Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Browsing the "spotlight" Tag

Sons of Anarchy S7E9 “What a Piece of Work is Man?” Recap

The ep opens, Crow Lovers, with Jax at Gemma’s holding Abel close on the bed, while Thomas plays in the crib at his feet. Wendy comes in and asks if she woke Jax up.  He replies no and pulls Abel [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Gotham S1E7 “Penguin’s Umbrella” Recap

Original Airdate: November 3, 2014 Well, we knew that Penguin was stirring up trouble when he appeared at the police station last week.  And it’s true.  He now has bodyguards when he’s walking down the street, and he loves it. [...]

Gotham (NBC)

The Walking Dead S5E4 “Slabtown” Recap

Original Airdate: November 2, 2014 I believe the official hashtag for tonight’s episode is #WhereIsBeth?  And tonight we find out the answer to that question. Beth opens her eyes.  The clock is ticking.  She’s in a hospital gown, in a [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

Constantine S1E2 “The Darkness Beneath” Recap

Heddwich, Pennsylvania.  The miners in town have just gotten off work.  Filthy and tired they all head home.  Lannis is a supervisor who has had a bad night.  More men threatened to quit.  They keep hearing sounds in the mine. [...]

Constantine (NBC)

American Horror Story: Freakshow S4E4 “Edward Mordrake Part 2” Recap

Original Airdate: October 29, 2014 Happy Halloween (early), boys and girls! Let me say that Wes Bentley makes a wonderful two-headed ghost. He’s as delightful as Papa Legba was in Coven. It’s night at the Freakshow and the fog is [...]

American Horror Story (FX)

Gotham S1E6 “Spirit of the Goat” Recap

Original Airdate: October 27, 2014 Gotham City, 10 Years Ago. A bald man is looking in the mirror and he puts on a mask (that looks suspiciously like the Scarecrow mask).  He repeats “Spirit of the Goat” over and over. [...]

Gotham (NBC)

The Walking Dead S5E3 “Four Walls and a Roof” Recap

Original Airdate: October 26, 2014 “A man’s gotta eat.”  Now infamous words.  Did anyone BBQ over the weekend? Gareth continues to educate Bob on their ways.  He’s standing in front of a glass wall and beyond the glass there is [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

Sons of Anarchy S7E8 “The Separation of Crows” Recap

The mood starts off grim, Crow Lovers, as our open has Jax sitting alone on the roof at the Stockton docks. The taking of Bobby clearly is weighing on his mind, but his Chuck Taylor’s have never looked better. As [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Indie Horror Film 21 Days Screens at the Freak Show Horror Film Festival

ORLANDO, October 26, 2014 – 21 DAYS screened last night at the Freak Show Horror Film Festival in Orlando, Florida. In its 9th year, the festival is part of a larger horror convention that took place this weekend, drawing over 10,000 [...]

Entertainment News