Monday, March 3, 2025

Browsing the "VMK Fewings" Tag

‘Tis the Season for Giveaways on DMC!

This month, DarkMediaCity is hosting not one, but four incredible giveaways — in cooperation with a few of our very favorite people. First, award winning author V.M.K. Fewings has generously donated ten signed copies of her latest novel in The Stone Masters [...]


“Having grown up in England I was fascinated with Stonehenge. I wanted to incorporate the historic site into my books.” -V.M.K. Fewings

DarkMedia Interviews V.M.K. Fewings: In the wildly popular, highly acclaimed, Stone Masters Vampire Series, author V.M.K. Fewings has done what many have set out to do, and few ever accomplish; she has breathed new life into a well-worn genre.  Her [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews