Ecko Rising
by Missy Jane: There are usually two paths to a sequel: the Open-Ended Ending and the Cliffhanger. I’m usually okay with the former and absolutely hate the latter. So what about when the last page is read and I find [...]
by Missy Jane: There are usually two paths to a sequel: the Open-Ended Ending and the Cliffhanger. I’m usually okay with the former and absolutely hate the latter. So what about when the last page is read and I find [...]
by Kelly M. Smith: It’s not like me to want to review a comic book, although I am a self-professed comic book lover, but I found that, due not only to the comic’s success but also the contradictory reception it has [...]
by Sarabeth Pollock: True Blood Recap: “You’re No Good” Original Air Date (HBO): Sunday June 30, 2013 Season 6 Episode 3 Welcome to another week of True Blood, fellow Truebies! It’s hard to believe we’re already three weeks into the [...]
by Merrill Barr: Falling Skies Recap: “Search and Recover” Original Air Date (TNT): June 30, 2013 Season 3 Episode 5 Anne and her baby are missing, Weaver and his team went looking for them, found a dead body (not Anne’s), bury [...]
“You’ve been seeing the sultry and bloody Showtime campaign “The Final Symphony” promoting the wildly anticipated final season of smash hit Dexter, but who is the sultry woman behind the music? Shhhh….It’s none other than San Francisco’s own mysterious chanteuse Jill Tracy being immortalized as [...]
by Kevin Ranson: Teen Wolf Recap: “Unleashed” Original Air Date (MTV): Monday June 24, 2013 Season 3 Episode 4 She’s got it bad, got it bad, got it bad! Teacher’s hot for Derek…! Did anyone not see that coming? This week’s first [...]
by Paul Bowler: Although the critically acclaimed American Vampire ongoing series by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque is still on hiatus at the moment, this week our thirst for blood is sated a little as Vertigo release American Vampire The [...]
by Paul Bowler: Jesus arrives back at the Hilltop community in a bid to recruit people for the imminent battle with Negan and the Savours. Their leader, Gregory, is weary of the plan, but Maggie and guardsman Kal are the [...]
by Kelly M. Smith: Under the Dome Recap: “Pilot” Original Air Date (CBS): Monday June 24, 2013 Season 1 Episode 1 “It’s like living inside a fishbowl. I used to have fish…goldfish. But then one got sick and died and the [...]