Saturday, February 22, 2025

by Kimmie Chameleon:

Ghost Adventures Recap:
“The Copper Queen Hotel
and The Oliver House”

Original Air Date (Travel Channel):
Friday March 23, 2012

Season 6 Episode 3


This week, Zak, Nick and Aaron are investigating the Copper Queen Hotel and Oliver House in the former mining town located in Bisbee, Arizona.


Built in 1906, the Copper Queen Hotel on Howell Street is the oldest continuously operating hotel in Arizona. The hotel is said to be haunted by a former prostitute named Julia Lowell who was scorned by a married suitor she fell in love with. Legend says she hanged herself just outside of her hotel room 315 in the hall of the hotel. To this day guests have seen the apparition of a sultry female silhouette dancing at the foot of the bed in that room.

Zak interviews Matthew Fink, a Copper Queen Hotel employee that recalls locking up the hotel one night and coming back less than a minute later to find that the couches and chairs had been moved around. Zak tries to move the sofa, but has a hard time budging it. The guys decide to see if they can debunk this as being a prank that the manager did and have Matthew retrace his steps that night while Zak tries to reposition the furniture. When Matthew returns, Zak is completely out of breath and still visible in the room. Final results:

           1. Zak is out of shape.

           2. If the manager was playing a prank, more than likely, he would’ve been caught.

The most active spirit at the Copper Queen Hotel is said to be a little boy named Billy that drowned in a river near the hotel many years ago. The crew heads over to the hotel saloon to interview a bartender about Billy. Upon walking into the saloon Zak is taken aback by a stunning painting of a seductive and naked woman hanging over the bar.

Zak to Nick: “THAT is awesome.”
Nick to Zak: “THAT right there, Zak, my friend, is called a woman.”

Just then it would seem that Aaron has walked into the saloon and crashed straight into the bar by being distracted by the painting and shatters a glass.

Zak to Aaron: “Are you serious?! We haven’t even started the interview yet!”
Aaron to Zak: “Oh god! Dude! I just nailed my nads.”

Zak decides that it’s best to create a pen out of barstools around Aaron to keep him from hurting himself and others.

Ok…so back to the interview with bartender Karen Schenck. She tells the guys that recently someone came in to buy a drink and when she turned around to put the cash into the register she felt a hard yank on her from behind, but no one was near her. She believes it was the ghost spirit of Billy. They also interview another employee named Mariah Castro about her experiences with Billy. Renee Gardner, who runs the Old Bisbee Ghost Tours, tell them that many guests have reported missing shoes from their rooms while staying at the hotel.

Renee Gardner guides the crew over to the Oliver House where she tells them of two sinister events that have occurred in the house. Many years ago a man by the name of Nat Anderson was caught sleeping with the money man’s wife and was shot in the head just outside his room 13.  In the 1930’s a deputy sheriff caught his wife having an affair there and shot her and her lover and anybody else around before shooting himself dead. The owner of the Oliver House, Patty Hill, is skeptical about any haunting but does recall an incident when an odd wind blew up the stairs in the house and a napkin folded up like a flower was lying there with a lipstick blot on it surrounded by a bright yellow substance. The guys review the guest book at the Oliver House and find countless stories of people’s paranormal experiences while staying there.

Border Patrol:

The guys decide to quench their A.D.D. by heading 7 miles to the U.S.-Mexico border. Zak says that none of them have seen a U.S.-Mexico border wall…well Nick has…and Aaron…ok, well then Zak has never seen a U.S.-Mexico border wall. They get out to check the wall out and hear two gunshots. Better get outta there guys!

Lockdown at Oliver House: 

Part one of the lockdown starts with the Oliver House. This is where a murder and a massacre took place on the 2nd floor. The guys get out their SB7 device which will sweep the frequencies for any audio evidence. Just as Zak enters the room he feels something touch the back of his head. He then holds out the SB-7 device and asks:

Zak: “Who is in this room? Can you talk to me?”
Reply from SB7 device: “Zak.”

Even with this evidence Zak is still not convinced that there is an intelligent spirit present. He thinks it could be cyclonic energy that is residual from the murders years ago. Zak asks another question:

Zak: “What happened to you? How did you die?”
Reply from SB7 device: (An awful scream shouts from the device)

Zak: “Why are you screaming?”
Reply from SB7 device: “I’m angry.” 

Zak explains that what we don’t know and can’t experience because we are not there is the feeling of the transference of energy that accompanies the screams.

Aaron is chosen to stay back in this room to do an E.V.P. session while Nick and Zak head over to another room down the hall to take some photos using the full spectrum digital still camera. Nick and Zak then hear what sounds like a heavy chain hitting the wood floor coming from another room. They go to investigate and Aaron if he dropped anything. Aaron is in the middle of an E.V.P. session and answers them “No”. Aaron also tells them that just a minute earlier he felt a cold breeze touch his hand. Nick captured the sound of the chain on his camera and they were also able to pick up the sound on their static night vision camera in the hallway. What makes this even more interesting is that while the three of them were discussing the chain sound, Aaron’s digital recorder picks up a chilling disembodied laugh.

Lockdown at Copper Queen Hotel: 

The crew now heads over for the second location of their lockdown at the Copper Queen Hotel. Zak decides he is going to ask the spirit Billy to play a game with him and speak into the digital voice recorder in his hand. Zak tells the child spirit that he will be able to playback the recorder and hear his voice with it. At this exact moment there is a Class “A” E.V.P. response that they play back on the spot. The recorder picks up:

“Put the rope down”

The guys wonder if it is a warning from a spirit that is directed toward Julia Lowell, the prostitute that committed suicide. Aaron gives Zak the Mel Meter to see if what he is feeling can be documented. It starts rising all the way to 1.4. Zak then asks the spirit to walk away from him and then the Mel Meter quickly lowers the number all the way down to a 0.1.

The crew heads over to a nearby bathroom where it has been said that Billy haunts. Zak turns on the bathtub faucet and asks Billy to scream for them. The SB7 device then replies:


Zak then reaches to touch the hot running water and the spirit box says:

“He’s hurt.”

Nick busts out the digital voice recorder starts to ask a question, but is then interrupted by a loud thud on the wall. Nick feels goosebumps all over his body and tells the spirit that he is going to turn on the bathtub water again. Just then, more knocking is heard. Nick then turns on the water and asks the spirit to move the shower curtain. A few seconds pass and Zak is stunned that he just captured on camera the shower curtain moving. The guys quickly retrace their steps so that they can validate that this was a truly supernatural event. They are unable to explain or debunk it.

Zak now heads to their base camp set inside of the house and Nick and Aaron head over to room 315 where Julia Lowell is said to haunt. They also want to check out room 409 where a shadow ghost has been reported. As they head upstairs we see an unexplained figure in front of Aaron with the thermal imaging camera. But after reviewing the Nick’s footage it has been debunked as Aaron’s reflection in a mirror.

They enter room 315 and are overwhelmed by the smell of perfume. Aaron says that for “ghost purposes” he is getting out some cash for Julia to lure her in. Nick will leave Aaron alone and head to room 409.

Nick to Aaron: “Good luck, man.”
Aaron to Nick: “Thanks, man. Well with prostitutes you don’t need luck, right?”
Nick to Aaron: “Still need luck.”

Nick has made his way to the 4th floor hallway and hears the loud sounds of heavy footsteps. Through the footage we can clearly see that Zak is quietly reviewing audio footage downstairs and Aaron is trying to score with a ghost prostitute. Nick feels uneasy as the footsteps rattle down the hall again.  Nick shouts out. “Who’s out there?” and the digital recorder picks up, “No one’s here.”

Back in room 315, Aaron hears something getting knocked down in the hallway. The audio on the static night vision camera picks up what he heard. Nick has captured the same sound upstairs. It is debunked as one of their unused cameras that fell onto the ground. When Nick walks down the hallway to investigate his digital recorder picks up a disembodied voice saying, “He’s coming over here.”

Quotable Quotes:

Zak to Nick and Aaron:  “Dude, I’ll tell you what right now. The ghosts aren’t what’s freaking me out in this town. I feel like I’m in an acid trip.”

Zak to Aaron, Nick, and Renee: “Every time we have investigated prostitute hauntings, which is one of my favorites, they’ve been really good. They’ve been active.”

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DarkMedia is dedicated to bringing you all the latest from the "darker" side of entertainment, music, literature, art, and things that go bump in the night.

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