Monday, March 3, 2025

Browsing the "spotlight" Tag

Dark Star

by Kelly M. Smith: Fantasy/sci-fi books are supposed to take readers to another plane when they read, make reality disappear for a few blissful hours. That’s exactly what Carol J. Hansen’s debut, self-published novel “DarkStar” does for the reader. The [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews

The Beast (2012)

by Michele Pearson: What would you do for your child?  Would you kill for them?  Die for them?  Those are questions that parents are often asked, usually followed by the answers “Anything”, “Yes”, and “Yes”.  The Beast asks a different [...]


Opium Dreams

by Ralph A. Bane: Midnight screams and opium dreams Things cannot be as they seem This figure that stands before me now A vision from my past somehow Long has my love been in the ground And my heart has [...]

Short Fiction and Poetry

Something Wicked

by JD Phillips: I notice her almost straight away, a lovely bundle of bronzed flesh in a fitted black dress gently teasing the straw within the drinking glass before her to demonstrate the manner in which she could be teasing [...]

Short Fiction and Poetry

Doctor Who Recap: “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”

by Sarabeth Pollock: Doctor Who Recap: “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship” Original Air Date (BBC): Saturday September 8, 2012 Series 7 Episode 2 I have been excited about this episode of Doctor Who since the BBC previewed it in Hall H [...]

Doctor Who (BBC), Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

Sherlock Recap: “A Scandal in Belgravia”

by Kimmie Chameleon: Sherlock Recap: “A Scandal in Belgravia” Original Air Date (BBC One): January 1, 2012 Series 2 Episode 1 Lucky 13 With its brilliant writing, superb acting, and inventive directing, BBC’s Sherlock has garnered 13 Emmy nominations this [...]

Entertainment, Recaps and Previews, Sherlock (BBC)

Doctor Who Recap: “Asylum of the Daleks”

by Sarabeth Pollock: Doctor Who Recap: “Asylum of the Daleks” Original Air Date (BBC): Saturday September 1, 2012 Series 7 Episode 1 Doctor Who, BBC’s long running global phenomenon, returns in its seventh season with a new introduction, complete with [...]

Doctor Who (BBC), Entertainment, Recaps and Previews

Funny Games (1997/2007)

by Jenny Krueger: Oh Funny Games, how you’re not so funny. I was finally able to watch the original and remake of the horror movie, Funny Games. There are pros and cons to this movie and you’re starting to see [...]


The Possession (2012)

by Sarabeth Pollock: Trust Lionsgate Films to scare the crap out of us over Labor Day weekend.  Horror fans and anyone looking for a nice little adrenaline rush won’t be disappointed with The Possession, the true story of a young girl [...]
