Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Browsing the "spotlight" Tag

True Bood Season 7 Premire “Jesus Gonna Be Here” Recap

Original Airdate (HBO):  June 22, 2014 Welcome back to Bon Temps, Truebies! It has been a whole year, and now we know that Season 7 is indeed the last season of True Blood.  I admit that I have been approaching [...]

True Blood (HBO)

The Walking Dead S4E16 “A” Season Finale Recap

Original Airdate: March 30, 2014 Well, we made it to Terminus.  Season Finale.  And what a finale it was. We start out with a flashback to the prison days.  It’s hard to believe how peaceful it once was.  Maggie and [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

Batman #27 Review

The penultimate issue of Dark City beings with a flashback to Tokyo 1946 before returning to the Newton Centre, where Batman finds the scientists have been murdered by Dr Death, and the GCPD have cornered the Dark Knight and opened [...]

Arts and Literature

The Walking Dead S4E15 “Us” Recap

Original Airdate: March 23, 2014 We reunite with Glenn and Abraham and Dr. Eugene Porter, who likes to talk about everything, from how the dinosaurs died out to homemade batteries to what kinds of games Tara liked to play.  Abraham [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

The Walking Dead S4E14 “The Grove” Recap

Original Airdate: March 16, 2014 The kettle is on the stove and girls play outside while music plays on a record player.  It’s an old time song.  As the kettle comes to a boil, we see that the girl is [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

CW’s The Flash: Full Costume Revealed!

Today the CW and Warner Bros Television have issued a new photo of Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) in full costume as The Flash.  The Flash costume has been designed by Colleen Atwood, a three-time Academy Award winner, who also designed [...]

Arts and Literature

The Walking Dead S4E13 “Alone” Recap

A man wanders alone in the woods.  He seems unconcerned with destination.  He camps in a drainage pipe and watches Walkers as they try to capture him.  The solitude seems to be getting to him.  When he finds the wreckage [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

The Walking Dead S4E12 “Still” Recap

Original Airdate: March 2, 2014 It’s late at night and a storm is coming.  Dead bodies are strewn all over a road.  Beth and Daryl run through the street, scouting an abandoned car.  They’re out of time, though.  A herd [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

Breaking News: First Photo of Grant Gustin As The Flash

After all the excitement and anticipation, as well as two episodes of Arrow to introduce the character, CW’s The Flash pilot is due to go into production next week, so in the run up to that, Warner Bros. Television has [...]

Entertainment News