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Ghost Adventures Recap: “Union Station”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Ghost Adventures Recap: “Union Station”
Original Air Date (Travel Channel): Friday November 23, 2012
Season 7 Episode 11


In this episode of Ghost Adventures, the crew takes us to Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri. We are treated to some of the BEST quotes so far from this season.


Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri, opened its doors in 1914 and was the preeminent transportation hub. Tim Phillips, tour guide for Kansas City Gangster Tour, tells the notorious story of a violent event. On June 17, 1933, Frank “Jelly” Nash, an escape convict that was caught, was put on a train in Oklahoma to Kansas City escorted by cops and the Feds. Just as Nash was put into a squad car on the footsteps of the station, gunfire erupted from gangsters. The massacre left 5 people dead. The remains of bullet holes still can be seen…embedded in the stone walls forever.

Zak helps Tammie, an employee of the train station, warm up to the interviewing process with a stroll through the building. She shares with Zak a couple of experiences she had while working in the station. One time when she was cleaning she thought she saw two feet in old fashion boots right in front of her when she was looking down. When she glanced up, they had disappeared. She then later saw a dark figure walking across the station. Marcus Miller, a security supervisor, tells Zak that he had a startling experience, as well. While he was shutting down the station and doing his walk-thru, he saw two legs in wearing black stockings and high-heels while he was looking down. When he looked up to tell the lady that she needed to leave, the figure disappeared….or rather, evaporated. Denise Morrison, Director of Cultural Service, shares a story about a “Harvey Girl” who had asked her husband to meet her under the clock in the station. While waiting for her, he had a massive heart-attack and died on the spot.

The most compelling story comes from the Audio/Visual Tech of the station, John Kirkpatrick, who tells the crew that while he was busy sitting on the can in the bathroom, the motion-activated sinks were set off but nobody was in the room with him. John asked the spirit to trigger the sinks again, and right on command, the sinks turned on. Zak points out that this is a “H.G.A.C.” moment…or a “Historic Ghost Adventures Crew” first. This is the very first time he has known of a paranormal investigator trying to illicit an activity while taking a dump. Zak decides that he must try to see if he can get the spirit to talk by re-enacting what John did by sitting on the porcelain throne himself. Zak has no luck and blames it on his bashful sphincter.

The Lockdown

Above the station sits floors 5, 6, and 7. These floors are completely sealed off from the public. They have been left unfinished since the days the building was first erected. The crew starts its investigation there. Nick immediately feels as though something has pulled on his pant’s pocket. He also expresses that he feels tingling and also feels like somebody is following them. They venture out into a hallway where Zak sets down a ball and asks any spirit present to move it.

Zak: “If somebody is in this hallway with us, make a noise or move this ball!”

Right on cue, they see a light anomaly float towards the ball and then dash away from it. The Mel Meter that has been set up right next to the ball triggers its alarm. Aaron now stands near the ball and begins to ask questions with the SB-7 device in his hand.

Aaron: “Can you tell me who you are?”

SB-7 device: “Spirits.”

Zak and the crew make their way to the main station floor. They invite skeptic Tim Phillips to join them. While Zak asks the spirits to touch them, Tim alerts them to the fact that he felt something touch his leg. Zak feels a “cold spot” and Tim validates that he feels the coolness, as well. The crew sees a figure through the window of the adjoining restaurant, but debunks it when they find out that people are still present in there.

Quotable Quotes:

Marcus Miller: “Ain’t nobody can evaporate.”

Zak: “This walk is called the ‘Ghost Adventures Interviewee Comfort Walk’.”

Zak: “I’ve got a bashful sphincter.”

DarkMedia contributing writer Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. She currently covers SupernaturalGhost Adventures, BBC’s Being Human, Syfy’s Being Human, and Sherlock. When she’s not out ghost hunting with her kids, you can find her stealing a moment to add to her own pieces of fiction. Follow her on Twitter @dvsduo and “friend” her on Facebook.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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