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Falling Skies Recap: “Journey to Xibalba”

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by Merrill Barr:

Falling Skies Recap: “Journey to Xibalba”
Original Air Date (TNT): July 28, 2013
Season 3 Episode 9

Perhaps the general down-grade in episode quality this season has lowered my bar for what passes as good. Perhaps it was the fact that many of the season’s arcs came to ahead in this penultimate episode. Perhaps it was the high increase in explosion rate, but whatever the cause, Journey to Xibalba is by far the most entertaining and fulfilling episode of Falling Skies since the season premiere.

Let’s start with the fun part, the many Lourdes caused explosions that cripple the Second Mass offensively. The Volm forces that came down to save humanity have now been killed off with only Cochise still alive, and their war changing weapon has been buried under floors upon floors of debris. What I like about this development is it introduces the “ticking clock” plot device into Falling Skies the way the grid did not. While the Espheni defense grid has the drawback of eradicating humanity within three-months, it did not feel like a threat as long as the Volm weapon was operational. Now that it’s not, it raises a new question, how long will it take to dig out? Will it remain buried for the remainder of the season? Will it be unearthed but damaged? We know it’ll come out at some point since destroying earth is not a viable option for the show in terms of longevity, but the fun is wondering how long it’ll take.

Not to mention how much fun it was to watch the Second Mass scramble to get everyone out of the buried mall interior. I’m beginning to think the show works best when the Second Mass is portrayed as they are, a dysfunctional militia that’s never thinking further than one step ahead and is thus forced to work together to accomplish a goal. Weaver and Pope digging their way down, Porter and the soldiers digging their way up, Tom and Kadar working with unconventional means to get people out, it was where the show shined this week and I want to see more stories like that.

Then there’s the Lourdes storyline which I couldn’t be happier is finally over. Ignoring the plot hole of wondering when the hell Karen had the opportunity to plant the worms inside her, it was nice to finally see some depth be brought to Lourdes by both the writers and Seychelle Gabriel. Throughout the series there really hasn’t been a moment for Seychelle to shine from an acting point. No opportunity for her to “get her crazy on” if you will. But when she launches into her speech about Tom’s failure towards Anne and Lexi, it was the first time I was ever entertained by the character on screen. It was the first time I ever went, “you know what, I want to see more Lourdes.” But I’m sure those worms will be removed soon enough and she’ll be right as rain once again.

I’ve said it many times over the course of this season; Falling Skies can be a great show. It often is not due to a willingness to sacrifice character for the sake of forward momentum in plot. But those few times it is that great show I want it to be; well those are the moments that make me not want to give up hope on the Second Mass just yet.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Merrill Barr can also be found on his podcasts OSNAP, Clone Club and Operation: Nikita as well as on twitter at

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