In the upcoming horror movie Ma a favor turns into a nightmare as a group of teens think they have made a new friend, but in reality they have just crossed over into their biggest nightmare.
In Ma a group of teens ask a woman to buy them some alcohol, and she begrudgingly complies. She takes things a step further by inviting them
Octavia Spencer is a very talented actress. She’s amazing. In Ma she takes on a whole new persona and becomes a terrifying woman who is so much more than meets the eye.
Here’s the trailer:
It’s worth mentioning that adults who facilitate teen drinking can be charged with all kinds of crimes, but in the world of some teens the idea of an adult allowing them a place to drink makes that person a hero. Clearly Spencer’s Sue Ann, the titular ‘Ma’, is looking for the kind of affirmation that comes with being appreciated.
What the kids don’t realize, of course, is that Sue Ann has her own agenda and they’re about to see that she’s not going to stop until she gets what she wants.
Ma arrives in theaters on May 31, 2019.
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