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Supernatural Recap: “It’s not a deal, it’s mutually assured destruction.”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Supernatural Recap: “The Born-Again Identity”
Original Air Date: Friday March 23, 2012
Season 7, Episode 17

The brain has a remarkable way of protecting itself from harm, as does the soul. They selectively choose what they want to experience and remember during times of significant stress. Unfortunately, the experiences do not leave forever and rears its ugly head eventually. This week, Sam struggles to fight Lucifer from taking over his body and soul. Castiel is back, but unaware of the mess he left behind when we last saw him. There is no more denying it; we can’t run from ourselves forever. The truth will always catch up, whether we like it or not.

Run, Sammy, Run!

Lucifer is inching his way inside of Sam’s head, but Sam is fighting with every fiber of his existence. He is literally running on the wrong side of the tracks trying to stay awake and ignore the devil. Five days without sleep is altering his sense of judgment and he is hit by a car and taken to the hospital. Dean comes to visit, but is informed that they have locked Sam in the psychiatric floor for his injuries and a full blown psychotic episode. The head doctor tells Dean that he has never seen someone have such a great resistance to sedatives. Sam will not go to sleep.

When Dean visits Sam in his room, Sam reminds Dean that when Castiel was able to give back his soul they knew that eventually this would happen. Sam is growing too tired to resist Lucifer from taking him. Dean implores Sam to keep fighting while he tries to figure something out.

Lucifer refuses to stop annoying Sam. The endless songs, the firecrackers, the emotional jabs…Lucifer is having a great time at Sam’s mental expense. A young lady by the name of Marin catches Sam’s eye. He is curious as to why she is locked up in the psychiatric ward. When she reveals to him that she is being tortured by her recently departed brother, Sam believes her and has found a distraction to cope with the meddling Lucifer.

Sam tells Marin that her brother is a ghost. He finds out that she is wearing her brother’s bracelet and this must be the object that attaches him to Marin. Sam ritualistically burns the bracelet in his room, but is caught soon after by hospital authorities. Now he has really angered the hospital staff and they confine him to his bed.


Dean is desperate to find anyone who may help him save his brother. He searches through Bobby’s address book, but sets it down as he gets discouraged. A mysterious breeze drops the address book on the floor, revealing a business card of a taxidermist named Mackey. Mackey returns Dean phone call and tells him that he knows of a true bona fide healer named Emanuel. The only way to set something up with Emanuel is to go through his wife Daphne in Colorado.

Dean arrives at Daphne’s house in Colorado, but is greeted demons that have tied her up. One of the demons tells Dean that Crowley sent them to take Emanuel. Dean fights off the demons as Emanuel shows up. To Dean’s surprise, Emanuel is Castiel.

Castiel invites Dean into his home and thanks him for saving Daphne. Dean is perplexed that Castiel does not recognize him. Castiel admits that he has no recollection about who he is and has amnesia, but was taken in by Daphne because God told her to. Dean asks Castiel to help his brother and Cas obliges.

Help Me Help You

While on the road, Dean stops at a liquor store for snacks, but gets attacked by demons. Castiel is safely waiting inside of the car, unknowing of what danger he is in…or what a hot commodity he is. Dean is about to get killed but is unexpectedly saved by another demon…Meg.

Meg needs friends to take down Crowley. She intends to use Castiel as her very own weapon before Crowley gets his hands on him. She would like to jog Castiel’s memory so that he is aware of his angelic power, but Dean advises against it. Dean must make a choice…the lesser of two evils. He agrees to let Meg tag along with them. All Dean wants is to save Sam.

As Dean, Meg, and Castiel arrive they see that the hospital is surrounded by demons disguised as hospital staff. Castiel is alarmed because he realizes that the people outside are actually demons. Castiel catches on that Dean knows him. Dean admits that they do have a past together and Meg drops the bomb that Castiel is a very powerful angel. They encourage Castiel to try his best to smite the demons. Dean believes that Castiel will remember how to do it…that it will automatically come to him like riding a bicycle. Castiel gives it a go and wipes out all of the demons. Castiel’s memory returns and he is disgusted by his past. He wants to runaway in shame from Dean, but realizes that he must help Sam.

Sam is at the mercy of the hospital staff. They have decided to do a medical procedure on him to help him sleep. Sam is strapped down and wheeled in for some electro-shock therapy. This seems a bit extreme, and it is! A demon is firing up the machine and starts the session. Castiel comes to the rescue and saves Sam…but Sam is beyond saving by now. Castiel decides that the only way he can make amends with Sam and save him is to transfer Lucifer into his head. He does so and is in the mentally impaired torture that Sam was in. Sam is now free of Lucifer’s grip. The guys decide that Castiel is safer hanging out in the mental facility where Meg will oversee him as a nurse. This doesn’t seem right, but the only choice they have at the moment.

Quotable Quotes:

Dean to Sam:  “Quit being Dalai Freakin Yoda about this. Get pissed!” 

Dean to Castiel:  “So who named you Emanuel?”
Castiel to Dean: “”

Dean to Meg: “This ain’t gonna go well.”
Meg to Dean: “I don’t know. I believe in our little tree topper.”

Sam to Dean: “This whole ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ thing feels kinda like a demon deal.”
Dean to Sam: “It’s not a deal, it’s mutually assured destruction.”

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