Monday, March 3, 2025

Justice League of America Rebirth: Killer Frost #1 review

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Batman is putting together a new Justice League of his very own, and he’s recruiting Killer Frost as one of the inaugural members.

An exciting new era is about to begin in the Justice League of America following the events of the Justice League vs Suicide Squad story arc. In Justice League of America: Killer Frost #1 we see how Killer Frost was recruited as the newest member of Batman’s new Justice League.

This from the comic: “After crossing paths with the Suicide Squad, Batman’s got his own distinct vision for a domestic version of the Justice League. Much like the American melting pot, the Dark Knight has assembled an eclectic collection of former League stalwarts, as well as some new and questionable faces.”

Batman’s new team is made up of Vixen, The Atom, The Ray, Lobo, Black Canary, and Killer Frost. Writer Steve Orlando says that this new team is “the Justice League that looks like American and proves that heroism can look like anything and anyone.”

We meet Killer Frost when she’s locked up under Amanda Waller’s supervision. Waller is trying her best to break Killer Frost because she thinking that Killer Frost’s decision to be one of the good guys is fake. Killer Frost hasn’t fed in a long time, but since feeding means hurting people, Killer Frost holds out so that she can prove Waller wrong.

Killer Frost’s biggest battle will be the battle within herself to stay out of trouble. She has really good intentions, though, and her good intentions have captured Batman’s attentions. If she can keep control of her powers, Batman thinks she will be a valuable asset to his new team.

Justice League of America Rebirth: Killer Frost #1

Price: $2.99

On Sale Date: January 25

Writers: Steve Orlando, Jody Houser

Artist: Mirka Andolfo

Colors: Arif Prianto

Killer Frost #1 and Justice League of America Rebirth #1 are both available now.

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About The Author

Annie Thornton is a lifelong pop culture fan and has been attending Southern California comic conventions for over half her life. Her interests include all things Disney, horror (those two things go together.. Yes? No? Oh well), Star Wars, DC Comics, Marvel, and trying to strike up conversations with other people's pets.

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