Monday, March 31, 2025

Lost Girl Recap: “Vexed”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Lost Girl Recap: “Vexed”
Original Air Date on SyFy: Monday March 5, 2012
Season 1 Episode 8

 Your Resistance Is Futile

Face it, Dyson. No matter what boundaries you are ordered to set with Bo, she is gonna charm the pants off of you every time. After all, she is a succubus. Bo has not picked a Fae side to follow, nor a full time lover. Her heart is set on Dyson, but the wall he has built around his heart seems too hard to tear down for her. The beautiful Light Fae human doctor, Lauren, is like an open green pasture…and this week Bo takes the opportunity to graze in it.


Bo stumbles over to Dyson’s place. She is bleeding heavily from an injury and needs Dyson to heal her with his sexual energy. He had previously told her that he would not heal her again after he was overcome with jealousy, but there she is…injured and gorgeous. Bo nearly grinds on him a bit too much. After they settle down, Bo explains that she was attacked by some guy that was upset she was tracking him for a client. Dyson’s jealousy and concern surfaces again, and so he tells her that THIS was the very last time he will heal her.

Bo brings along Kenzi to come with her to meet with a client named Siegfried at an abandoned mansion. Bo delivers a stockpile of freshly donated blood bags to him. For payment, this bloated and snooty vampire offers her information about a lead to her mother. He tells Bo that she needs to talk to Lou Ann Heidinger. Kenzi immediately scoffs, and warns Bo that Lou Ann has been the #1 news story for weeks now. Lou Ann has been found guilty of drowning her three small children, and is scheduled to be put to death in a few days. Siegfried swears that information that Lou Ann has will lead to Bo’s mother.

Bo visits Lauren for her injections. Lauren wonders how Bo is able to heal, and Bo admits that Dyson takes care of all that. A glare of jealousy lands on Lauren’s face and she advises that as Bo’s doctor, she does not approve of Dyson being the source of sex. Bo then starts to hint about her attraction to Lauren.

Kenzi and Bo pay Lou Ann a visit in prison. Bo immediately can sense that Lou Ann is Fae. Lou Ann is uninterested in answering any questions, but when Bo reveals that she is the Fae that was sent to live with humans years ago, Lou Ann recognizes the story. She says she has only heard rumors about the “Foundling”. Lou Ann offers nothing more and goes back to her cell. Bo knows there must be something else to this and returns to Siegfried’s place. When she arrives, she sees that Dyson is there investigating because Siegfried has been murdered. Dyson asks why Bo is there and she explains that Siegfried was her client that said Lou Ann had information about her mother. Bo asks Dyson politely to give her access to Lou Ann’s case file and Siegfried’s autopsy report. He obliges.

Master and Servant

Reviewing Siegfried’s autopsy report, Bo figures out that Siegfried cut his own heart out by way of mind control. She immediately runs to Lou Ann. Bo tells Lou Ann that she knows she didn’t kill her own children and that somebody had used mind control on her. Lou Ann starts to share that it was punishment for her choosing to side with humans and not obeying the Dark Fae’s orders not to fall in love with a human. She had gone against them. This angers Bo and she has Lauren arrange a meeting between her and the Ash to try to see if they can help out Lou Ann. When Bo meets with the Ash, he refuses to help because Lou Ann is part of the Dark Fae, and any intervention could draw attention to the Fae world since this was such a high profile human case. He tells her to forget about it. Lauren stays with the Ash as Bo leaves. The Ash instructs Lauren to keep Bo distracted from meddling in the case while he contacts the Morrigan. He does not want to see Bo get killed. The Ash knows that a Dark Fae favorite, named Vex, is responsible for Lou Ann’s crimes.

Bo returns home, and decides she needs a long hot bath. Her plans are rudely interrupted when a dreadlocked female Under Fae attacks her. Kenzi hears the commotion and helps Bo kill the beast.  Bo and Kenzi leave and head for the Dal. Trick tells Bo that the beast that attacked her was an Under Fae called a Morragh. They feed off of rage. Trick is concerned about Bo’s safety and gives her a Siracon. This weapon attaches to your arm and transforms into arm armor that doubles as a sword. It protects the bearer from corruption and can hurt all Fae.

Lauren shows up with some drinks to share at Bo’s place. When Bo clues in Lauren about her intention to investigate the case, Lauren distracts her with an unexpected kiss. The kiss leads to an all out love fest. Lauren falls asleep, but wakes up to Bo getting dressed to leave and investigate. Desperate to stop Bo, she pretty much admits that the Ash sent her there to bed Bo and distract her from going after Vex. Now Bo has a name of the assailant, Vex. Bo is infuriated with Lauren. Lauren tries to explain herself, but Bo takes off.

Aww…He DOES Care

Bo has made some Dark Fae and Light Fae friends during her investigations. She arrives at a former Dark Fae client’s Chinese food restaurant. Remember the Mayer, the Fae that feeds off of luck? She convinces him enough to give her the whereabouts of Vex, but not before he warns her that Vex is very powerful and highly regarded with the Dark Fae.

Armed with the SIracon, Bo finds Vex and the two battle it out. Bo is nearly about to kill him, but Dyson shows up and pulls her off of Vex. He lets Vex go. Dyson sincerely tells Bo that killing Vex will be certain death for her, and he cares too much about her. Dyson has let his guard down. Bo now knows that he does actually care about her!

Lou Ann is strapped down and prepared for her court ordered lethal injection. Suits are present, and we catch a glimpse of Trick among the suits. We know he is up to something. Lou Ann is injected and passes away. Her body is placed in the prison morgue. A while passes and Lou Ann miraculously wakes up in a body bag. She looks around the room stunned and sees Trick. The episode ends with Trick telling her, “We need to talk.”

Quotable Quotes:

Bo to Kenzi:  “If anyone wants me I’ll be in the world’s longest, hottest bath.”
Kenzi(playing a videogame) to Bo: “And I will be saving the world from robot hookers.”

Bo to Lauren:  “Don’t forget your dog collar.”

Kenzi to Bo: “Come on, short fat and fangy here is playing us.”

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