Monday, March 3, 2025

Browsing the "literature" Tag


by R.A. Evans: I’m a sucker for any story that involves discovering the gateway to hell. I blame Dante and his classic work INFERNO for this fascination. Needless to say, when I stumbled across DIAVOLINO my expectations were fairly high [...]


Love Bleeds

by Temoc Delgado: Being almost 500 years old, I can be quite set in my ways. When it comes to books, I am no exception. But, this year, I gave in to my Gemini tendencies and purchased an Amazon Kindle. And, [...]

Arts and Literature

“Just like we all need to laugh, we all need to feel fear. It’s human nature.” -Brandon Ford

DarkMedia Interviews Brandon Ford: Author Brandon Ford grew up in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He started writing at the approximate age of 8 and spent a lot of time testing the waters with various genres. He wrote dramas, comedies, essays, plays, [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

“Very few of us are heroes, and all of us at some point in our lives are villains whether we know it or not, whether we want to admit it or not, and that’s how I see the vampires in my story.” -Michael Smith

DarkMedia Interviews Michael Smith: Caballo Blue’s Michael Smith is an art director living in Chicago with his two crazy macaws, Mitch and Bruno. He sometimes let’s his imagination run wild. When did you begin work on “Caballo Blue”? What would [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews