Saturday, February 22, 2025

Resident Evil (2002)

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by Julianne Snow:


A series of events at the beginning of the film set all of the action in motion. A man in a protective suit places vials of the blue T-Virus along with vials of the green anecdote into a special case. As you believe that he is about the place the last vial of the T-Virus into the case, he tosses it into the lab, where it breaks on contact with the edge of a lab table. When the alarms, controlled by the supercomputer known as the Red Queen, start to go off, none of the workers in the Hive, Umbrella’s clandestine underground lab half a mile under Racoon City believe there is really any threat. It’s not until the failsafe countermeasures come into play and the lab begins to flood, that the true weight of the situation is realized.

Switch perspectives and you’re now in the shower with an unconscious Alice, played by Milla Jovovich. Not able to remember who she is, Alice is surprised to be accosted in her home by members of Umbrella’s SWAT Team, After minimal explanation, they descend a set of stairs into a warehouse beneath the mansion where a set of railroad tracks leader deeper into the Earth all the way to the Hive.

Their destination: The Hive

The mission: Reset the Red Queen

Their Fate: Watch and find out!


If you’re not a fan of Capcom’s video game, this is still a movie you are bound to enjoy. The action is never-ending and the story progresses in a logical (especially if you believe in the possibility of Zombies) and measured way toward the culmination of events. The characters are well thought out and by the time they all get to the Red Queen, you’ve developed your favourites. The casting is excellent with stellar performances from Milla Jovovich (Alice) and Michelle Rodriguez (Rain Ocampo).

If you’re looking for serious Zombie action, you will not be disappointed with this film. In fact, they’ve introduced a new terror into the mix – the Licker; a monster you’re certainly not going to want to meet in a dark alley or children’s playground. Up until the release of Resident Evil, many of the offerings in the genre had been lacking in one aspect or another. Resident Evil is the start of a franchise that has broken genre barriers and gained a whole new following of fans. While the film leaves some unanswered questions, it’s only a matter of time until the Umbrella Corporation brings about a new set of circumstances to keep you entertained and wondering; what if?

Resident Evil is available on DVD and Blu-ray from

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial. Find her on Twitter @CdnZmbiRytr.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website. Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial.

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