Saturday, February 22, 2025

Browsing the "Friday Frights" Tag

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors [City Blackout]

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Rob Smales: The lights went out without warning. Shane froze, staring upward through the darkness at the now invisible bank of fluorescents hanging from the ceiling. Two seconds. Six. Ten. [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

Spelunking [Eaten Alive in the Dark]

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Lisa McCourt Hollar: The lights had burned out but Samuel didn’t mind. He’d seen the creatures that dwelled down here and he didn’t care to see them coming. Thomas was [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

Tunnel Torture

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Blaze McRob: Finite dirt particles shake loose from their moorings on the ledges above, signaling the beginning of another cycle, one more in a never ending parade of events which [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry


Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Timothy C. Hobbs: The emaciated black man sat huddled against the cold in a dilapidated wheelchair. He wore a dark cowboy hat that was faded in a patchwork quilt pattern [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry