Thursday, March 6, 2025

Browsing the "spotlight" Tag

AMC: No Truth to the Convention Rumors About The Walking Dead

by Michele Pearson: Rumors and speculation travel fast on social media.  Sometimes, an innocent statement can turn into something larger than life or a flat out lie can spread like wildfire.  So when a rumor started a couple of weeks [...]

Entertainment News
Supernatural: Fresh Meat

Supernatural: Fresh Meat

by Kimmie Chameleon: There is only so much the show Supernatural can squeeze into each hour long episode, let alone elaborate and describe the thoughts of each character. The storylines are rich with history and intriguing villains, so much so [...]

Arts and Literature

Earth 2 Issue #10

by Paul Bowler: While visiting his mother’s house in Michigan, the Flash is attacked by the by The Atom and Major Sonia Sato. In order to distract the Flash, Colonel Dodds teleports into the fracas and holds Jay’s mother at gunpoint, [...]

Arts and Literature

Revenge Recap: “Retribution”

by Jessica Grafer: Revenge Recap: “Retribution” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday March 10, 2013 Season 2 Episode 15 Emily explains how retribution, in a perfect world, provides symmetry.  The balance between crime and punishment.  Unfortunately we know we are not [...]

Revenge (ABC)

Supernatural Recap: “Remember the Titans”

by Kimmie Chameleon: Supernatural Recap: “Remember the Titans” Original Air Date (CW): Wednesday February 27, 2013 Season 8, Episode 16 The only thing worse than experiencing excruciating pain, is watching someone you love with all of your heart experience pain. [...]

Supernatural (The CW)

Cast and Crew of Arrow Discuss the Show at Paley Fest 2013

by Eric Levy: The CW’s hit show Arrow is on a mini-break from new episodes. However, fans around the world (at least the ones with an internet connection) were treated to a smorgasbord of goodies Saturday night in Beverly Hills, [...]

Entertainment News

Setting in the East: Diamanda Galas on Women and Real Horror

by Shane Lange: Women in Horror Month may be over but its examination of gender roles and issues is an ongoing process. One must look askance at prevailing values in order to see them from different perspectives and avant-garde composer, [...]

Interviews, Music Interviews
Doctor Who

Doctor Who: New Ice Warrior Revealed!

by Paul Bowler: The new Ice Warrior design was officially unveiled today by SFX Magazine. This stunning new version of the classic monster will debut in the third episode of Doctor Who Series 7B, featuring in a story written by Mark [...]

Entertainment News
The Following

The Following Recap: “The Fall”

The Following Recap: “The Fall” Original Air Date (Fox): Monday February 25, 2013 Season 1 Episode 6 by Julianne Snow: In this episode of The Following titled “The Fall”, viewers are whisked right back into the confrontation between Ryan and [...]

The Following (Fox)