Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hemlock Grove S1E6 Recap: “The Crucible”

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Original Release Date (Netflix): Friday April 19, 2013

Back in Hemlock Grove today readers, we watch as Olivia drives up to a place known as Castle Godfrey, which is an abandoned industrial steel mill. She looks around at the rusted, wet surroundings, water dripping from different areas. Suddenly she gets sick on her way out, puking up chunks of bloodied meat. She calls Sheriff Sworn and tells him that she’s confirmed reports of people “exploring” the mill and wants extra patrols of it. As she leaves, the credits roll!


The next scene is Roman and Peter talking about Roman calling them, “The Order of the Dragon.” Peter teases Roman then asks him about how old Roman’s mother is. He tells Peter to ask her himself. Roman, being ever impatient, decides their stakeout isn’t going as planned and just goes up to Lisa Wiloughby’s house. (If you are curious, Lisa is the second girl who was found dead by the alleged demon dog.) Her father, Mr. Wiloughby, answers the door and Roman tries to convince him to let them in. He ends up using his mind powers to put Mr. Wiloughby to sleep, giving him the nose bleed again after they enter. Peter asks him if it hurts, and he replies with the same comment Peter used earlier on him about his change, “You wouldn’t notice if a bus hit you.” Peter laughs as they go upstairs to Lisa’s room. They rummage through her things (And Roman pocket’s a pair of panties with a bunny tail on them) as her sister finds them. She’s a little annoyed they are there, and after talking about how her family is coping, she ends up helping them in the end. She gives them an invite Lisa was given to a party at Castle Godfrey. This is the clue they came to find.

While eating on the hood of Roman’s car, the pair talk about the seriousness of what’s happening and what will happen if they go to jail. Roman teases Peter about his hair and Peter says, “I’ll just point then to your lips.” After a good chuckle, Roman tells Peter, “Do you think things happen for a reason.” To which Peter replies, “I try to not fucking think about it.” Peter’s cell phone goes off and he sees a messaged from Letha.

The next scene is the twins pointing out a white streak that has appeared in Christina’s hair. She’s going on a date tonight and they are worried about how she looks. The girl who was fired from the Country club comes up to her, telling Christina that it’s what is different about her that will make him remember her. The twins get snarky with her for helping, and drives her away, but not before she gets a good jab or two in.

After we are shown a scene at the library. Children are gathered around a lady reading a story to them, when Olivia and Shelley come in. Shelley tries to wave at the kids, but they are freaked out by her. A child even stands up and pees right in front of her. She is terribly hurt by this, as Olivia shoos them away. She tells Shelley, “The cruelty of children is easily ignored.”

Olivia gets a book handed to her of Romany studies, and the librarian makes a remark that calling them gypsies is racist. Olivia seems uninterested as she scans the book, but seems unimpressed. She hands the book back and says in a dry tone, “Thank you for your…efforts.”

The next scene is of Letha and Peter together in the ice cream parlor. Letha picks at her desert while talking to Peter. She says she did some digging about Peter, and then goes on about how good Olivia’s but looks at her age. She asks Peter if he thinks she’s hot, and he tells her she’s not his type. She calls him a liar and then goes on about Olivia being her dad’s patient, and had major problems after the “first” baby was born. This was before Roman and Shelley she claims. The child’s name was Juliet, and died as an infant.


She ignores Peter’s question about how she died, and then goes on to explain that JR totally lost his grip in the end and made some wild accusations about Olivia. She tells him about the suicide note found the next day, but can’t tell him what the accusations were. Peter then asks her how much Roman knows about where Olivia came from, and she replies with, “ Isn’t that a better question to ask Roman?”

Things shift back to the twins and Christina, as they try to help her get dressed for her date. Christina is in her own little world, when Alexa snaps her fingers to get her attention. The twins see Letha and Peter together and start mocking them. Christina gets upset and just leaves them, claiming she needs to meet her grandmother. Letha comments on them, seeing Christina leave. Peter tells her that they think he’s a werewolf and Letha says, “People suck.”

Werewolves don’t suck honey, they bite. Get it straight.

We are then brought back to Olivia and Shelley. Olivia drops a stack of books in front of Shelley and picks up a book on Herbal Witchcraft, skimming it. Olivia checks on what Shelley is reading and is pleased to see she is reading Rainer. She skims through more books such as gypsy lore, the history of herbal medicine and so on, as she explains her love of Rainer. Shelley sees Christina enter with her grandmother and waves as Christina smiles back. Olivia looks on in disapproval, scaring Christina away and making Shelley upset. Right after that encounter, Olivia becomes faint, as Shelley catches when she falls.

Shelley is super strong guys.

The next scene is of Francis and Norman sitting in his office. Norman says he wants to release Francis, but Mr. Pullman explains why that’s a bad idea. Francis replies with, “Today I’ve seen the Dragon.” And goes on about what he’s seen. That Norman can’t understand what’s not right with the world. He says the following cryptic things about what he’s seen:

The baby in the blood pouch.
The river glowing red.
A dog hatching out of a big black egg.
A demon with a crown of light.
A needle the size of a sword.

Norman asks him if the needle is some kind of drug, and Francis gets offended. He says it isn’t about drugs, and says, “…this is some evil, unnatural shit that’s got no business happening.” He mentions how he saw a name on a chart, Varga H. He tells Norman to talk to “H-fucking-Varga before you sit there and look at me like I’m full of shit.” Norman tries to tell him he just wants to help someone, and looks frustrated. All Francis says in reply is, “Then make it go away.” Just as there is a knock at the door, interrupting them. Norman is told he has a urgent phone call and leaves.

Creepy Twin Peaks stuff going on here!

Norman meets up with Olivia, who explains she’s unwell. She asks Shelley to give mommy a moment, and Norman shares a moment with Olivia. We see them banter back and forth, but at the same time, he shows concern for her. He takes her and Shelley home, calls a cab and waits in the lobby. He questions her illness and asks if she’s been taking the pills, which she promptly replies with, “What bloody business is that of yours?” He tells her if she makes it his business it is. She tries to convince him to stay but at the same time tries to make it seem like he could leave at any time. She would have convinced him to stay, if Roman didn’t interrupt them. She tells Roman she’s tired and to run Norman to wherever he needs to be.

We then see poor Shelley in her room, angry, listening to aggressive music. She starts tearing up some books in frustration, and I get the feeling she is almost done being pushed around by mother.

As Roman drives Norman, Roman questions Norman about Olivia. Norman asks him how he’d say she was doing in general and he replies with, “I don’t know. Psychotic?” And they have a good laugh. Roman promises Norman he doesn’t know who impregnated Letha. He says if he did he’d be at the bottom of the river by now, and promises he’d tell Norman if he did. Roman drops him off and promises he’ll watch over Letha and always will.

We then see Roman drive to pick up Peter, only to see Letha has dropped him off at home. He gets this air of protectiveness over Letha, as Peter explains they ran into each other. Letha leaves, and they get ready to drive to Castle Godfrey.

The next scene is of Christina on her date. He tries to impress her by speaking French and she laughs at his bad accent. She says that the movie they watched was the worst thing she’s ever seen, and they banter about it for a while. Things seem to be going pretty well.

The scene changes to Norman pouring himself a really big drink, as he sits in front of his computer. He looks at the screen and thinks about Dr. Pryce’s words about Lod LLC. He looks them about and realizes it’s in Israel. He then looks up H. Varga and finds and article, River Body Identified. Scrolling through it he finds the last words about the note found on the body sealed that had the words, “today I have seen the Dragon.”

Letha messages him in the middle of his research, telling him he ordered the wrong paint. He had a laugh, as he remembers Olivia’s words from earlier when she told him, “No one can make you do something you don’t want to do.” He repeats it and says “Ha!” as he looks at Letha’s chat log.

The next scene is back to Christina on her date. They pull up under the bridge by a small soda stand, looking by the river. He goes to get her a cherry coke and she starts to feel uneasy. She tries to tell herself she is safe, trying to calm down. When he comes back, he hands her the drink and scares her a little when coming into the car.

We are then brought back to Peter and Roman as they go on their little quest to Castle Godfrey. Peter asks him how it feels to have his name on everything to which Roman replies, “Like a fucking pimp.” Roman tries to convince Peter to not be so paranoid. That no one cares what happens there. They crawl inside and start exploring, as Roman explains the history of the place. They talk about things they are looking for as they split up. When they meet up again Roman scares Peter and they start looking together again.

The scene changes quickly back to Christina looking at Castle Godfrey, and she explains she went in once. He asks her what it was like. She says, “…it’s big, empty and gross.” Then talks about this big cauldron thing they used to make steel in. Roman earlier explains to Peter it’s a Bessemer, and she reiterates the same name back to her date.

Something about that Bessemer is really creepy.

We see her remembering, calling it “A big black egg with a hole at the top.” She says it’s still there on its side. She claims it’s supposedly cursed because it crushed some one and all his guts and intestines spilled out of his mouth and he was alive for a while, choking on it until he died. This creeps out her date, but he also kind of likes the story. She remembers seeing it, and the girls chanting for her to stick her head inside. Her date tells her she’s really brave, and that she’s going to be an amazing writer. This pleases her to hear and he leans in, touching her white streak. She gets jumpy until he says he thought it was cool. They smile and she offers her hands to them, as they mirror each other.

We then switch back to Norman in his office, drinking heavily as Olivia shows up. He asks her if she feels better and she just replies back with, “You summoned?” He asks what Pryce is up to, asks about Lod, and explains Letha has expressed an interest about pursuing treatment at the institute. Olivia dodges the comments, acting as if she knows nothing, and Norman isn’t quite sure he believes her. After they banter for a while, they don’t fight it anymore and slowly undress.

Now we are back with Christina and her date, as they giggle and play shadowing each other. Things seem good for a time, and he leans in to kiss her. Layered over their scene is Olivia and Norman making love. When we are brought back to Christina, we see she enjoys the kiss for a moment, until she sees Lisa’s dead corpse smiling back at her. Her date asks what’s wrong, as Lisa says, “hello Christina.”
Right then, Christina flips the fuck out.

She starts scratching the poor guys face, and an ambulance is called. The guy gets his face fixed up as Christina sits off to the side, away from him in another ambulance.

We are then switched back to Olivia and Norman, as they lie on the floor of his office before a roaring fire. He mentions how he has to pick up paint for the nursery and they start laughing about it. They seem oddly affectionate here, despite how he fights her advances other times. Perhaps he feels more than he wants to feel for her? Or maybe she causes him a sort of euphoria after sex? Like he’s drugged on her energy. The way they laugh together, it seems like that’s a possibility.


We then get to follow Roman and Peter again, as they explore the old mill. Peter says he’s done and wants to leave, but Roman says they haven’t found anything. They keep looking until they find the bottom remains of Lisa. They freak out a little, and Roman is done. Peter tries to question him about who would come into the mill and if they should tell someone. Then they hear sirens.

Roman says he’ll deal with it and goes outside as Peter hides. Roman talks to the cops, but doesn’t use his mind trick and gets arrested. The cops almost suspect someone else is inside, but then they dismiss it because “…Roman doesn’t have friends.” Peter is pissed off that Roman is taken in, but after Roman questioning him about Letha, he realizes he doesn’t understand what Roman is up to.

Olivia is then called about her son being picked up. She’s pissed.

Peter tries the car but realizes the keys aren’t in there. Roman left him hanging. He looks over at the full moon rising at sunset and gets apprehensive. He whispers, “you asshole.” As he starts walking away from the mill. Then he thinks better of it and goes back inside.

When inside he finds a place covered in blood and scratch marks. He looks everywhere, realizing the blood splatter is all over this room, even the ceiling. It really unsettles him that a Vargulf can do that.

Not a bad reaction to have when faced with such a force!

And that concludes another twisted episode! This show just gets weirder and weirder huh? It’s definitely got a Twin Peaks kind of feel to the story arc, and I love watching things unfold. How are you enjoying the show so far?

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About The Author

Queenie Thayer has been an avid fan of horror all her life. She’s a published author of both horror and fantasy. Her recent contribution is in a collection called Ages Of Wonder, published by DAW books. She also enjoys blogging, and is known in the crevices of the internet as Kweeny Todd, the Demon Blogger. There she shares her obsession with the macabre and the monstrous. She’s also an aspiring filmmaker, and is trying to get her short film Red Handed off the ground.

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