Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Browsing the "spotlight" Tag

American Horror Story Asylum Recap: “Nor’Easter”

American Horror Story Recap: “Nor’Easter” Original Air Date (FX): Wednesday October 31, 2012 Season 2 Episode 3 by Sarabeth Pollock: Happy Halloween, boys and girls!  Of course, our thoughts and prayers go out to the people dealing with the aftereffects [...]

American Horror Story (FX)

Shriekfest 2012: A Post Mortem

by Michele Pearson: This month, I traveled to Hollywood for my most anticipated vacation of the year: Shriekfest.  I have been looking forward to this since I first learned of the festival just over a year ago.  I decided at [...]

Entertainment News

“If we all just have each other’s backs, we can change the industry.” -Denise Gossett

Over a decade ago, actress Denise Gossett made a decision that changed the face of the independent horror industry forever.  What began with the discovery that there were no film festivals for independently produced horror films, ended definitively with the [...]

Entertainment Interviews, Interviews

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “The Rager”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “The Rager” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday October 18, 2012 Season 4 Episode 3 So, sort of picking up where we left off last week: Tyler has survived not one, but TWO assassination [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

Halloween Frights: An Interview With Author Lisa McCourt Hollar

by W.J. Howard: I had the great pleasure of interviewing Lisa McCourt Hollar for DarkMedia. My questions were not the typical ones usually asked, and I realize Lisa had to dig deep to come up with some of the things [...]

Arts and Literature Interviews

Lisa McCourt Hollar Interviews Birthright Author Sue Mydliak

I recently had a chance to sit down and talk with Sue Mydliak, author of Birthright. I am a huge fan of Sue’s, first meeting her when I wrote Flash Fiction for Vamplit and through the Masters of Horror group on [...]

Arts and Literature Interviews

Something Wicked This Way Comes

by Alex McDermott: Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. Edgar Allan Poe  Horror is big business these days. From huge events like ZomBCon in Seattle, Washington to the plethora of novels, [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Doctor”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Doctor” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 28, 2012 Season 2 Episode 5 Ever since last season the question on who exactly Dr. Whale is has been nagging at me.  I had [...]

Once Upon a Time (ABC)

An Open Letter to Paranormal Activity

by Tracy Ladd: Dear Paranormal Activity, A wise man by the name of Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  While I’ve joked, on numerous occasions [...]

Entertainment Articles