Saturday, February 22, 2025

Browsing the "tyr kieran" Tag


by Tyr Kieran: The flames swayed in the light breeze of the ceiling fan. Still, they burned strong and bright. To Dustin they were scorching eyes straight from Hell, all ten of them. Beads of red wax rolled down the candles and [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

“A book should take you on a journey where hardships and confrontations lead to a satisfying accomplishment or lack there of. Even rich, tangible characters will seem dull without an interesting and clear purpose.” -Tyr Kieran

DarkMedia Interviews Tyr Kieran: “I’m a storyteller first and foremost. I write to take my readers on an adventure they won’t get anywhere else; one that offers the gamut of emotions amid vivid imagery and creative events. As a writer [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews