Monday, March 31, 2025

Browsing the "Vamplit" Tag

Just in Time for Valentine’s Day: Vamplit’s “Bloody Hearts Blog Hop”

Just around the corner, on February 13th and 14th, Vamplit Publishing is hosting the “Bloody Hearts Blog Hop”, a Valentine’s Day gift — in appreciation for all their readers and followers. This is the first year for the event, and will [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature News, Promotions

Women in Horror Month: Vamplit Salutes Anne Rice

Each Wednesday, genre fiction publisher Vamplit Publishing hosts an interactive, Twitter-based chat on a topic relevant to the horror/suspense/thriller genre.  Prior topics have included “Vicious Vampires”, “Witches”, “Horror Movie Makeup”, and the Master of Suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. This week, in honor [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature News, Promotions

Vamplit Publishing Discusses “Torture Films”

Each Wednesday, genre fiction publisher Vamplit Publishing hosts an interactive, Twitter-based chat on a topic relevant to the horror/suspense/thriller genre.  Prior topics have included “Vicious Vampires”, “Witches”, “Horror Movie Makeup”, and the Master of Suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. This week [...]
