Saturday, February 22, 2025

Browsing the "Writing" Tag

Pushing The Bloodsoaked Envelope

Pushing The Bloodsoaked Envelope

by Richard Jay Parker Do you try to shock yourself? It was a question I was asked recently and I’m sure they were referring to my writing and not my private life. It’s true that there are some very mild-mannered [...]

Arts and Literature

New to Tarot? 20 Things You Should Know

by Janet Boyer: Because I’m a published Tarot author, reviewer, blogger, teacher and reader, I often get emails asking about prevalent superstitions surrounding the cards, as well as questions on the best books, decks, techniques and modes of learning. Here [...]

Paranormal, Research and Opinion

“I hope that my reinterpretation of the vampire takes off and allows for others to do the same. I also hope that readers take away from my books the same ‘wow’ that I did when I read Anne Rice for the first time.” -Karen Dales

DarkMedia Interviews Karen Dales: It’s important to begin by stressing the fact that you don’t meet people like Karen Dales every day.  Confident, intelligent, and never intimidated by her own success, Karen is an author who means to leave an [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Chatting With Garry Charles: Tranquil Disturbances

by Alex Mcdermott: Is there anything more creepy than a small town, isolated out in the middle of nowhere, with nowhere to go and no one to turn to?  What do you do when the nightmares begin?  Garry Charles takes [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

A Glimpse Into Researching for the Make-Believe

by Mark D. Evans: My current WIP—of which I’m currently polishing the final draft—is a vampire story like no other. “Yeah, yeah.” “Heard it all before.” “There’s no originality left for vampires.” “Vampires have been done to death.” That’s what you’re [...]

Arts and Literature

Jason vs. Freddy…vs. The Quiet Guy Next Door (It’s Always the Quiet Ones)

by Michael A. Kozlowski: When you think of horror stories (or movies, for that matter) it’s likely that the images conjured up are vampires, werewolves, demons, zombies or some sort of human things that die at the end but prove exceptionally [...]

Arts and Literature

My Opinion, Hard and Cold

by Drew Keaton: This is a rant! Be forewarned… I’m an avid reader and I adore the classics. As an English major, I’ve everything from Spencer to Byron. Kafka, Blake, Shelley, and Burrows sit on my shelf. I’ve recently dipped my [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Death Imitating Art

by Richard Jay Parker: Was chatting with another writer this week about a storyline she formulated which outlined the perfect murder. She then became concerned that putting it out there might inspire somebody to copy the method. Is it likely [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Grave Robbers Point

by Jill C. Kirkham: The cemetery has long been, if you’ll excuse me, a favourite haunt of mine. I find it very soothing, especially in the fall. I love to walk the narrow tree lined paths, and read epitaphs or talk [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature