Sunday, February 23, 2025

Browsing the "Vampires" Tag

“I hope that my reinterpretation of the vampire takes off and allows for others to do the same. I also hope that readers take away from my books the same ‘wow’ that I did when I read Anne Rice for the first time.” -Karen Dales

DarkMedia Interviews Karen Dales: It’s important to begin by stressing the fact that you don’t meet people like Karen Dales every day.  Confident, intelligent, and never intimidated by her own success, Karen is an author who means to leave an [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

A Glimpse Into Researching for the Make-Believe

by Mark D. Evans: My current WIP—of which I’m currently polishing the final draft—is a vampire story like no other. “Yeah, yeah.” “Heard it all before.” “There’s no originality left for vampires.” “Vampires have been done to death.” That’s what you’re [...]

Arts and Literature

“The defining element of a good story for me is that the main characters must go through a learning curve.” -Syrie James

DarkMedia interviews author Syrie James: Syrie James is an author and screenwriter. Her name is pronounced “Sear-ee” (rhymes with Dearie.) Apparently, her first name was inspired by a character in a radio show her mother listened to as a little [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Vampires Everywhere and Not a Drop of Goth!

by Alex Mcdermott: The vampire has made quite the comeback in the last couple of years with the popularity of Twilight, True Blood and Vampire Diaries. You can’t argue with the sales, but for some fans these vampires leave the blood [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

When Writing About Sex Vampires is “Writing What You Know”

By  Lacey Reah I had been writing plays for so long, but after having a family and moving away from NY, I lost interest in workshopping plays and spending hours working with actors and creating something for an audience.  I [...]

Arts and Literature

“I think the best stories are stories of characters. Characters create conflict both within themselves and with each other, and conflict drives the story.” -Jeannie Holmes

DarkMedia Interviews Jeannie Holmes: Jeannie Holmes is the author of the Alexandra Sabian series, and fears spiders, large bodies of water, and bad weather. She moved from the backwoods of southwestern Mississippi to the Alabama Gulf Coast where she now [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

“I admire visionaries in all fields who pursue their truth and allow the creative force to flow through them no matter what.” -Rosemary Ellen Guiley

DarkMedia Interviews Rosemary Ellen Guiley: Rosemary Ellen Guiley is a leading expert on the paranormal and supernatural. She conducts  original field investigations of haunted and mysterious sites. She has written more than 40 books – including 9 encyclopedias – and [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews, Paranormal, Paranormal Interviews

Love Bleeds

by Temoc Delgado: Being almost 500 years old, I can be quite set in my ways. When it comes to books, I am no exception. But, this year, I gave in to my Gemini tendencies and purchased an Amazon Kindle. And, [...]

Arts and Literature

“Stoker’s Dracula is the embodiment of evil. Consistently throughout the book, the Count acts without remorse.” -Dr. Elizabeth Miller

DarkMedia Interviews Dr. Elizabeth Miller: Elizabeth Miller is recognized internationally for her expertise on Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula – its origins in folklore, literature and history, as well as its influence on the culture of the twentieth and twenty-first [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews