Sunday, March 30, 2025

FOXED! (2014)

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Foxed-Poster-Oct-15Prepare to be completely mesmerized for the entire duration of the 3-D stop-motion animated short film, FOXED! This compelling story invites you into the deepest trenches of the emotional soup of adolescence and it’s struggle to be understood. Directed by James Stewart, it has rocketed to the #1 spot on iTunes, and has received a multitude of animation awards.

FOXED! is a cautionary tale about a girl named Emily who has been snatched away to work in a murky mine under the oppressive control of manipulative foxes. When Emily attempts to make an escape, she is startled to learn just how calculating the tyrants have become with their infiltration on her own home. A blaze of desperation and despair overwhelms you as each second ticks by. You have no choice but to want stand up and fight for what you believe in along with Emily.

There is something magical and endearing about stop-motion animation, especially so with FOXED! It instantly beckons you to effortlessly fall into it’s world, and leaves you at it’s mercy. This laconic film is to the point on it’s own, but it certainly leads up to the viewer begging for more. Every eloquently articulated motion seamlessly blends storytelling with ground-breaking animation. You will, no doubt, watch this harrowing short again and again, and be rewarded with a new aspect you did not see the time before.

For more information on FOXED! please visit their official website and download the short on iTunes.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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