Monday, March 3, 2025

Browsing the "book" Tag

The Jaws of Adana

by Sheri: The Jaws of Adana is a very short, too short, collection of stories by m.j. euringer.  There are only three stories in this self-published book, but they pack a punch and stay with you long after you’ve finished reading. In [...]

Arts and Literature


by R.A. Evans: I’m a sucker for any story that involves discovering the gateway to hell. I blame Dante and his classic work INFERNO for this fascination. Needless to say, when I stumbled across DIAVOLINO my expectations were fairly high [...]


Love Bleeds

by Temoc Delgado: Being almost 500 years old, I can be quite set in my ways. When it comes to books, I am no exception. But, this year, I gave in to my Gemini tendencies and purchased an Amazon Kindle. And, [...]

Arts and Literature

“Just like we all need to laugh, we all need to feel fear. It’s human nature.” -Brandon Ford

DarkMedia Interviews Brandon Ford: Author Brandon Ford grew up in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He started writing at the approximate age of 8 and spent a lot of time testing the waters with various genres. He wrote dramas, comedies, essays, plays, [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews