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Lost Girl Recap: “Food For Thought”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Lost Girl Recap: “Food For Thought”
Original Air Date on SyFy: Monday February 20, 2012
Season 1 Episode 6

On this week’s episode of Lost Girl, relationship rules that were clearly defined by Dyson in last week’s episode, find Bo feeling a sense of defiance to test her ability to seek love and comfort elsewhere. Kenzi learns that not only is she a walking accident waiting to happen at any given moment, but that she is also loved and adored by the Fae family that has formed.

Soup Du Jour

Bo nervously selects a dress for a night out on the town with the beautiful human Fae doctor, Lauren. This is not an actual date, but rather, a test that Lauren is giving to Bo to see if she has learned to control her powers and urges to feed on humans. The two are out at a bar, packed with attractive young humans. Lauren asks Bo how she can read people’s sexual libido. Bo describes it as seeing an energy flow, like an aura. She can determine on a scale, their sexual energy. With all of this sex talk, Bo and Lauren start to flirt, and once Lauren lets Bo test out her resistance on her, Bo gets frustrated and backs off before anything bad happens. Lauren suggests they meet up again the next day at the lab.

Bo brings Kenzi to the lab with her. Lauren is running late, and when she finally shows up, she tells them to tag along to an urgent house call for a sick Fae. Kenzi agrees to go, but she refuses to actually see the patient. They arrive at the home of Halima, an Aswang. This species of Fae never kill humans, but rather eat deceased humans for nourishment. Lauren explains to Bo that this is a benefit to the human species since Aswangs can eat humans that may spread contagions that can kill the human population. Halima has become deathly sick since eating a stew she made out of a human foot. Bo and Lauren go to retrieve a sample of the foot stew and find Kenzi eating a bowl full of the concoction. Kenzi just couldn’t stay out of trouble for even a few minutes! Immediately, panic sets in, and Kenzi is trying to sterilize her mouth with anything and everything she can get her hands on. Lauren quickly snatches up a sample of the foot stew, and Bo and Kenzi head straight to the mortuary where Halima purchased the foot.

The mortuary owner informs Bo that the body that Halima purchased seemed a bit ‘off’ to her, so she made certain to let only an Aswang buy it. Aswangs are known to be able to eat anything. Kenzi and Bo are given the name and address of the foot owner, James Sibley. As they arrive at his house they are confronted by a biker that has rummaged through the apartment. Bo kicks the biker into the next century, and as he scurries away, Kenzi collapses. Kenzi is now bleeding from her eyes and is ill, the same symptoms that Halima has.

Bo rushes Kenzi to Lauren’s lab, and a rudimentary treatment that Lauren has developed is administered to Kenzi. Lauren explains to Bo that this is not a cure. Kenzi has a hemorrhagic fever caused from an unknown thread virus. The foot contained a chemical substance that is unlike anything Lauren has ever seen. She tells Bo that the only way she can cure Kenzi and Halima is to somehow find the original source of infection so that she can use a sample to create an anti toxin. Lauren tells Bo that Halima is getting worse and is on her way in to the lab. Bo is now on a mission to find out what she can to save Kenzi and Halima.

Add Some Basil

Bo consults with Dyson to see what he can find out about James Sibley. Dyson looks in the data base and finds out that James has been unemployed, but had a steady stream of income coming in from an unknown source. Bo describes to Dyson the thug that attacked her inside of James Sibley’s apartment, and Dyson recognizes the tattoo that Bo remembers seeing. The thug is a member of the Iron Chains, a local biker gang.

Bo and Dyson head for the biker hangout and the thug quickly recognizes Bo. The gang begins to jump Bo and Dyson, but the two Faes easily take down the bikers. Bo chokes information out of the thug. He tells him that he was hired by some guy at the Baron Chemical plant to clean out the apartment.

Bo and Dyson return back to the lab and find that Kenzi is getting worse. Lauren and Bo devise a plan to enter Baron Chemical. Lauren has learned that she can pose as an outside quality control inspector, while Bo will have to convince the Director of Operations that she is a qualified assistant. Lauren tells Bo that this should be easy since the director is a sleazy letch that is only interested in attractive assistants. Dyson agrees to stay back and watch over Kenzi. The concern for Kenzi has consumed Dyson because he has grown attached to his annoying friend.

Dyson briefly leaves to take care of some details Lauren and Bo needed done to successfully penetrate inside Baron Chemical. While he was out, Halima arrived at the lab, but died violently right in front of Kenzi. Scared and confused, Kenzi breaks out of the lab. When Dyson arrives to find Kenzi, he quickly sniffs her out and finds her on a bench at a local cemetery. The two chat for a bit, and Dyson agrees not to take Kenzi back to the scary lab. Trick welcomes Kenzi in to his private quarters at the Dal, and sells a cherished heirloom of his to purchase an Abath horn to buy Kenzi more time before she dies.

When Lauren and Bo finally enter the highly guarded sector where they believe the infection originated, they see a tank with a Basilisk inside. Lauren explains to Bo that this is an extremely rare Under Fae with toxic skin. Bo manages to get a tissue sample and Lauren decides that they need to euthanize the Basilisk that is already on life support and dying. She does not want Baron Chemical to continue to study this Under Fae.

In Control

Lauren and Bo rush back to the lab, but not before celebrating that Bo was able to seduce men without killing them. She now believes that she is able to control her feeding urges.

The anti toxin is developed, and Kenzi is on the mend. Dyson overhears Lauren and Bo talking, and picks up on their mutual attraction for each other. After Lauren leaves, Bo thanks Dyson for his help, and tells him that she is able to control her urge to feed on humans. She is confident that she can have sex with humans without killing them. Dyson responds slightly jealous when he asks if Bo is interested in taking Lauren as her first human lover. Bo dismisses the notion, but asks if it would bother him if she started seeing other people. Dyson abruptly tells her “No” and leaves. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Quotable Quotes:

Bo to Kenzi:  “I’m better with multiple orgasms than multiple choice.”

Kenzi to Bo:  “I’m always putting my foot in my mouth, but at least it’s always my foot.”

Kenzi to Bo and Lauren: “So not only does this ‘Ass-Wang’ have a very unfortunate name, but it also eats dead people?! And nobody thought to mention this to me?”

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