Monday, February 24, 2025

Browsing the "breaking" Tag

CW’s The Flash: Full Costume Revealed!

Today the CW and Warner Bros Television have issued a new photo of Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) in full costume as The Flash.  The Flash costume has been designed by Colleen Atwood, a three-time Academy Award winner, who also designed [...]

Arts and Literature

The Walking Dead S4E13 “Alone” Recap

A man wanders alone in the woods.  He seems unconcerned with destination.  He camps in a drainage pipe and watches Walkers as they try to capture him.  The solitude seems to be getting to him.  When he finds the wreckage [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

The Walking Dead S4E12 “Still” Recap

Original Airdate: March 2, 2014 It’s late at night and a storm is coming.  Dead bodies are strewn all over a road.  Beth and Daryl run through the street, scouting an abandoned car.  They’re out of time, though.  A herd [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

Breaking News: First Photo of Grant Gustin As The Flash

After all the excitement and anticipation, as well as two episodes of Arrow to introduce the character, CW’s The Flash pilot is due to go into production next week, so in the run up to that, Warner Bros. Television has [...]

Entertainment News

Dead of Winter Review

by Alex Scully: I once read an interview with a horror author and he argued that a story wasn’t really horror if it did not have a lot of blood, guts, and brutality in it. Rob Smales takes that idea [...]

Book Reviews

Arrow S2E13 “Heir to the Demon” Recap

Starling International Airport. A woman approaches customs and sets off the ARGUS alert when her passport is scanned. The police rush to apprehend her as she manages to take them all out and casually walk through the checkpoint. At Queen [...]

Arrow (The CW)

The World According to Lizzie from The Walking Dead

(Spoilers for The Walking Dead episode “Inmates”) I don’t know about you, but the character of Lizzie on The Walking Dead freaks me out.  It’s not a Carol Ann-Poltergeist-type freak out.  It’s more of an Esther-Orphan or Gage-Pet Sematary type [...]

Entertainment Articles

The Walking Dead S4E11 “Claimed” Recap

Original Airdate: February 23, 2014 I don’t know what’s scarier…being chased by Walkers or being a member of the Russian hockey team… But I digress. As the Sochi Olympics wrap up, we also get to return to the land of [...]

The Walking Dead (AMC)

RoboCop (2014) Review

The original RoboCop was an unexpectedly intelligent story, mocking our consumer driven society with shocking violence and self-referential humor. Like most of Paul Verhoeven’s films, RoboCop was ahead of its time. Many elements of the 1987 film are still relevant today, in fact most of the [...]

Movie Reviews