Monday, March 31, 2025

Opium Dreams

Short Fiction and Poetry Comments Off on Opium Dreams

by Ralph A. Bane:

Midnight screams and opium dreams
Things cannot be as they seem
This figure that stands before me now
A vision from my past somehow
Long has my love been in the ground
And my heart has made a mournful sound
Must be a vision born of this smoke
On which even now I do choke
The vapors usually subdue the pain
But these play havoc on my heart and brain
The wind gently dances through her hair
As her body seemly floats through the air
How can such a lovely vision
Bring the torturing solace of a prison
Now she does to me draw nearer
With every step my heart grows dearer
Please Lord stops this madness
When the smoke clears nothing but sadness
But before me she does now stand
Reaching out to take my hand
It is solid not vapor or cold
But warm flesh that I hold
Sanity now escaping me
Mind and body fill with ecstasy
We danced away the night
Ending all worries and strife
It seemed like we were dancing on air
When I looked down to see my body lying there
A tear of joy ran down my face
For I knew she came to take me to my rightful place
Forever by her side
Not just a vision in my mind
So let my flesh fall from the bone
I am forever home

Want to submit a piece of original fiction and/or poetry to for next month’s installment?  Click here for our submission guidelines.

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DarkMedia is dedicated to bringing you all the latest from the "darker" side of entertainment, music, literature, art, and things that go bump in the night.

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