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Lost Girl Recap: “Fae Day”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Lost Girl Recap: “Fae Day”
Original Air Date on SyFy: Monday March 12, 2012
Season 1 Episode 9

When people play games with your heart you eventually either shut down emotionally or become so vulnerable that every negative thought becomes amplified triple-fold. A tidal wave of confusion and hurt crashes on your ability to focus. Resentment fills your heart…and with every beat you suffocate and sink to the bottom. The truth will pull you out from the under the deep…and closure will surround you like a life jacket. You can now see the horizon again and move on.   


Bo has become so frustrated by the lack of answers about her past that she has dropped out from the Fae scene. Dyson runs hot and cold with her, and Lauren betrayed her trust. When Kenzi implores Bo to touch base with a very concerned Trick, she can’t refuse. Trick has always been so kind to her. When the girls arrive at the Dal they notice that the bar is filled with dancing and jubilee. Dyson is present and happy to see Bo and Kenzi. Trick explains that today is La Shoshain…an ancient and sacred holiday where every Fae must not use their powers and Light and Dark come together to celebrate the sacrifice the Blood King made over a thousand years ago. During the festivities a harp-playing banshee woman stands up and wails so loudly that the party comes to a halt. Trick orders everyone to leave except for people from “noble families”. It is explained to Kenzi and Bo that when a banshee wails it means death is certain to come to a member of the ancient noble family that is in their presence. Dyson follows Trick to the backroom where he sees things that belong to Lou Ann. Trick admits to Dyson that he intervened in Lou Ann’s execution because Lou Ann was the midwife that delivered Bo when she was born. Trick says they owe her. Dyson and Trick both believe that it would be best to keep Bo in the dark about her past. They discuss that someone named Aife will show up, and when they do there will be a Reckoning.

The banshee that wailed is a Dark Fae named Siobhan McManus and needs to be questioned by Dyson to find out who the cry was for. Dyson asks Bo if she will assist him because she is not bound by the guidelines of the La Shoshain holiday rules and can use her power if necessary. Curiosity gets the best of her and she tags along. Kenzi stays back and flirts with a rather sweet Light Fae named Sean Kavanagh that is stuck at the Dal. Dyson and Bo find Siobhan and have no choice but to strap her down and make her talk. Siobhan wishes she knew who the wail was meant for, but does not know because the wail is an unintentional function. Dyson blends a liver smoothie and force feeds it to Siobhan because the iron will summon the voice of the ancient ones that dwell within Siobhan and answer his questions. The summons is successful and the ancient ones give Dyson the name of the noble person that will die before sundown…Sean Kavanagh. Bo and Dyson return and inform the nobles who was doomed. Sean graciously accepts his fate but begs Bo to locate his estranged brother who is a Dark Fae so that he can tell him that he loves him. Bo agrees to the job and finds his brother, Liam. Liam is a conniving investment banker hell bent on taking advantage of human money and greed. When Bo tells Liam that his brother is certain to die, he shrugs it off and seems bitter.

Brotherly Hate

Bo and Dyson return to the Dal and tell Sean that Liam refuses to speak. Sean must now disclose why there is such an intense rift in their relationship. When they were teenagers Sean believed that Liam stole $30,000 from their family account. In order to prove to his dad that he was doing the right thing, Sean had Liam arrested. After Liam was bailed out, he ran off and joined the Dark Fae and has ever since been a deceitful person. Bo sees the pain in Sean’s eyes and promises that she will do anything she can to convince Liam to reconnect one last time.

Bucket List

Although incredibly tragic, Kenzi is smitten with Sean. She encourages him to write a bucket list and check it off immediately. She rides along with him to his father’s sprawling estates. Patrick Kavanagh appears to be a self-centered control freak, but Sean wishes to say good-bye to his father. Kenzi notices that Patrick seems more interested in gambling than his own son. All Patrick can offer Sean is to get his financial affairs in order. These cold and uncaring words cause Sean to confront his dad about how he always did what was expected of him so that he gained his father’s respect. Sean storms off, but Kenzi is able to say a few harsh words of her own to Patrick. Kenzi takes Sean back to her place.


Bo finds Liam once again and seduces him into telling her the truth about how he feels about Sean. He mutters on about how he arranged a hit on Sean. Bo pieces together that Liam has sent somebody to kill Sean. She races back to her place where Kenzi and Sean are, just in time to stop a goblin from executing Sean. Bo tells Sean that Liam had arranged a hit on him. Sean is so infuriated that he goes after Liam. Bo, Dyson and Kenzi follow after Sean to stop him. Bo wants to think she can settle the whole matter by calling “Agallamh”. All Fae present are shocked. She laments that “Agallamh”is an ancient peace talk that is enforced on La Shoshain. Dyson regretfully tells Bo that now that she has called it, they have to do it. The bad part is that if peace cannot be achieved, the caller will have to be sacrificed…and Bo is the one that called it.

They all decide to have “Agallamh” at Trick’s because Bo wants to do it correctly. Things aren’t going so well, and Kenzi slips out because she may have an idea on how to settle this. Bo tries to buy her time because the clock is inching ever so closely to Sean’s expiration time. He is still on a hit list, and goblins never give up once they have orders. When Kenzi returns she has Sean and Liam’s father, Patrick. Patrick is forced to admit that he was the one to steal from their family account years ago that was blamed on Liam. He is a gambling addict. Sean and Liam offer peace to each other and the “Agallamh” is a success. What Bo did not know was that Dyson and Trick were planning on a way to save her from succumbing to the sacrifice. Dyson calls Trick the “Blood King” and Trick asks Dyson to never refer to him as that again. Dyson now believes that Bo should know the truth about herself. It seems that Dyson and Trick know exactly who Bo is, and they are holding out on her.

Just as everything seems to be settled, a disgruntled customer of Liam shoots at him, only Sean shielded him from the bullet. Sean has met his fate. The banshees are never wrong. Kenzi is devastated.

Quotable Quotes:

Bo to Dyson:  “Back away with the liver-shake.”

Bo to Dyson:  “I’m willing to bet the Goblin Disposal agency is closed today.”

Trick to Dyson:  “Would you have killed her?”
Dyson to Trick: “Would you have used your blood to save her?”

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