Sunday, March 30, 2025

by Drew Keaton:

This is a rant! Be forewarned…

I’m an avid reader and I adore the classics. As an English major, I’ve everything from Spencer to Byron. Kafka, Blake, Shelley, and Burrows sit on my shelf. I’ve recently dipped my toe into the world of indie publishing. I’ve always supported the DIY musicians… this is no different. WRONG! I’m on my third indie and it’s SHIT! Grammar errors, cliche plots, characters as flat as cardboard, themes as shallow as a mud puddle if at all…

I paid for this? If I can’t talk about a book for at least two to four hours (preferably days) after a read, it’s not worth my time. Snobby? Yes… but literature is a passion that runs deep in my soul. If you want to call yourself a writer… you better be prepared to stand toe to toe with writers!

As a goth boy, I love my vampires. Yes… I put you next to Stoker, Polidori, and Rice. Is that fair? Hell yes! You ask me to buy your book now give me what I came for here! Give me a novel like Verland: The Transformation for example. Better than Rice by far and that Twilight stuff better not even come near it! Stoker would be proud. Don’t give me some cliche torture shit about a ‘troubled vampire’ and his captive or some other nonsense that reads like a how-to in a cheap MFA program.

Ok… I’ve gone off. But an indie author ripped me a new asshole when I told her I didn’t like her book. Write a good one and I will let you know…

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DarkMedia is dedicated to bringing you all the latest from the "darker" side of entertainment, music, literature, art, and things that go bump in the night.