Monday, March 3, 2025

Browsing the "hans holzer" Tag

‘Tis the Season for Giveaways on DMC!

This month, DarkMediaCity is hosting not one, but four incredible giveaways — in cooperation with a few of our very favorite people. First, award winning author V.M.K. Fewings has generously donated ten signed copies of her latest novel in The Stone Masters [...]


“I use all my tools, including myself, because I am an open individual who is not closed off to the possibilities of what life offers and why we are here.” -Alexandra Holzer

DarkMedia Interviews Alexandra Holzer: Nearly half a century ago, renouned Parapsychologist Hans Holzer changed the face of paranormal research and investigation forever.  And while the torch he lit is an essential one to carry, it’s an important point to note [...]

Interviews, Paranormal, Paranormal Interviews