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Hemlock Grove S1E3 Recap: “The Order of the Dragon”

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Original Release Date (Netflix): Friday April 19, 2013

Welcome readers to the next episode in Hemlock Grove! Things are starting to unravel, and I can’t wait to see where they go next!

This episode starts with Christina wandering through the woods and finding half of a body of a dead girl. There is also this weird moment where Christine is having some sort of vision or remembering a dream as she stares at a hole under a tree trunk. I don’t know what it means yet, but I am sure it will be revealed in time.

The scene changes and we see Norman talking to the weird drunk guy that was found in the middle of the road by Lethe and Roman. His name is Francis Pullman, and he’s seeing Norman as a therapist. He explains that “they” brought him back, using “Cardio-cerebral resuscitation.” Norman smiles politely at the sarcasm of that statement and continues to probe with questions. He asks about the Ouroboros, but Mr. Pullman deflects. Pullman says, “Where does the soul go? That’s why they kill us. It’s all in their plan.”

A little creepy there Pullman…

We go back to Christina and the dead girl, and she thinks it’s a prank, until she kisses it. Not exactly the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen, but Francis is seeing her as she does it. She freaks out a little when it dawns on her it is real.


Roll credits and onward down the rabbit hole!

After the credits we see Peter come back from his…hunt. Roman and Lynda are waiting, curled up in blankets sleeping until he enters the trailer. Lynda says good morning to Roman, as he lights up a cigarette. Peter dresses and drinks a glass of water, before sitting down and putting his jewelry on. Roman asks him how it was, a strange and harmless question. But Peter says there is something bad in the woods. Roman promises to not tell about Peter’s secret. Lynda comments how the turn really takes it out of him when we see Peter drift into sleep, and Roman decides to go to school without him.

While Peter sleeps, he dreams of Hemlock Grove and Roman. The two are standing on a bridge when Roman says, “This is one of the only rivers in the world that flows north.” Birds dive into the river confused by the strangeness of it. “They say that birds see the magnetic fields of the earth. That’s how they know how to migrate. What do you think it was that brought us here?” Peter asks him if there is blood on him, and Roman shows him the shirt he is wearing. A symbol with a snake eating its tail and an eye in a triangle. Roman says, “We’re in this together.” When suddenly Peter sees angry wolf eyes stalking through the forest.

Peter wakes up from his intense dream and the scene changes, showing Norman stepping out of his car towards a police car. He sits down with Tom Sworn, the town’s sheriff, while he explains to Norman people are asking questions about Pullman’s condition and that he is going to be shipped out soon. This frustrates Norman, but what can he do? Just as Norman leaves, Tom is told of another body being found.

The scene changes and we see two beautiful women waking up. One seems clearly upset with the other, who happens to play with a medallion around her neck. This woman’s name is Clementine Chasseur, and she seems to have ties to the church. In the next scene she’s walking with a priest who chastises her for sharing her bed with a woman and we learn he sees himself as a segregate father to her. After they banter for a bit he tells her Michael is in town. They discuss if he’s contacted her or not, and she reassures him there is nothing to worry about. He hands her a paper and says, “In other news…” where she reads the headline, “Second fatal mauling in Pennsylvania.” The priest simply says to her, “This one’s going to be painful, even for you.”

 The next scene is shots of the sleepy town, with radio dispatching talking about the wild animal report. People are getting scared. People are calling the cops for every little thing. Tom Sworn meets up with one of his men, when Clementine shows up, saying she’s from the Fish and Wildlife services. She flashes a badge and explains that she’s here to help track down the creature that did the killings.

She goes over the case files while Tom drives, looking at the gruesome pictures and reading the details on the cases.  The bite marks indicate it’s the same animal attacking both the dead girls. Clementine says it looks as though the animal deposited the recent dead girl in the forest leaving no tracks to the original killing, which is very strange behavior for an animal.

The scene changes and we see poor Shelley being picked on by some bullies, when Roman interrupts. He uses his powers again, forcing two boys to kiss before making them scatter. He hides the nose bleed as he tends to his sister.

Then we see Roman and Peter together, discussing the recent killing. Roman asks Peter if he did it to which Peter replies, “I never go out on an empty stomach. Also fuck you!” I’d have probably said the same thing to be honest.

 Roman still probes Peter, “Why else would have shown me your transformation? Maybe you want to get caught.” Of course this form of questioning is making Peter angry. They go to talk in a stairwell leading below the school, and the pair light a joint Peter hands off. Roman tells Peter he didn’t do it either, through Peter already knew that. He says the word Vargulf, and explains that a wolf will only attack if it’s hungry or provoked. But a Vargulf is a wolf gone insane. He explains the insanity causes the wolf to not eat what it kills and that it’s like a disease.  Peter is sure that’s what is doing the killing, claiming he could smell it. Roman declares they should find it together. Roman goes on to ramble about theOrder of the Dragon, knights from the crusades that his mother used to tell him stories about. “I’ve always wanted to be a warrior.” He says, which causes Peter to freak out and refuse to help, leaving Roman alone in the stairwell.

The scene changes and we see Clementine with the cops, examining the body.  Tom explains that Christina found the body and that she’s really shook up about it. Clementine pokes around, looking for tracks. We see her assessing the scene, scanning every detail. She says the creature left no tracks, but she can see the tracking dogs tracks, and Christina’s. She explains it’s weird for an animal to drag a 60 pound load without leaving tracks, and that it would have to be large to do so. Tom asks her why an animal would do that and she explains, “In my experience, it wouldn’t. Kind of goes against the grain of being a predator.” One of the officers says, “My cat brings home prey all the time.” Which gives Clementine the idea that the motive of the creature was to have the body purposely discovered.  A trophy.

 The next scene is Lethe at the gyno, which she calls a baby date when she talks to Roman on the phone. The conversation is cut off when she’s called in, and Roman looks very unhappy.

The next scene is Norman driving Lethe home, and Lethe explains that the baby is female, and that she wonders what color her eyes are. Norman just tries to be stoic about it.

The scene shifts suddenly and we see Roman stumble into a bar, presenting a fake ID, and getting plastered.

While Roman drinks, a couple sits in Destiny’s psychic healing shoppe. Destiny is a new element who seems to have gypsy blood ties. She’s doing what she calls “sacred whore work” and puts on quite the performance, scaring the clients out while they toss money at her. Peter shows up and she cleans herself up, having scammed the couple good. The pair then have tea and talk about the Vargulf’s diseased condition. She claims it won’t stop until it destroys himself. She says death is the only thing that will stop it. Peter talks about Roman, how he wants to hunt the Vargulf, and how he’s seen Peter change. Destiny, trying to be a good cousin, tells him she will “go in there if she has to.” Perhaps she has some sort of powers of her own? He explains how Roman and Peter have the same dreams, that they are bonded. Destiny, with something of sympathy on her face says, “ You’ve never had a real friend before.” And then she tells him to run.

Back to Roman in the bar, where his mom eventually shows up after the bartender calls her. Roman would have probably gotten decked if it wasn’t for her, when some guy starts taunting him. Olivia takes him home, and as she drives him she reminds him of the story of the Emperor moth. Roman is probably too drunk to care. It’s quite the tale, and I suggest you hear it for yourself. Nothing compares to Olivia telling stories with her seductive voice.

Clementine and Tom go see Christina, who’s very curious about Dr. Chasseur’s job and why she’s here. They question her about what Christina saw since she’s very observant.  Christina has a difficult time thinking about it. “He didn’t leave anything like that.” and Clementine curiously asks, “He?”

Yup, Christina is very observant.

The scene changes abruptly, as Peter and his mother try to skip town. They’re plans are foiled by Clementine and Tom, who question them as they put things in their car. Dr. Chasseur outright asks Peter if he’s a werewolf, which he explains Christina saw his fingers and decided he was a werewolf. Sadly for them, now they know they are stuck in Hemlock Grove until the investigation is over.

The scene changes and Roman visits his sister, washing her feet. Shelley enjoys the intimate touch, and I found this scene beautiful. It shows Roman does really love her. Not sure why he just washes her feet, but it is interesting. While he’s doing that, Peter shows up, and Olivia gives him the third degree. Roman eventually stops her from brushing him off and lets him in, which really bothers Olivia. She’s not a fan of gypsies.

The pair talk about the fact Peter interacted with Dr. Chasseur, and that he doesn’t want to be caged, but now he’s stuck in this town. Peter relays that Clementine is a digger, and that she will find things out. He also explains what the G on his chest stands for, that it means he is an outsider like Nicolae. That the two of them stand outside all of the worlds. Since it’s too late for him to run, Peter agrees to do what Roman said. To hunt down the Vargulf and stop him. Peter tells Roman that they are gonna dig up the last girl who was killed, and that if he has to, he will kill the Vargulf.

The scene changes and Francis is at the crime scene were Brooke died, reliving the trauma. It’s a pretty intense moment that causes him to scream in agony.

The scene changes again and we are now in Norman’s house. He sees Lethe sleeping on the couch, and thinks about Mr. Pullman. Francis is rambling again, saying how he doesn’t want to see anymore. Lethe awakens. She asks him if he’s all right, and he says no. She tries to comfort him and tells him he doesn’t have to worry about her. He then remembers what Pullman said about seeing what’s inside Lethe. Then there are images of Lethe screaming and the angel’s wings opening, and Norman starts to cry.

So ends another awesome episode of Hemlock Grove! So…how are you liking the show so far? Do you have a favorite character yet?

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About The Author

Queenie Thayer has been an avid fan of horror all her life. She’s a published author of both horror and fantasy. Her recent contribution is in a collection called Ages Of Wonder, published by DAW books. She also enjoys blogging, and is known in the crevices of the internet as Kweeny Todd, the Demon Blogger. There she shares her obsession with the macabre and the monstrous. She’s also an aspiring filmmaker, and is trying to get her short film Red Handed off the ground.

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