Scott McCall, at the claws of new character Deucalion (Gideon Emery).

Wolfies waiting to see what will become of the show’s romantic story lines got a little more than they expected too, with a shot of beta werewolf Isaac (Daniel Sharman) and Scott’s on-again-off-again Hunter girlfriend Allison sharing a heated glance.

The final moments of the trailer reunite the love struck Teen Wolf and his huntress, but with the show’s bitter tag line ringing in fan’s ears, they can only hope all is not what it seems.

Forget ‘this might hurt’, it already does.

Teen wolf returns to our screens on June 3.

DarkMedia contributor Kylie Klein covers Teen Wolf. She’s passionate about pop culture – from classic Doctor Who to the DC Multi-verse and everything in between. In her spare time she wrangles gore and produces movies with Typhoid Films. Follow her on Twitter at @KokoKabana and check out her blog at

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Kylie Klein covers Teen Wolf. She's passionate about pop culture - from classic Doctor Who to the DC Multi-verse and everything in between. In her spare time she wrangles gore and produces movies with Typhoid Films. Follow her on Twitter at @thegirlinrowk and check out her blog at

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