Monday, March 31, 2025

Browsing the "horror literature" Tag

The Vampyre; A Tale by John Polidori (1819)

“The Vampyre” is a short story or novella written in 1819 by John William Polidori which is a progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The work is described by Christopher Frayling as “the first story successfully to fuse the disparate elements of vampirism into a coherent literary genre.” [...]

Classic Literature Archive, Novellas and Short Stories

Supernatural Horror in Literature by H. P. Lovecraft (1927)

“Supernatural Horror in Literature” is a long essay by the celebrated horror writer H. P. Lovecraft surveying the field of horror fiction. It was written between November 1925 and May 1927 and revised in 1933-1934. It was first published in 1927 in the one-shot [...]

Classic Literature Archive, Essays

Women in Horror Month: Vamplit Salutes Anne Rice

Each Wednesday, genre fiction publisher Vamplit Publishing hosts an interactive, Twitter-based chat on a topic relevant to the horror/suspense/thriller genre.  Prior topics have included “Vicious Vampires”, “Witches”, “Horror Movie Makeup”, and the Master of Suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. This week, in honor [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature News, Promotions

World War Z

by Zombie Theology Synopsis: The book is composed of short interview pieces, compiled by a journalist, describing the history of World War Z, or the war against the zombies. While the interviews are from various individuals in several different locations around the [...]

Arts and Literature


by Rebecca Treadway: The beginning of this novel definitely piqued my interest. A family heading home down a dark, Louisiana street – the father, Jack – spotting the luminescent eye shine of  ‘something’ on the road – the car flips over, and [...]

Arts and Literature

The Jaws of Adana

by Sheri: The Jaws of Adana is a very short, too short, collection of stories by m.j. euringer.  There are only three stories in this self-published book, but they pack a punch and stay with you long after you’ve finished reading. In [...]

Arts and Literature