Saturday, February 22, 2025

Browsing the "hard rock" Tag

“We couldn’t imagine a Black Baptista live show without our audience being a little rowdy and causing a ruckus… We dig it.” -Black Baptista

DarkMedia Interviews Black Baptista: Very few bands in the music industry today are as raw, and as exciting, as Black Baptista.  With their latest album, “Thread the Needle”, the trio of guitarist Bryan Baker, drummer Andy Sanesi, and bassist Peter Boskovich [...]

Entertainment, Interviews, Music, Music Interviews

“You can’t set the sun. You have no control over it. That’s basically what it feels like we’re doing. We’re trying to make a career out of our music and it feels like we’re trying to accomplish the impossible.” -Willpowerless

DarkMedia Interviews Jordan Panfil of Willpowerless: With all the controversy in the music industry today surrounding technology like Auto-Tune and other music enhancing software, a band like Willpowerless is a welcome sight.  Not only does their talent hold up during [...]

Interviews, Music, Music Interviews

“…we have been specially trained by CSIS to put an end to any zombie outbreaks quickly and efficiently. This fall we will be launching our first all-out cross-Canada zombie attack, protecting the nation from this terrible harbinger of doom.” -Kill Matilda

DarkMedia Interviews Kill Matilda: If you visit the MySpace page of Kill Matilda, a quickly rising, female fronted, hard rock band from Canada, you’ll find their latest music, albums, songs, music videos, updates, and an open letter… putting “Matilda” on notice. [...]

Entertainment, Interviews, Music, Music Interviews